Chat Thread.

Yay just got home from work to find out I'm getting my groomet on the 30th of March, so much sooner than I expected :yahoo:
I'm not sure that i know what a groomet it?
Oops meant grommet, it's a little valve put in my ear drum to relieve the pressure. Should hopefully mean I can hear better and less pain :)
Thank you, I hope so too. I don't have glue ear but they're hoping this will help. How is everyone else tonight
Not bad, work is unnecessarily stressful just now but coming home to my little furries soon makes me destress.
Ohhhhhh Thank you! I see! Oh brilliant! Good luck :D!

P.s I'm having my blood test tmorrow guys..................................... :mal::vom::help:
Oh no having blood taken is awful. My doctors still have a teddy they let me cuddle when I get mine done. Think I'm too old to have my mum hold my hand. I hope it goes smoothly for you
Thanks guys! Will anyone be on in the morning? around 8?! Lol.

@Harry&lloyd My mums coming with me to hold my hand... and I'm 22! I had to wait for her to be able to come with me! I'm terrified!
Hopefully! I manage to do it! I'll be on here straight away if I did.. if you've not heard from me.. I'm probably curled up crying somewhere wishing i wasnt such a wimp lol.

Thank you @Goth Mummy & @helen105281 :)
Could you ask them for something to calm you down first?

I told them last time i was bad with blood tests and all they offered was to lay me down.... which i thought was a bit weird lol? I guess maybe they thought I was gunna faint (which is highly likely). I'm not sure what else they could give me? I cant take any pills because it would effect the blood wouldnt it?
I have a needle phobia and for me they suggest I lie down too. This helps me as I always faint. There is nothing they can actually give us though which is a shame.
Oh thats a shame. I have propanalol to use for dentists/ hospital appts etc. I wonder if hypnotherapy helps with needle phobia?
I'm not even hugely bothered abour the needle anymore its more the amount of blood there taking. Ergh :(! Maybe I'll ask to lay down this time then! I'm definatly gunna faint
Oh thats a shame. I have propanalol to use for dentists/ hospital appts etc. I wonder if hypnotherapy helps with needle phobia?

Apparently it does.. My cousins would literally pass out if he even saw a needle even if it wasn't for himself! And then he went for a few hypnotherapy sessions and he was cured... I thought it wouldn't work but I was so shocked! Literally he wasn't even faking it!
I have had hypnotherapy. I had a gastric band fitted by hypnotherapy meaning they pretended it was being done. It did nothing for me at all.