i can only apologise for how rubbish i am at updating you all, the days go so fast and its hard to find the time!
so we got the girls back yesterday afternoon after our morning visit to the vet (she had pinkish wee so thought it was best to get her seen early! and we couldn’t give her the fibreplex

) the vets kept them in to monitor Della and get a hold of our exotic vet who was on call but not in.. they said the girls where well behaved and della was very good taking her medicine

if only she was for me!

we have been told it’s normal for pinkish wee for a few days because of the flush and have been given some inflacam to give her once a day, carrying on with the antibiotics, cystophan, fibreplex and eye drops for the hay poke she also had bless her! the vet has also said her eye is looking better though which is great! Della in herself seems to be doing well, eating, running around and actually if anything they both seem more confident and are coming out more than before! starting to trust a big scary hand in the cage and walk up to it for a quick sniff and nibble of my finger lol

Luna bless her seems to be more supportive, shes not nipping at her as much, following Della around, nibbling her ears and grooming her, trying to watch her through the bars of the cage and shes even let Della sleep in HER hidey.. when i go to get Della out Luna runs over to try and stand in front of her and protect her almost, its been really sweet to watch and i’m so proud of both my girls

we have another appointment on monday with the exotic vet again just to make sure everything is okay, again i will let you know how that goes!
just want to say a huge thankyou to you all for your kind words, love and support, i am so glad i’ve found this forum and so grateful for every one of you!

would really be lost if it wasn’t for TGPF!