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bladder stone in my 12 week old baby💔

at the vets now, it was hay poke and its caused an ulcer covering half her eye🥺 will be prescribed eye drops for this.. and shes in for a bladder scan as we speak to work out if its something more than a UTI she’s suffering with.. my poor little girl☹️❤️‍🩹
scan results back..
unfortunately not only does she have a UTI, but she has a bladder stone, right near her Urethra entrance😭😭 i’ve been crying all morning, i feel so bad for her she must be in so much pain. vet has said we can try to flush it out but it doesn’t always work, then there’s surgery but because shes so young it’ll be a lot to go through and she’s said she wouldn’t really recommend that option.. i’ll keep you all updated, i’ve got everything crossed i just hope they can flush it🤞🏻😰
so after an emergency visit to the vet this morning for my 12 week old girl della, we have unfortunately found out that she has a bladder stone😭
we went in today for a swollen eye, confirmed hay poke, hay removed and she has been put on eyedrops for a week, they hay has left an ulcer on half her eye. she had also been suffering from a UTI that shes been on different antibiotics for thats made no difference so they vet decided today to do the bladder scan that was supposed to be done next week, well the scan came back and unfortunately not only does she have a UTI, but she has a bladder stone, right near her Urethra entrance😭😭 i’ve been in tears all morning, i feel so bad for her she must be in so much pain. the vet has said we can try to flush it out but it doesn’t always work, then there’s surgery but because shes so young it’ll be a lot to go through and she’s said she wouldn’t really recommend that option.. i’ll keep you all updated, i’ve got everything crossed i just hope they can flush it🤞🏻😭
in the mean time i’d appreciate speaking to anyone who’s had a pig with bladder stones before and any advice you may have for me and my poor baby girl💔
scan results back..
unfortunately not only does she have a UTI, but she has a bladder stone, right near her Urethra entrance😭😭 i’ve been crying all morning, i feel so bad for her she must be in so much pain. vet has said we can try to flush it out but it doesn’t always work, then there’s surgery but because shes so young it’ll be a lot to go through and she’s said she wouldn’t really recommend that option.. i’ll keep you all updated, i’ve got everything crossed i just hope they can flush it🤞🏻😰
Oh no! I’m so sorry for her. I can’t imagine how painful it must be. Me and Peaches are praying for her quick recovery! ❤️‍🩹
I’m so sorry to hear that she has a stone :(
thankyou, i know i’m so upset, especially after the vet saying its very uncommon to see stones in pigs so young, i thought we’d be in the clear. i really do hope it wasn’t my fault..
thankyou, i know i’m so upset, especially after the vet saying its very uncommon to see stones in pigs so young, i thought we’d be in the clear. i really do hope it wasn’t my fault..

Are you feeding her veg high in calcium? I know you are already filtering the water. Sadly, bladder stones in piggies especially when they’re young can be genetic :( but that is for your vet to decide. I doubt it was your fault
:agr: For her to be so young, I would be thinking genetics.

All you can do is keep her diet in check - limit high calcium veg but most importantly check your pellet portions, pellet ingredients and ensure water is filtered. Having a wet diet can also help, cucumber is good for fluid, to keel the bladder flushing through. Thats all you can do.

Thinking of you
Are you feeding her veg high in calcium? I know you are already filtering the water. Sadly, bladder stones in piggies especially when they’re young can be genetic :( but that is for your vet to decide. I doubt it was your fault
my girls get fed pepper, celery, coriander, cucumber and lettuce daily, occasionally green beans and courgette, i haven’t introduced anything more yet as they have both had to have antibiotics courses and i was worried about their little tums. yes i do filter the water but there was a few weeks that i hadn’t when i didn’t know about hard water - i’m wondering if this could have caused it and now blaming myself😭
vet says she can’t say how long she’s had it for as its only checked when a problem in the bladder arrises..
:agr: For her to be so young, I would be thinking genetics.

All you can do is keep her diet in check - limit high calcium veg but most importantly check your pellet portions, pellet ingredients and ensure water is filtered. Having a wet diet can also help, cucumber is good for fluid, to keel the bladder flushing through. Thats all you can do.

Thinking of you
thankyou, i will be in contact with the lady we got them from to ask about family history. i will do, will have to look into this wet diet too..
thankyou, i will be in contact with the lady we got them from to ask about family history. i will do, will have to look into this wet diet too..

Please don’t blame yourself

You can’t make them drink but keeping the bladder flushing through will help. A wet veg diet will increase fluid intake (a piggy with a wet diet may not drink much from a bottle as they will be getting plenty of water elsewhere)

As you know, the diet guide has a section on feeding bladder piggies and what things to avoid
thankyou, i know i’m so upset, especially after the vet saying its very uncommon to see stones in pigs so young, i thought we’d be in the clear. i really do hope it wasn’t my fault..

We all tend to blame ourselves when our piggy was hurt, but like Claire w said, because the piggy is so young, it was probably genetics! And even if you had some part in it unintentionally, its a great learning experience for the future on guinea pig care. You obviously did not intend any harm towards your piggy whatsoever, so, take a deep breath, and relax. Your piggy will be much more calm and relaxed as long as you are.
Please don’t blame yourself

You can’t make them drink but keeping the bladder flushing through will help. A wet veg diet will increase fluid intake (a piggy with a wet diet may not drink much from a bottle as they will be getting plenty of water elsewhere)

As you know, the diet guide has a section on feeding bladder piggies and what things to avoid
thankyou so much!
We all tend to blame ourselves when our piggy was hurt, but like Claire w said, because the piggy is so young, it was probably genetics! And even if you had some part in it unintentionally, its a great learning experience for the future on guinea pig care. You obviously did not intend any harm towards your piggy whatsoever, so, take a deep breath, and relax. Your piggy will be much more calm and relaxed as long as you are.
thankyou so much, i really do appreciate it.
Please don’t blame yourself. Your diet sounds good and what is recommended and you wouldn’t have known about the water but as mentioned, feeding a wet diet is a good idea to keep the bladder flushed through
I'm so sorry to read this, I believe it is not all that common for such young piggies to have stones but I am not the most experienced with them.
I have had piggies with stones though, one was treated by a specialist and his verdict was that it is more likely hereditary than dietary based. Obviously you can make some changes to diet to ensure lower calcium intake and more fluids but you have to remain aware that there is a possibility that stones will recur. My last piggy was taken to the vets with swollen genitals only to find it was a huge stone she was trying to pass, that must have been incredibly painful. She would have survived it without much problem I believe but sadly she was being investigated for other issues and was getting on in age which didn't play well for her.
Keeping everything crossed for a full recovery
I’m so sorry to hear that. Must have been shocking for you. Got everything crossed that she gets through it, whatever path you decide to take.
I am so sorry :( I have already replied to your other thread, feeding her a low calcium wet diet and filtering her water which I know you are already doing will certainly help but given her young age, I sadly suspect it is genetic. I hope the vet can flush the stone out (((hugs))) x
I'm so sorry to read this, I believe it is not all that common for such young piggies to have stones but I am not the most experienced with them.
I have had piggies with stones though, one was treated by a specialist and his verdict was that it is more likely hereditary than dietary based. Obviously you can make some changes to diet to ensure lower calcium intake and more fluids but you have to remain aware that there is a possibility that stones will recur. My last piggy was taken to the vets with swollen genitals only to find it was a huge stone she was trying to pass, that must have been incredibly painful. She would have survived it without much problem I believe but sadly she was being investigated for other issues and was getting on in age which didn't play well for her.
Keeping everything crossed for a full recovery
thankyou so much.. yes the vet has said its very uncommon in a pig so young😞 were your piggies flushed or did they have surgery to remove the stones? oh bless her heart, i’m sorry for your loss❤️‍🩹
yes me too, thanks again🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
I’m so sorry to hear that. Must have been shocking for you. Got everything crossed that she gets through it, whatever path you decide to take.
it truly was and is, thankyou so much, we have Della booked in for a bladder flush on thursday🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
I am so sorry :( I have already replied to your other thread, feeding her a low calcium wet diet and filtering her water which I know you are already doing will certainly help but given her young age, I sadly suspect it is genetic. I hope the vet can flush the stone out (((hugs))) x
yes thankyou so much i really do appreciate it❤️xxx