Chat Thread.

I hope people don't mind me joining this thread.

I have just sent off a load of paper work to the DVLA medical department to try and get my driving license back after having it revoked in December but I'm not holding out much hope.

My back is also playing up again. That isn't the reason why I have lost my license but it's hurting today. Booo!
I hope people don't mind me joining this thread.

I have just sent off a load of paper work to the DVLA medical department to try and get my driving license back after having it revoked in December but I'm not holding out much hope.

My back is also playing up again. That isn't the reason why I have lost my license but it's hurting today. Booo!
Oh dear. Hope your back is feeling better soon and good luck with getting your licence back x
I hope people don't mind me joining this thread.

I have just sent off a load of paper work to the DVLA medical department to try and get my driving license back after having it revoked in December but I'm not holding out much hope.

My back is also playing up again. That isn't the reason why I have lost my license but it's hurting today. Booo!
I hope your back isn't giving you too much grief Claire, you have my sympathy. I don't really suffer as much as I used to, just a small reminder every so often.
Hope all goes well with DVLA MC, they can be a pain themselves at times as my mum has to deal with them every three years :( I'm sure you be fine :)

Today, I was away early (my early is 12:30pm!) and have mostly been decorating a beach hut. Bare in mind the nearest beach to me is 100 miles away. .. :doh:
I hope people don't mind me joining this thread.

I have just sent off a load of paper work to the DVLA medical department to try and get my driving license back after having it revoked in December but I'm not holding out much hope.

My back is also playing up again. That isn't the reason why I have lost my license but it's hurting today. Booo!
You are so welcome to join. I am sorry your back is hurting. Back pain is so annoying as it seems there is little anybody can do to help it.

Good luck with the driving licence.
Thank you. It means a lot.

The DVLA are so hard to deal with and they don't tell you anything. I have only had to deal with them yearly these last two years then in December, they revoked it for a minimum of 3 months although they have said it could be longer. I am now able to reapply so now have to wait for them to do their enquiries and make a decision.

I knackered my back at work and it plays up now and then but hey ho, that's life I guess.

I don't envy you @Tim 100 miles :no:
Actually the beach is still 100 miles away, the hut is in my parents back garden :))

My loony mum had an idea to paint a shed in the style of a beach hut. :crazy: :))
Actually the beach is still 100 miles away, the hut is in my parents back garden :))

My loony mum had an idea to paint a shed in the style of a beach hut. :crazy: :))
You must post a picture when you have finished!
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Lol cant wait to see a pic Tim. :-) bet it will look lovely when its done though :-) nice and bright and cheerful :-)
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I'm such an idiot :lol: but I agree about needing to see a photo when it's done
:doh: :))
Two blue stripes to one white stripe. Only managed one coat on half the 'hut' so far, thought it was best not to waste time and make a start whilst the sun is out :cool:
Forecast isn't good for the rest of the week though :no:
:doh: :))
Two blue stripes to one white stripe. Only managed one coat on half the 'hut' so far, thought it was best not to waste time and make a start whilst the sun is out :cool:
Forecast isn't good for the rest of the week though :no:
Hope the weather keeps up so you can Finnish it :-)
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I understand that @Claire W Its horrible loosing independance and having to rely on others. I hope you are getting the support that you need to get well xx
DVLA are right little devils aren't they. My grandad nearly lost his driving license. I can understand how hard it is to have your independence taken away from you like that. x @Claire W
So exhausted after today, mentally exhausted. Had a small nap earlier but I'm ready for bed and its only 12! Normally I'm wide awake at this time! :zzz::zzz: