Chat Thread.

It's Mega windy here too!

Took a picture of Castiel at the vets getting his vaccinations.
He is well except the vet says he looks like he has the start of a spur on one of his teeth but keep an eye on his eating etc.
He may eventually need a dental but I think his spur may be due to his poor diet from before. No good quality hay or food and generally crammed hutch.
But he is well and in his hutch and resting. Tonight will take him out some more fresh hay and some veg.

More pics when he is settled etc. He's a big boy at 3.27kg :-)

Aw lovely. Yes he is very big and his old hutch was so small...probs only about -110cm in length....maybe 120tops :-( they had no idea...i am ashamed to say...they did mean well...but were clueless. I am just so happy he is with me and I can offer him space to stretch out...and eventually run about in the house and in the run...and in the summer get him neutered...and hopefully eventually a friend. But all in time. X
Thanks Gigi. Yes they meant well- but had no idea. At least with me he will have space, correct diet etc.
Just wanna get him as settled as possible. He is such a beautiful boy- his face is just stunning. :)
He is beautiful. He is going to have a wonderful life with you. Does he let you stroke him?
He dose,although not tried to pet him in his new hutch yet, but in his old home he was okay. Although i think that's due to he couldn't run away as not enough room.. and he didnt have a run etc so is not used to having a hop about really :(. Later when i do him some more food will see how calm he is :)
He dose,although not tried to pet him in his new hutch yet, but in his old home he was okay. Although i think that's due to he couldn't run away as not enough room.. and he didnt have a run etc so is not used to having a hop about really :(. Later when i do him some more food will see how calm he is :)
It took me almost three years before I could get Faisel to enjoy being stroked. It is heartbreaking what some animals have to go through by neglectful owners.
Haha took a picture of my mum's nails yesterday. They're not false, whether you believe that or not.
Nail art by moi.
That is the best way. At least he has the space he needs now.
Indeed. Just given him some more hay, hes still in the bedding area.Need to keep an eye on his eating and poo/wee etc later to check his mouth is okay etc. Don't wanna keep bothering- but need to make sure he is eating etc. Will only pop out twice more this evening- at dinner time with some veg and to take him a snugglesafe heat pad before bed.
Indeed. Just given him some more hay, hes still in the bedding area.Need to keep an eye on his eating and poo/wee etc later to check his mouth is okay etc. Don't wanna keep bothering- but need to make sure he is eating etc. Will only pop out twice more this evening- at dinner time with some veg and to take him a snugglesafe heat pad before bed.
When I got Faisel his teeth were so decayed that they needed to be removed. At least Castiel only has one spur. That may even wear down when he eats hay.
When I got Faisel his teeth were so decayed that they needed to be removed. At least Castiel only has one spur. That may even wear down when he eats hay.
Indeed, i hope so. :) Gonna try and entice him with a little veg tonight. Poor Faisel bless him. So pleased he is with you now x
I hope he learns to eat a lot of hay. I had to teach Faisel that hay was food as he never had it before. It can be hard to get them used to eating it.
I hope he learns to eat a lot of hay. I had to teach Faisel that hay was food as he never had it before. It can be hard to get them used to eating it.
Indeed, he used to have a huge bowl of dry food (mostly muesli) and cheap hay for bedding. None in a pile for eating etc- and the odd carrot now and then.

I am trying to incite him with diff hays, gonna try green oat, rose hay, oxbow Timothy and meadow hay and deans meadow hay and see what ones he likes best. He has deans meadow hay at the moment and later will take him out some other hay.
Please do not worry if he does not take to the hay at first. It does not mean he will not eventually. I actually wish that cheap rubbish hay was not available then people would have no choice not to buy a good quality one.
Please do not worry if he does not take to the hay at first. It does not mean he will not eventually. I actually wish that cheap rubbish hay was not available then people would have no choice not to buy a good quality one.
Agreed. So many people also think hay is just "bedding" not food.
I am so pleased Castiel is with you now Jenny, he is going to feel so spoilt now bless him! Looking forward to hearing all about him as he settles :)
@piggyfan I can't believe you had to teach Faisel that hay was food, it makes me so sad. He is so lucky to have found his forever home with you Gigi!

On the radio they were saying that now is one of the most common times of year that animals are dumped, because it is when the novelty of pets given as christmas presents wears off :( the rspca wanted to get the message across to really think before committing to a pet - I wish more people would take in that advice!
It was so sad katie. My poor baby was starving and given rice crispies and hamster food as his meals.

It relly angers me that people no longer want their animals. There is never an excuse to dump them. Scum bags.