Chat Thread.

Thanks all. I just feel so down, this had been a horrible day. I am so tired, been syring feeding Cas all day and keeping an eye on the pigs, i just feel awful. Trying to be calm, but its so hard. I just wanna sleep but i cant :( and know i wont be able to anyway as will be so worried about Cas. x
Oh @jenniferanneharris I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this :( it sounds like you have done the right thing by separating them, at least you don't have to worry abut them through the night and youll be able to concentrate on Cass, I'm sorry I can't be much help as know nothing about bunnies but we are all here for you, massive *hugs* none of this is your fault - you're doing a brilliant job with all your babies x x
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One more beer for me then I'm popping out for last orders. Should I risked the bike? (push, not motor! :)) )

Ooft, if you fee asif you would be able to ride it home... and not into a hedge.
Ooft, if you fee asif you would be able to ride it home... and not into a hedge.
That has happened before :))
I tend to push/drag/fallover the bike coming home ;)
Drunk bike incidents involving a hedge, the floor or a wall. Maybe you should walk Tim.
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Actually, the only incident I've had (so far) is putting the bike back in the garage. Lost my balance and weeee! One split open nose, I felt a right muppet! :doh:
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@jenniferanneharris what are Castiel's symptoms? Do you remember that I took Katie to the vet when I first got her because I did not think she was eating or drinking and I worried about gut stasis. She was fine though. ((hugs)) I suspect its the stress of change for Castiel, but unfortunately it was necessary change, he could not carry on as he was in a 4ft cage with mueseli diet and no run. You did all the right things. x
One more beer for me then I'm popping out for last orders. Should I risked the bike? (push, not motor! :)) )
Its actually an offence to be drunk in charge of a pedal cycle. ;)
@jenniferanneharris what are Castiel's symptoms? Do you remember that I took Katie to the vet when I first got her because I did not think she was eating or drinking and I worried about gut stasis. She was fine though. ((hugs)) I suspect its the stress of change for Castiel, but unfortunately it was necessary change, he could not carry on as he was in a 4ft cage with mueseli diet and no run. You did all the right things. x

Thank you, he is not eating by himself- has no intrest in any food- hay, pellets, muesli, veg, dandelion, only eaten maybe a few strands of hay plus the odd nuggert pellet, no wees or poos since this morning, despite being syringe and water fed. The vet said on Monday keep an eye on eating as he has a spur- and at first i thought that, but as he is not eating, pooing or weeing i am guessing its GI now. His cage is totally dry and no poos at all :( He's hopping about and alert, but i know how well they hide sickness. He been throwing his toys about and doing some hopping about....just so odd.

Thank you so much for your kind words, they really have helped calm me down. The bunny forum is so cliqy, i feel i cant talk on there and feel so much happier on here. Thanks @Goth Mummy xx
@jenniferanneharris I'm really sorry, poor you and poor Castiel. I thought with GI stasis that they just kind of "sat" though, not hopped around throwing toys about? I have only seen GI stasis once in a rabbit and it was not one of mine. When I was worried about Katie, she would not eat or move but she was leaving lots of poos (so I guess she was eating a bit in secret).
Its good that he is moving because movement itself will stimulate the gut and encourage him to eat.
@jenniferanneharris I'm really sorry, poor you and poor Castiel. I thought with GI stasis that they just kind of "sat" though, not hopped around throwing toys about? I have only seen GI stasis once in a rabbit and it was not one of mine. When I was worried about Katie, she would not eat or move but she was leaving lots of poos (so I guess she was eating a bit in secret).
Its good that he is moving because movement itself will stimulate the gut and encourage him to eat.
Indeed, thats why its so odd, he litrally did about 5 poos this morning in his hutch and a little wee....and since then nothing. He is mostly lying down, but not hunched or looking ill at all...i am just so confused about him....have put a carrier in his cage to see if he will wee/poo in there in private lol xKeep trying not too look up any rabbit facts as i get so anxious and depressed. I am much calmer now, i am so sorry i have been so dramatic, its not like me at all...i hate complaining. @Goth Mummy, thank you. Will keep you updated tomorrow about Cas when i have booked an appointment. He sleeping in his carrier at the moment, when he wakes up will do another so tired- but he is worth it. x
Keep trying not too look up any rabbit facts as i get so anxious and depressed. I am much calmer now, i am so sorry i have been so dramatic, its not like me at all...i hate complaining.

Right, firstly, its fine to have a melt down when your rabbit is ill and your guinea pigs have fallen out and you have had no sleep! Honestly! And anyway, thats what friends are for :)

You will find knowledgeable support on the rabbit forum (even at this time of night, I would imagine) but also you might be completely freaked out as some people there seem to have very ill rabbits. But if he has got a vet appt tomorrow, and you are getting some fluids into him theres not really anything you can do right now so you had better try to rest.
@katie-elizabeth got a message back from my bro. Most likely caused by an auto update, he gave me brief instructions but you seem to have cured it anyway with the help of piggy fan's OH :)
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Ewwww did you see that dirty couple eating olives?! She made me wanna vom. How disgusting was she!

I'll never look at olives in the same way. And what about him phoning his mate to ask for fifty quid to get a room "to bang her" in. The little jockey guy and the bossy redhead had me in stitches. Poor bloke. She must have been the worst date ever.
what were the instructions Tim - out of curiosity?
He mentioned about going in to the control panel and playing about with the resolution settings, during an update your computer may have not liked the new drivers that windows picked for your video chip. He admitted himself he hasn't used windows 8 much.
I hate windows 8. I've fiddled about with the resolution again this morning and it looks completely back to normal now. Silly things!
Anyway how are you this morning?
I hate windows 8. I've fiddled about with the resolution again this morning and it looks completely back to normal now. Silly things!
Anyway how are you this morning?
I only just got up lol! I went to bed early because Bear Grylls was boring me. I was drifting off though anyway.
:-( thanks.

Cas is at the vets having his teeth filled and an xray of his gut. Am so worried about my beautiful boy x
I hate windows 8. I've fiddled about with the resolution again this morning and it looks completely back to normal now. Silly things!
Anyway how are you this morning?
I was going to go to Wolverhampton to take some photos at a footgolf course, but events have changed and I'm back in my pit. Up to much today?