A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Often in life, it’s the little things that mean so much. Yes, the tree can logically be a final straw. Do not tell yourself that you overreacted because you overreacted. Because you are logical enough to know it’s a “little thing,” it is now okay to be upset.
Here’s a meme to help that make sense.
View attachment 237195
@Sar, I have an ex husband (unfortunately not disassembled!) who was a master manipulater. It's hard but don't beat yourself up. You at least have the forum as a sounding board. ♥️
I’ve been so busy today and also yesterday and will be again tomorrow. All this racing around, sorting everything before I go away on holiday. I will definitely need the holiday after these last few days. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Work colleagues that don't get the message. If I don't answer your text messages, don't try calling me an hour later. And really don't push it by tracking me down on facebook and send me a friends request....any idea's guys?

Do not accept or decline the Facebook request. They won't be able to send you a new request and can't see anything from you 🤣 I had one pending for a year before I finally declined and they haven't tried again (they tried regularly before that)
I had a email from DHL saying that my parcel would be delivered today and if we weren't in it would be delivered to a neighbour. Today we went to collect Son No 3 from Uni to bring him home for Christmas. We stopped at Newbury on the way back for some lunch and I had another email from DHL saying that the delivery had been accepted by me at my address. How exactly?!? I wasn't even at home. So much for it being delivered to a neighbour! It's Son No 2's Christmas present and was rather expensive and I could only get it online. I just had to hope it was still in the porch when we got home. Luckily it was. I was expecting delivery tomorrow when we are in.

If the email states it will be delivered to a neighbour if we are out then it should be delivered to a neighbour when we are out.
I had a email from DHL saying that my parcel would be delivered today and if we weren't in it would be delivered to a neighbour. Today we went to collect Son No 3 from Uni to bring him home for Christmas. We stopped at Newbury on the way back for some lunch and I had another email from DHL saying that the delivery had been accepted by me at my address. How exactly?!? I wasn't even at home. So much for it being delivered to a neighbour! It's Son No 2's Christmas present and was rather expensive and I could only get it online. I just had to hope it was still in the porch when we got home. Luckily it was. I was expecting delivery tomorrow when we are in.

If the email states it will be delivered to a neighbour if we are out then it should be delivered to a neighbour when we are out.
Phew thank goodness it was there - there have been people noticing vans going round and taking items off doorsteps.
I had a email from DHL saying that my parcel would be delivered today and if we weren't in it would be delivered to a neighbour. Today we went to collect Son No 3 from Uni to bring him home for Christmas. We stopped at Newbury on the way back for some lunch and I had another email from DHL saying that the delivery had been accepted by me at my address. How exactly?!? I wasn't even at home. So much for it being delivered to a neighbour! It's Son No 2's Christmas present and was rather expensive and I could only get it online. I just had to hope it was still in the porch when we got home. Luckily it was. I was expecting delivery tomorrow when we are in.

If the email states it will be delivered to a neighbour if we are out then it should be delivered to a neighbour when we are out.
My mum's had a similar problem with evri. She lives on a terraced street and it was due to arrive while she was at work so she spoke to her neighbour and updated with them as a safe address. They tried to deliver 3 times, never once tried the neighbour or anyone else and now have sent back to sender
Two in one. I asked a question about caring for a woman’s hygiene after surgery. I was told, “it sounds like she should be placed in a nursing home.” If the discharge nurse had done her job, given care instructions, I wouldn’t have had to ask. Don’t threaten me!
Another woman is being put on a drug that can cause the typical side effects. One problem. She naturally has the side effects as part of her health/personality. I won’t see a problem if she’s experiencing problems.
I'm sure I was nearly the victim of a handbag dipper this morning while out and about at Castlepoint. Son No 3 and I paid for something in M&S and I know I zipped my handbag up properly as I always do. When we went into the next shop, I had to put my bag down on the floor as I needed to take my coat off and a form that I had put in there fell out and onto the floor because my handbag was half open. The form must have been half out of my bag or almost all the way out for it to have fallen on the floor. I usually put the zip end of my handbag at the front of me so that this can't happen. On this occasion though, clearly I didn't. It was the only thing that the scumbag handbag dipper had got hold of and nothing else and as it was only a piece of paper they left it. I was very lucky that it wasn't my purse, my phone or my car keys. So the moral of this story is always make sure that the zip of your handbag is at the front of you or the opening flap is next to your body. I'll take extra care next time I'm out and about. Not everyone is as honest as they should be.
"Don't forget you've got an inspection tomorrow so make sure you set an alarm so you're awake to give them access."

I rolled my eyes so hard. I know they aren't saying it to be difficult, but seriously. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I spent 3 and a half hours with my alarm blaring next to my head before I woke up this morning. Alarms are not the problem here lol.
"Don't forget you've got an inspection tomorrow so make sure you set an alarm so you're awake to give them access."

I rolled my eyes so hard. I know they aren't saying it to be difficult, but seriously. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I spent 3 and a half hours with my alarm blaring next to my head before I woke up this morning. Alarms are not the problem here lol.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't wake when my two million-decibel alarms go off.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't wake when my two million-decibel alarms go off.

I don't think they grasp it at all - my alarm goes off every morning. I don't oversleep because I don't set an alarm, but I tell people I overslept and apparently there's only one reason I oversleep, I forgot the alarms. Sigh.

Jake was the best alarm clock I ever had tbh. If I was half a second late for 7am breakfast then everyone in the vicinity would know, which meant for some hilarity one Christmas morning because I was at my parents house and he set the dog off. Somehow Shadow hadn't twigged he was there til the screaming started and then there was absolute mayhem. That's my Jake all right :))
I noticed blood in my robo hamster's cage a week ago, but I couldn't tell for the life of me where it was coming from. other than the blood, she was completely acting like herself. I FINALLY got the vet to see her today and the vet said either it's a tumor or infection but regardless, medication will help, and they also decided to give her fluids to make up for lost blood. I was honestly very unimpressed with the vet because she called my very obviously robo hamster a Russian dwarf and also the entire diagnosis seemed off because my hamster was acting completely normal, even a week after the bleeding started, which is unusual for a hamster with an infection or tumor. but vet knows best, right? WRONG!
I get home and start giving her the first dose. in between meds, (anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic) she was running on her wheel to let of some steam and when I gently stopped the wheel, I noticed fresh blood on her FOOT!
so basically, she was completely misdiagnosed, she does not have a tumor or an infection, she just has a wound on her foot, and I spent $400 on very unnecessary medications and fluids.
I'm sure I was nearly the victim of a handbag dipper this morning while out and about at Castlepoint. Son No 3 and I paid for something in M&S and I know I zipped my handbag up properly as I always do. When we went into the next shop, I had to put my bag down on the floor as I needed to take my coat off and a form that I had put in there fell out and onto the floor because my handbag was half open. The form must have been half out of my bag or almost all the way out for it to have fallen on the floor. I usually put the zip end of my handbag at the front of me so that this can't happen. On this occasion though, clearly I didn't. It was the only thing that the scumbag handbag dipper had got hold of and nothing else and as it was only a piece of paper they left it. I was very lucky that it wasn't my purse, my phone or my car keys. So the moral of this story is always make sure that the zip of your handbag is at the front of you or the opening flap is next to your body. I'll take extra care next time I'm out and about. Not everyone is as honest as they should be.
So many opportinustic thieves about nowadays. I've started using the over body strap on my handbags and then still holding onto it in front of me.
Give me strength.

Ordered some pig bedding from Amazon, delivered by DPD. Only it wasn't. I had one out for delivery email then... Nothing, and it certainly wasn't delivered. Or attempted to be. Next I heard it had been returned to sender.

Now, sender says it's my fault because they couldn't deliver and won't refund the postage. Except they didn't charge me postage (although I don't doubt there was a postage cost).

Edit to add: I had to chase them for this refund after two weeks because they couldn't be bothered themselves. Easy buck if I don't notice, I guess.

DPD, unhelpful... people they are, won't help either and tell me to sort it with the sender. They ignored my request for the details of the actual delivery attempts and ended the chat. Can't get through on the phone as the automated gatekeeper won't let me in.

Interestingly, DPD did say that it was ultimately returned because they were awaiting something from the sender which they didn't receive and the sender never reached out to me on anything, so.

The delivery isn't much but it's more the principle - I'm not a liar and I don't appreciate being called one.
I noticed blood in my robo hamster's cage a week ago, but I couldn't tell for the life of me where it was coming from. other than the blood, she was completely acting like herself. I FINALLY got the vet to see her today and the vet said either it's a tumor or infection but regardless, medication will help, and they also decided to give her fluids to make up for lost blood. I was honestly very unimpressed with the vet because she called my very obviously robo hamster a Russian dwarf and also the entire diagnosis seemed off because my hamster was acting completely normal, even a week after the bleeding started, which is unusual for a hamster with an infection or tumor. but vet knows best, right? WRONG!
I get home and start giving her the first dose. in between meds, (anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic) she was running on her wheel to let of some steam and when I gently stopped the wheel, I noticed fresh blood on her FOOT!
so basically, she was completely misdiagnosed, she does not have a tumor or an infection, she just has a wound on her foot, and I spent $400 on very unnecessary medications and fluids.
That's terrible! That price is outrageous and I would call the office to let them know that the vet missed the wound on the foot and see if you can get some of your money back. I guess the good news is that your hamster does not have cancer.
I'm grumpy. Someone was supposed to be turning up later with chocolate and I was like yay, snacks! No, no snacks. With the weather and an emergency it'll now be tomorrow. Tesco's arriving between 7 and 8 and then I can have snacks, but dang it I'm hungry. I'm going to have to microwave a meal or something. It's...effort. I don't want effort! I want snacks!
Flipping sleep deprivation and crying baby in the car (did you know your own baby's cry triggers the fight or flight instinct). Made a bad decision driving today, light just turned red as I reached it and the red light camera went off. Fingers crossed it's just £100 and 3 points 😔 came home, made a cuppa and spent an hour berating myself for my poor decisions
I went next door to help the neighbor last night. In nothing but a sleep shirt. I was gone about ten minutes. The dog was on the porch. My housemate locked me out! I honestly don’t see an excuse. I had to bring my dog into a smoky house with two yapping dogs and a cat my beagle can 100% find in a heartbeat. I was told to use the dd’s room since she was in a recliner. The bed was so uncomfortable, even my privates hurt! The dd kept waking us because she didn’t want to sleep, and her parents would yell since that is how they communicate. I am finally back in my own bed, and no idea how long ago my housemate unlocked the door. She is gone, and I am now preparing to bake nonstop for two days for Christmas. I am seriously not in the mood anymore.
It's no comfort this Christmas, but there's always next Christmas - and most of a year in between to cobble the money together 😊

This is what we are thinking. Get a money box and save all year. We'd only got as far as deciding to stay somewhere like a premier inn, book a nice dinner somewhere and then a long walk on the beach - followed by sales shopping on Boxing Day. Now maybe we can come up with a more detailed plan!

Do people still drink babycham?
Me! Only at Christmas. Its sort of a tradition. It was the first "drink" I was allowed at Christmas, many years ago. So became a thing.