Chat Thread.

Feeling more congested today- hopefully only a few more days. But rubbish cold means I cant visit my grandma in am disappointed as she really enjoys me popping in. Luckily my mum and sister can pop in- but feel bad about it anyway.
Oh poor you :hug: don't feel bad, she'll understand and hopefully you'll be able to see her next week :) have a day on the sofa with some films & plenty of hot drinks to make you feel better :)

:)) :)) :))
Is it terrible that every time i get an email i am disappointed its not the rescue getting back to me about a friend for Sweep. I contacted them on the evening Honor died as i knew it could take a while and that day she asked i send her my info and a pic of the cage and she would get back to me about a home check. I know its only been 11 days since that email - but i am climbing the walls. I feel so guilty sweep is alone and am so disappointed no email yet- i know that's bad. :oops:

I have sent an email asking did she get my info okay on Monday as i was worried my email didn't send properly- but no reply from that either. i know I'm being impatient- and i feel bad- just want a ball park idea how long the process will take. Got so much going on with my family at the moment and since loosing Honor i am just wanting "something" to go well- and hoping that mixing Sweep will be that good thing.

Anyway - now i have typed it all- it sounds so silly. I am limiting my email checking to a few times a day now. i know it will happen when it happens...i am just being impatient.

On a good note my grandma is doing a bit better- she is in a home temporarily while they get her blood pressure levels correct (she has very low pressure) and she stops being so faint. She is bringter in herself- but still unsteady- but the doctor said this can take a few weeks on new meds. But its something anyway...luckily with the home down the end of my road i can walk down a few times a day and pop in for a quick cuppa and a chat :nod:
I'm really pleased things have improved with your grandmother. That is really great and will be a relief off your mind.

I totally understand your concerns about Sweep living alone. You have done all you can in contacting the rescue. From what I have learned, rescues are just so busy they often do not even have time to check emails. I am sure they will get back to you as soon as they can. In the meantime little Sweep is doing really well and he is getting so much love from you. Fingers crossed you will hear back soon. Xx
I'm really pleased things have improved with your grandmother. That is really great and will be a relief off your mind.

I totally understand your concerns about Sweep living alone. You have done all you can in contacting the rescue. From what I have learned, rescues are just so busy they often do not even have time to check emails. I am sure they will get back to you as soon as they can. In the meantime little Sweep is doing really well and he is getting so much love from you. Fingers crossed you will hear back soon. Xx

Thanks Gigi. :) I just hate seeing him on his own, Sweep is so social- the most social pig i have had...and sleeping alone- just looks wrong :S. I keep getting paranoid about Sweep on his own and worry that depression will kick in as he is asleep allot (he always did- i know piggies do, but it was usually cuddled next to Honor) and spent most his days trailing behind Honor. Positive is he is eating and squeaks every time i rustle anything and runs out under his cage liner (his new fave spot) and comes over for nose rubs. I just am a big worrier i know. :)
I really hope you hear back from the rescue soon, I know that feeling and completely understand how worrying it is. Sweep is doing really well though bless him, it won't be long before he can meet a new friend and in the meantime he has a fab mum to keep him company!
Brilliant news about your Grandma, it's great that she is just down the road too :)
*Hugs* from me and my boys
I really hope you hear back from the rescue soon, I know that feeling and completely understand how worrying it is. Sweep is doing really well though bless him, it won't be long before he can meet a new friend and in the meantime he has a fab mum to keep him company!
Brilliant news about your Grandma, it's great that she is just down the road too :)
*Hugs* from me and my boys
Thanks hun :) How are you? Hope your well :)
I'm good thankyou - happy it's Friday tomorrow! But I've just realised the time and I'm now dreading my alarm in the morning haha - I should take tips from the piggies and go to sleep like they've done!
I'm pleased you gran is feeling better.

I know how you feel about trying to find a companion for Sweep. I've heard people say this before about rescues. We all understand that rescues are extremely busy and we all admire the hard work and dedication of people who run rescues.

If felt the same when I was looking for a companion for Max. It felt like I was waiting forever! My local rescue never replied to my email - but there was another one with reasonable travelling distance which I went to in the end. I would have been much more at ease if someone had just acknowledged my emails and given me some idea of timescale,
I have several piggies looking for new forever homes but unfortunately I'm much too far away from you. You could maybe try a little further afield at other rescues as generally at present, most rescues are full x
I have several piggies looking for new forever homes but unfortunately I'm much too far away from you. You could maybe try a little further afield at other rescues as generally at present, most rescues are full x
I really wish I could. But without a car and limited on funds at the moment I am limited how far I can go and trains can be so expensive. Especially if the mixing wont be done in a day ( have a feeling sweep may be awkward being a boy albiet neutered).
If no word in another week I will try my local rspca where I git sweep ( it only means I have to do the mixing...but I can live with that). Anyway will try and wait patiently until I get an email...but of sweep goes down hill I will go straight to the rspca. :)
Are you trying to get him a lady piggy for company because I find that you get the biggest success with one of each sex. I've maybe been lucky but 100% success rate so far x
Yes I am. Had an update on her facebook page saying the other lady has been away and is back next week so will catch up with bonding then. So yay.

Just got back from spending the morning shopping for bunny supplies (hay- food etc) and also paint for the hutch. Got bunny safe paint and just finished doing first coat on the hutch- it looks good...a lovely shade of blue :-) its a bit messy paint wise...but hr wont mind lol.
Once its dry and second coat done I will take a pic. :-) all being well will collect the bunny next week some point. ( he's my sister in laws rabbit) she has a few and this one is the biggest and she couldn't really cope so I offered to take him. So will be happy once he is here and can get him plenty of excersize ( he lived in a small hutch- she meant well- but knows very little about rabbits) and "rescued them" from someone with loads of rabbits.
Once its summer will get him neutered and when I adopt him I will vaccinate him also. I have been slowly offering info on rabbits ( it has to be done slowly or I find people resent it) but she took it on board and will send over my old run so they can exercise and changing over to pellets and I go over and do nail cuts etc x
Ahhhh I'm so annoyed!
My Grandma has just been to visit, she wanted to see the piggies (she's as animal mad as I am) and she asked me what breed Shaun was, I told her and she said her neighbour has those types of pigs - obviously I was interested (another piggie lover in the village!) then she told me she only had one, my heart sank but she she said it was because she lost one before christmas - so I thought fair enough, bless her. But then Grandma proceeded to say, "she's not getting another one because the guinea pig she lost was 2 years old, and she said that's old for a guinea pig" grrrr! and I daren't ask any more questions so I left it, and I know it's only a minor detail but it just makes me think what else hasn't she researched properly?
On top of this, just been informed that the primary school in our village has guinea pigs now, which also makes me a little cross, and I'm feeling very dubious to well looked after they are.
So all in all I'm feeling a little down this morning, and I think everything just seems ten times worse than normal because I'm not feeling 100% either :soz:
Apologies for the lost post but I needed to rant :(
Ahhhh I'm so annoyed!
My Grandma has just been to visit, she wanted to see the piggies (she's as animal mad as I am) and she asked me what breed Shaun was, I told her and she said her neighbour has those types of pigs - obviously I was interested (another piggie lover in the village!) then she told me she only had one, my heart sank but she she said it was because she lost one before christmas - so I thought fair enough, bless her. But then Grandma proceeded to say, "she's not getting another one because the guinea pig she lost was 2 years old, and she said that's old for a guinea pig" grrrr! and I daren't ask any more questions so I left it, and I know it's only a minor detail but it just makes me think what else hasn't she researched properly?
On top of this, just been informed that the primary school in our village has guinea pigs now, which also makes me a little cross, and I'm feeling very dubious to well looked after they are.
So all in all I'm feeling a little down this morning, and I think everything just seems ten times worse than normal because I'm not feeling 100% either :soz:
Apologies for the lost post but I needed to rant :(
Aww I am sorry to hear this. It is so sad to think of a piggy at just two that is going to be alone for the rest of his life.

I'm very against animals in schools so I really understand why you are sad about learning piggies are living in a school. No wonder you feel down with these two sad stories.
Thanks Gigi. Glad to know I'm not over reacting, it's very frustrating that I can't really do anything about either situation!