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bladder stone in my 12 week old baby💔

thankyou so much.. yes the vet has said its very uncommon in a pig so young😞 were your piggies flushed or did they have surgery to remove the stones? oh bless her heart, i’m sorry for your loss❤️‍🩹
yes me too, thanks again🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

She had to have a whiff of gas to keep her calm and still for it. The stone was around 1cm in diameter! My first piggy with a stone, the stone didn't even make it to the bladder, it got stuck in the tube so that was another surgery too. I hate surgeries as it's so hard to keep yourself busy and not fret over it all
Once the stone is out, maybe they can test it to figure out which variety it is. Calcium is only part of the makeup of stones, after all, so maybe you'd be able to make some dietary choices to help reduce the likelihood of her getting more stones, even if she might be genetically predisposed.
She had to have a whiff of gas to keep her calm and still for it. The stone was around 1cm in diameter! My first piggy with a stone, the stone didn't even make it to the bladder, it got stuck in the tube so that was another surgery too. I hate surgeries as it's so hard to keep yourself busy and not fret over it all
wow! well fingers crossed it doesn’t come to surgery and this flush will work tomorrow! i don’t suppose you can recall how much the surgery (including anastasia etc) was?
Once the stone is out, maybe they can test it to figure out which variety it is. Calcium is only part of the makeup of stones, after all, so maybe you'd be able to make some dietary choices to help reduce the likelihood of her getting more stones, even if she might be genetically predisposed.
maybe! ill have to see what the vet can do.
so my dellas going in for her bladder flush tomorrow🤞🏻🤞🏻 and i’m wondering should i take luna in with her for the day as support? i normally wouldn’t question this but luna is the bossy girl and loves to nudge her sister around and i’d be worried that it would be too much for della coming out of it to be with her straight away, but at the same time i don’t want to stress either of them out separating them? what would you suggest i do? thanks!
It’s always a good idea to take their cagemate with them to hold their paw when going to the vets :)
Normally they’ll be separated until the piggy having the op is completely around and eating, so don’t worry about that. They’ll be happy to have each other in a strange place!
Hope it goes well x
It’s always a good idea to take their cagemate with them to hold their paw when going to the vets :)
Normally they’ll be separated until the piggy having the op is completely around and eating, so don’t worry about that. They’ll be happy to have each other in a strange place!
Hope it goes well x
i did think this was just worried it would be too much for della but if anything shes used to it and it’s probably be more stressful to spilt them up! thanks😊 x
i did think this was just worried it would be too much for della but if anything shes used to it and it’s probably be more stressful to spilt them up! thanks😊 x
Yes she’ll be wondering where her sister’s gone all day I’m sure if she’s home alone!
When I had my trio I had to take RB Jess over to the vets, I took my girl Lolo with her, leaving Luigi at home. When we got back he made the biggest racket, chasing them round like mad and acting like he hadn’t seen them in a year! I wonder what he thought that whole time, obviously that I’d stolen his besties forever poor lad! (But he escaped the vets so got the better deal really! :)) )
Sending little Della lots of good luck and healing vibes for tomorrow :hug:x
so my dellas going in for her bladder flush tomorrow🤞🏻🤞🏻 and i’m wondering should i take luna in with her for the day as support? i normally wouldn’t question this but luna is the bossy girl and loves to nudge her sister around and i’d be worried that it would be too much for della coming out of it to be with her straight away, but at the same time i don’t want to stress either of them out separating them? what would you suggest i do? thanks!


Please always take a 'paw holding' companion with you; it is much less stressful for the piggies if they have somepig to pile up with. Even more dominant piggies are generally more supportive.
Tips For Vet Visits
Yes she’ll be wondering where her sister’s gone all day I’m sure if she’s home alone!
When I had my trio I had to take RB Jess over to the vets, I took my girl Lolo with her, leaving Luigi at home. When we got back he made the biggest racket, chasing them round like mad and acting like he hadn’t seen them in a year! I wonder what he thought that whole time, obviously that I’d stolen his besties forever poor lad! (But he escaped the vets so got the better deal really! :)) )
Sending little Della lots of good luck and healing vibes for tomorrow :hug:x
aw bless him! thankyou so much! x
I don't remember how much Lilys treatment to help get the huge stone out was. I know Donald I was quoted £600 for the x-ray and surgery and this increased more with several nights in getting syringe fed to get him in the best possible position for the surgery and there was also a few nights after (including weekend) which bumped it up too. I do find the specialist costs a lot more than my regular vet but that surgery was particularly tricky so needed the specialist
I don't remember how much Lilys treatment to help get the huge stone out was. I know Donald I was quoted £600 for the x-ray and surgery and this increased more with several nights in getting syringe fed to get him in the best possible position for the surgery and there was also a few nights after (including weekend) which bumped it up too. I do find the specialist costs a lot more than my regular vet but that surgery was particularly tricky so needed the specialist
no worries.. ah bless him! thanks for sharing your experience x
just had a thought, dellas going in tomorrow at 8am to have her bladder flush done🤞🏻i’m not sure on the actual time its being done but wondering if i should give her her antibiotics and first lot of eyedrops before hand (she normally gets this at 8am) the vet would have said if i shouldn’t give her meds before the flush right? sorry just suddenly panicking! i’ve got to take her meds in anyway with her tomorrow so shall i just get them to do it there just incase? so so nervous but trying to stay positive! good luck my little princess, mummys got everything crossed for you, this will work and make you better🤞🏻💞


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just had a thought, dellas going in tomorrow at 8am to have her bladder flush done🤞🏻i’m not sure on the actual time its being done but wondering if i should give her her antibiotics and first lot of eyedrops before hand (she normally gets this at 8am) the vet would have said if i shouldn’t give her meds before the flush right? sorry just suddenly panicking! i’ve got to take her meds in anyway with her tomorrow so shall i just get them to do it there just incase? so so nervous but trying to stay positive! good luck my little princess, mummys got everything crossed for you, this will work and make you better🤞🏻💞

Please do not medicate on spec unless they are part of any already ongoing vet treatment.
If you are in any doubt, ring the clinic first thing tomorrow morning but you should be OK with any ongoing treatment medication because that is on the books and will be checked upon arrival/before sedation.

Anything applied topically (i.e. on a surface spot like an eye or the skin) is not an issue anyway.
If these were prescribed, administer as usual. When you drop her off for the procedure the vets will ask what meds she has had - you can tell them what she’s had when you drop her off.
I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for Della’s flush tomorrow. The waiting is the hardest part - waiting for the call to say all is well and to arrange your collection time. Try not to worry too much while she’s there. She is obviously in good hands.
Please do not medicate on spec unless they are part of any already ongoing vet treatment.
If you are in any doubt, ring the clinic first thing tomorrow morning but you should be OK with any ongoing treatment medication because that is on the books and will be checked upon arrival/before sedation.

Anything applied topically (i.e. on a surface spot like an eye or the skin) is not an issue anyway.
what does medicate on spec mean please? so i should give her her antibiotics and eye drops a little bit earlier than i usually do then and not wait till we are at the vets?
It would be a good idea to keep everything to one thread. I will merge your threads so we can follow more easily. Please can you keep all posts - queries and updates to this one thread, thank you.
oops thanks, really sorry about that!
I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for Della’s flush tomorrow. The waiting is the hardest part - waiting for the call to say all is well and to arrange your collection time. Try not to worry too much while she’s there. She is obviously in good hands.
thankyou so so much, its really appreciated❤️
what does medicate on spec mean please? so i should give her her antibiotics and eye drops a little bit earlier than i usually do then and not wait till we are at the vets?

As they were prescribed medication, you don’t need to worry.
You can either give her the medication slightly earlier than normal or wait and talk to the vet and then get them to do it when you are there
As they were prescribed medication, you don’t need to worry.
You can either give her the medication slightly earlier than normal or wait and talk to the vet and then get them to do it when you are there
thankyou! do you think the vet will mind? i really struggle with syringe feeding her medication and eye drops and dont want to stress her out before the visit!