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Cant. No wine in. :( Are you woking tonight Tim?
@helen105281 is it normal for a hamster not to drink much, I don't think she's used her water bottle at all since I got her a week ago? I've given some tiny bits of cucumber as I've been getting worried.
I hope not! :))
Most of my way down my second beer Cat :)
Sorry! Popped to see some friends! Because there's WINE here :D haha wish I could share it with you @A&T
Thanks again @piggyfan to you and your clever other half :)
And @Tim for making me chuckle ahaha

oooo, your celebrating friday the right way Tim!

hahaha your most welcome Katie! Now invite me to where ever you are for WINEEEEEE! mmmmmmmm! Wine! Although.. I'm more of a cider person to be fair. I'd rather a cider. Got any cider?!
I feel so depressed i'm in tears. Cass is still off his food and is not poo'ing and wee'ing despite me syringing him water and syring food. Calling emergency vet tomorrow to get him seen- this is not normal. To top the icing on the cake, the pigs had a huge fight and i had to separate. Sweep is so unhappy i am going to have to call the rescue and return the girls, Since being separated Sweep is more at ease, but still so on edge.
I am so worried Cass is really ill or gonna die and now the piggies, i am literally at breaking point i wanna scream! I have not felt so sad and deflated in years i just wanna curl up and give up....i feel like such a failure, Cass had only been with me 5 days and Sweep is so unhappy and the girls will have to be returned...:no: :(
I feel so depressed i'm in tears. Cass is still off his food and is not poo'ing and wee'ing despite me syringing him water and syring food. Calling emergency vet tomorrow to get him seen- this is not normal. To top the icing on the cake, the pigs had a huge fight and i had to separate. Sweep is so unhappy i am going to have to call the rescue and return the girls, Since being separated Sweep is more at ease, but still so on edge.
I am so worried Cass is really ill or gonna die and now the piggies, i am literally at breaking point i wanna scream! I have not felt so sad and deflated in years i just wanna curl up and give up....i feel like such a failure, Cass had only been with me 5 days and Sweep is so unhappy and the girls will have to be returned...:no: :(
You are a really caring owner and you look after your animals really well. I am so sorry things aren't going very well -but it's not your fault.
Oh Christ Jenny! :(
I really feel for you in this most unpleasant time.
I can't really offer any advice but I do hope your bunny pulls through ok and Sweep settles down eventually with some friends.
Paws crossed! xx