A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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I love doing puzzles but no longer have room since the piggie cages took over!

Getting the first board was the best decision I made honestly. I could use a table, or the floor, or even the bed and not have to worry about pieces falling off because of the non-slip backing. Don't get me wrong it wasn't perfect, tip it too far over and it would fall, but it meant I didn't have to find somewhere specific to do it. However when I went to look to buy another one, nowhere had the 1000pc size in stock. So instead of the Deluxe I got the Standard and yeah, Deluxe is my preference. Whatever they've put on for the lining on the Standard kinda wigs me out.

The green felt board is not portable, really. But I have a coffee table and I live alone. And I don't drink coffee. 🤷‍♂️ Who needs a coffee table anyway right?
I've got the deluxe board but there's not a bit of floor space in the house big enough for it at the moment where we could still walk in the room! I usually put it on a folding camping table in the living room but red and Brillo are there at the moment.
Despite the weight the Deluxe is probably the most portable of the three because it zips up and has the handle. The standard is just three velcro strips and the green felt board has a cover but it's more suited to avoiding stains than it is to allow for movement, plus it's not non-slip backing, so no moving unless it's lying flat.

In mostly unrelated news I went to swap the puzzle from the standard to a sheet of cardboard just to make my life a little easier later on and I've got some swelling below my left knee. No idea what I've done to it but I can't kneel down, sit on the floor, standing up hurts, sitting down hurts, walking hurts, basically my leg wants me to stay in a chair all day. I don't even remember twisting it or knocking into something? Stupid leg.
The replacement box turned up. When doing the Snugglesafes last night I found the missing piece for the other one, and it didn't fit. The cut was different. So now I actually have to redo it.


But with the PC broken, I might as well. Almost done!
That's beautiful :wub: that one I did was apparently Giethoorn Village in the Netherlands. Next one up (tomorrow, I'm done for the day lol) will be Westgate Gardens in Canterbury (with the box spelling it as Vestgate Gardens in 5 places :))). I'm a sucker for a landscape photo jigsaw though. They're some of my favourites to do.
Today I'm enjoying a cough that, when it gets going, there's a 50/50 chance of peeing myself or throwing up everywhere :td: So far no incidents but it's pretty dicey :))
I had that same cough around 6 weeks ago. You have my sympathy. Putting Vicks on my feet and socks on really helped with the cough.
Just so you're prepared, it'll last for around a fortnight.
I had that same cough around 6 weeks ago. You have my sympathy. Putting Vicks on my feet and socks on really helped with the cough.
Just so you're prepared, it'll last for around a fortnight.

That's a rotten way to spend a fortnight, hope you're feeling better now! I'll give the Vicks a go tonight and hope mine passes a bit quicker...
I went out to fetch dirty gp bedding, and fell once my wet feet hit the linoleum inside. I have sprained my ankle, and twisted my knee. My whole foot and leg hurt. I also hurt my wrist and back.
I had ordered fast food, and it was delivered to the wrong porch, and left in a snow pile. One door is visible from the driveway. The lit path cleared of snow, and porch light on. The other path is dark and ankle deep in snow. Already in a foul mood, I had to gather my ruined food from the steps.
My housemate came home, and woke me because I had no right to be in bed at 8:30. She then spent ten minutes loudly complaining about her headache. She doesn’t even know I am injured.
Yesterday I tried a new plant based product as part of my roast dinner. It was utterly delicious.The aftereffects on my digestive system however .....
I spent yesterday evening and most of the night expelling the smelliest farts....
they were sooo stinky, several times in the night, I woke myself up 💨🤢😷
Yesterday I tried a new plant based product as part of my roast dinner. It was utterly delicious.The aftereffects on my digestive system however .....
I spent yesterday evening and most of the night expelling the smelliest farts....
they were sooo stinky, several times in the night, I woke myself up 💨🤢😷

I can't have plant based protein. I love it, love the taste but my intestines (pardon the pun) lose their **** every time I have it.
@anyar.dris , was the smell from the bacon or from you? 😂
All the veggie bacon is awful
From the bacon! 😂 But the smell does stick to your clothes. Not sure why it smells like that. The veggie bacon itself is okay and edible, but the smell is what will put you off eventually. I didn't finish it all. 😂

I know they have a valuable role in the ecosystem etc etc, but I wish they would fulfill that role OUTside.

There's been a false widow in my downstairs loo for the last few weeks, wasn't too bothered, named him Stanley, he stays where he is..I have no beef with him. Theyre pretty harmless and he's quite a pretty brown colour.

Trying to get hay for the piggies just now out of the hay cupboard and there's a massive female sat on the ceiling. This one is incredibly dark and I sat for far too long debating whether it was a real black widow before I decided whatever it was, either way, she wasn't staying inside! So I try to take a picture, can't see much.. so I figure oh well, worth a shot. Got an empty pringles can, think I've trapped her, shove the lid on and it's bloody empty. So now she's who knows where, possibly in the hay for all I know 🤣 luckily after fiddling about with the brightness on the picture she is only a false widow but I still don't need her finding and starting a family with Stanley in my house!

Ive spent the last 20 minutes repeatedly checking and brushing my hair to make sure she isnt on me 🤢

I know they have a valuable role in the ecosystem etc etc, but I wish they would fulfill that role OUTside.

There's been a false widow in my downstairs loo for the last few weeks, wasn't too bothered, named him Stanley, he stays where he is..I have no beef with him. Theyre pretty harmless and he's quite a pretty brown colour.

Trying to get hay for the piggies just now out of the hay cupboard and there's a massive female sat on the ceiling. This one is incredibly dark and I sat for far too long debating whether it was a real black widow before I decided whatever it was, either way, she wasn't staying inside! So I try to take a picture, can't see much.. so I figure oh well, worth a shot. Got an empty pringles can, think I've trapped her, shove the lid on and it's bloody empty. So now she's who knows where, possibly in the hay for all I know 🤣 luckily after fiddling about with the brightness on the picture she is only a false widow but I still don't need her finding and starting a family with Stanley in my house!

Ive spent the last 20 minutes repeatedly checking and brushing my hair to make sure she isnt on me 🤢
I'm grateful for my cellar spiders on a daily basis because th ey'll deal with the bigger nasties, and they're 99% ifacf they go out of their way to stay out of my way. I couldn't ask for better housemates.

It's good to know I'm going to keep having garbled messages thrown up because my keyboard can't understand its job is to represent what I type, not make it up as it goes along.

I think what I meant there was that 99% of the time the cellar spiders behave themselves and don't bother the humans.
Why do I never get the "did I lock the door" thought before I'm undressed and in bed?

Also I keep getting shooting pains between my thumb and forefinger and it took me far too long to realise it's from when I was mixing vape juice earlier. Vegetable glycerin is not easy to draw into a syringe lol.
Why do I never get the "did I lock the door" thought before I'm undressed and in bed?

Also I keep getting shooting pains between my thumb and forefinger and it took me far too long to realise it's from when I was mixing vape juice earlier. Vegetable glycerin is not easy to draw into a syringe lol.
I get that did I lock the door thing. It drives me mad, especially when I've just walked down the hill and I know I won't be able to to enjoy my day worrying so I walk all the way back up the hill to check. :hb: 99 times out of 100 I have locked the door.

I hope your thumb is feeling better.