Yes, bacteria in wee is a UTI, but there is some uncertainty whether the bacteria in the urine is actually from him. Vet mentioned about inserting a needle directly into his bladder to get a more sterile sample, but says its invasive, & I don't want to put him through it, & there's the cost. If she was certain the bacteria was from his bladder, & not from hairs etc, he would be on treatment now, & not leave him 2 weeks. Yes, I always clean the cage when in the playpen, but they are still in the cage in the morning when I do a spot clean
Yes I know all that. If your vet isn’t worried, being on the pain meds and not being on the pain meds hasn’t made any difference - then I would not worry any longer. Of course quietly monitor, but don’t focus on watching him pee.
A spot clean and a full clean are two very different things. A spot clean won’t remove all scent, a full clean will so if you do a full clean when they aren’t in the cage then it may well be more upsetting to them.