A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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It's not a hammer, it's a universal adjuster! 🔨

Oh it definitely needs adjusting! Been trying for 2 hrs to back my camera photos up to external hard drive. I'm at least 3 months behind in backing up (again 🙄) so thought that with it being on my to do list - get all photos backed up, organised... will be more organised in 2024 and back up monthly.

Laptop won't let me do anything, so I ejected all from laptop to restart it, the whole turn off and on thing. Its now configuring windows and tells me not to turn off... brilliant.
If it needs to update, my PC decides to let me know by refusing to do anything faster than at a snail's pace. As warnings go, there's got to be better ones out there, right?

Also just finished a 500 piece jigsaw to find two missing pieces. I don't have the space to keep ones I can't finish so it's now in the paper bin but sheesh. Talk about a damp squib.
It eventually restarted, after yet another update. I've only been on it twice since September and I think this is why I'm so far behind backing everything up. There is no incentive to sit shouting at it because it isn't working again whilst I try and back things up.

Its insured and I'm seriously considering dumping it at currys for them to look at but would have to ring up first and go through all that palaver.
.....Also just finished a 500 piece jigsaw to find two missing pieces. I don't have the space to keep ones I can't finish so it's now in the paper bin but sheesh. Talk about a damp squib.

Oh dear ..
1, 🧩
2, 🧩
0, wasn't me @Lorcan
Honest .. :whistle: 😇
You've been keeping us busy on a different thread...
I'm changing my mobile provider as I haven't been happy with my current one for quite a while. The new SIM card arrived today, requested a PAC code, which I got straight away, filled out the online form to keep my old number, and then chose a date on which I want the number to be changed over. The form accepted my old number (green tick), the PAC code (green tick), and the date (green tick) but when I went to confirm it all my old number (red cross) is apparently invalid. Funny that as I have just phoned it from the house phone and it the number is not invalid. I have had the same number for years and last time I changed providers it wasn't easy either! I'll wait until tomorrow and try again.
Tried again today and I have successfully managed to book a date in when my number changes over to my new provider. I even had a text and an email confirming this.
Oh, don't we all love days like today.

I have little food left that's goblin-edible and I can't get a Tesco order til Tuesday so I figure do a Just Eat order with Asda today, and get myself some cake because doesn't everyone need cake on a day like today?, and then top the rest up with crisps and goblin food.
It, predictably, got "delivered" - in other words it's not here. I dunno how much clearer I can make my instructions. "Go to Address X, walk down the side of it to reach actual My Address."

Now I've got a proper Asda order coming tomorrow, I'm awaiting a refund from Just Eat again. I've got enough pepper to do til tomorrow afternoon. But now I'm getting my cake a day late. My birthday isn't tomorrow, you (ahem) of a Just Eat driver. But the goblins won't really notice, so there's at least that.
I'm sorry your cake is going to be late and the Goblins dinner maybe a little sparse but Happy Birthday. My granny used to say if it's worth having it's worth waiting for so hopefully your cake will taste even better tomorrow!
I mean if the driver had bothered to try getting in touch I'd've given him or her extra directions and/or offered to meet him or her on the road instead of my front door. The driver, however, decided (according to the live tracking) to drive aimlessly up and down various nearby roads for over 20 minutes before I got the "Delivered!" notification and may or may not have gone ballistic. How hard can it be to actually ask the customer for directions if the old ones aren't working?

I mean if a courier does it with a KFC order (which has happened before) I can sort of get it, free hot chicken right? But there's nothing in that order worth nicking, lol. Salt to the wound was stuff I could order with Just Eat was no longer available/out of stock when I went to do tomorrow's order. It goes from the same Asda. Guess I know why it's out of stock. 😒
Can you give the delivery driver your What3words address? @Lorcan
I have one of "those" addresses. I use what 3 words, I give detailed instructions and request to call. It's still only a 25 percent chance of getting whatever I ordered. This is why I only use Amazon and get it delivered to a pickup point.
I have one of "those" addresses. I use what 3 words, I give detailed instructions and request to call. It's still only a 25 percent chance of getting whatever I ordered. This is why I only use Amazon and get it delivered to a pickup point.

Amazon had no problems finding my address for months and then suddenly I kept having to go three streets over to get my parcels because some bright spark attached a wrong map pointer to my address, and no amount of written-or-otherwise instructions mattered more than that dodgy map pointer.

So now they have a map pointer, map coordinates, images of the entryway, AND written instructions, and when they didn't bother to turn up the last time and the depot rang me to ask if I could give them more directions it almost killed me not to say that it's not my fault the driver couldn't read. Instead I just asked, if they could work out what other directions I could give them, then I'd be happy to pass those along (and failed miserably to hide the snark behind the question, too).

This is not a regular problem with Just Eat, though. The KFC thing has happened once but I've definitely ordered more than that from them, there's always the occasional muppet who just doesn't want to read instructions and doesn't want to ask the appropriate questions.
My housemate gets sick, she stays in her room, and I leave her alone. She is deaf, so really I don’t have to be quiet.
I am suffering from death (flu likely and my sciatica is keeping me in excruciating pain), and she is guilting me for not hanging out with her, and asking her to be quiet , and get out of my room.
Although I feel so much better than I did, I have had this bug thing for 4 weeks now. I was hoping to go back to the gym next week but as I struggled to walk only 2 miles today, I don't think I'm well enough yet. I haven't been to the gym for nearly 2 months and I am feeling very sluggish and I've put on so much weight!
Although I feel so much better than I did, I have had this bug thing for 4 weeks now. I was hoping to go back to the gym next week but as I struggled to walk only 2 miles today, I don't think I'm well enough yet. I haven't been to the gym for nearly 2 months and I am feeling very sluggish and I've put on so much weight!
Don't worry about it,you've been ill so it's understandable and when you feel well enough to go to the gym again the weight will come off.
Been waiting on today for what feels like forever. The return of nursery and normality! Only to be struck down with a bug so I have only been able to rest and not get anything I wanted to do done
Get well soon Kelly x
Thanks, it's passing quickly enough and I've actually managed to stay awake and eat something this afternoon. Very thankful nursery is back open and luckily Martin was an excellent baby who played on his mat with no input from me and had a couple of good naps so I could rest properly.