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Aw lol bless you. I have never been drunk :-o have only ever been a little "merry".

Not upto much tomorrow..just the vets with Cas. Wbu hun? X

Ive only ever been really really drunk once, at my 18th. There's a hilarious photo of my mum taking my makeup off! actually i'll try and find it its hilarious! hahahahaha. I find its really hard to get really drunk, like properly drunk. Most of the time when i'm 'drunk' I'm probably just merry.

Aww let us know how he gets on :D (although I'm sure you will). I'm not up to much, think i'll get my guitar out and have a strum of that! Try and tune it! and get back into learning it agian!

Pretty sure I've fallen into many a bush! Actually walked into a street light once too! and I wasn't even drunk when I did that...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha oh god Katie, you sound as clumsy and accident prone as I am! Walking into a street light without even being drunk! How do you even manage that?! Although saying that I'm always falling down/up curbs which.. you would think you would know about seen as it normally means your crossing a road.
I was too busy talking hahaha, it hurt, alot! haha!
I'm SO clumsy. I walk into things all the time, knock things over, and generally just accident prone hahah :mal: so you're definitely not alone lol!
Ive done it walking backwards before, all my friend went quiet and started smiling and just as I said what I smashed into it :( I agree, it does hurt, although I'm sure faceplanting a lampost is more painful! I feel you!

Oh god! Can you imagine us being together anywhere hahahaha I bet that day would be full of accidents and stupid clumsy things! Its got so bad I'm sure things just happen to me because I'm over cautious of it.
Hahaha if I come to the meet, they'll be drinks flying everywhere with us two around lol, not sure what other damage we could do in a pub? Trip over each other?! Haha!
Probably end up knocking at least a joint number of 10 drinks over! Yep probably also trip over things, and probably each other! I could trip on air too to be fair. Also.. I dont know about you.. but I'm really good at falling out of doors. I always underestimate how light a door might be push it with full force and go flying?! Just me?
I'm with you on the door thing, I also seem to enjoy slamming them shut?! Not on purpose, I just seem to think they need alot more force than necessary haha
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hahaha, I do that a lot with public toilet doors! I'll slam it shut behind it! Then i'm like "oh oh :cen: sorry!" even though people probably don't even care.
We sound like a right pair! people will regret us going to the meet when they end up with drinks spilt all down them. Nuts! in a pub! nuts! nuts will be flying everywhere!

Hahahahaa I'm actually sat here laughing at the image of us both causing havoc with pints & nuts and god knows what else flying everywhere :)) :))
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Me too, Tinkerbell is looking at me with a really displeased laugh as I'm doing that whole vibrating laugh thing now with no sound!

Can you imagine us leaving after peeing everyone off and I end up falling out the door while you slam it behind us :doh: :))
Hahahaha we'll get ourselves banned from the forum as well as the pub! Oh god we'll be worse as well because wine will be involved! Hahahaha can't stop laughing now but trying to be quiet at the same time ahah
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We should prewarn them! Maybe they could dress in overalls just incase basis of flying pints, wine, nuts & other miscellaneous items that happen to be in our way.
Good grief! actually! wine.. and also nerves! Nerves makes my clumsiness even worse! Think they'll be a lot of tripping! My style of tripping is something like this
We should prewarn them! Maybe they could dress in overalls just incase basis of flying pints, wine, nuts & other miscellaneous items that happen to be in our way.
Good grief! actually! wine.. and also nerves! Nerves makes my clumsiness even worse! Think they'll be a lot of tripping! My style of tripping is something like this
Probably end up buying more replacement drinks for people than we will buying drinks for ourselves!