Chat Thread.

I do not think the forum can cope with all the people online tonight.

it will be very soon, We are switching hosts and there should be no more downtime and no creaking under the weight. It's a tad more pricey than what we are on but thanks to donations this year we can afford it.
Will let you all know when the migration goes ahead. :)
it will be very soon, We are switching hosts and there should be no more downtime and no creaking under the weight. It's a tad more pricey than what we are on but thanks to donations this year we can afford it.
Will let you all know when the migration goes ahead. :)

Just come out of Asda, its bloody manic!

There's something about supermarkets and this time of year. I hate the fact they get so busy. People seem to have a need to stock up even though the shops only close on Xmas day nowadays.
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Mind you dont get crushed in a riot! From what I heard on the radio some supermarkets have had trouble today!
Just seen on news what some shops were like today thanks to Black Friday . How ridiculous.
Do people make fun of those dying of Ebola? I have been fortunate enough not to come across such people :(
Its such a terrifying disease. We have sent donations but I so admire those who are putting themselves in danger to go out and help. They are better people than me. I would be too scared.
Just seen the Black Friday things on the news. I can't believe people are that desperate for stuff they will just act like animals pushing people out of the way. They should be ashamed of themselves. Retailers must accept some blame however for putting these stupid offers on in an extremely limited capability, it's not like they are using them as loss leaders because people would only just be going in for those deals and not then picking up extra items. It's shameful what people will do for apparent 'bargains'
David has gone to Birmingham NEC tonight to see Peter Gabriel and I couldnt go <sad emoticon>

I'm watching Muppets Christmas Carol instead (but I love Peter Gabriel so I shall sulk)
David has gone to Birmingham NEC tonight to see Peter Gabriel and I couldnt go <sad emoticon>

I'm watching Muppets Christmas Carol instead (but I love Peter Gabriel so I shall sulk)

Aaahhh it's December soon which means I will be officially allowed to watch it! :D