A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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I'll have a rant on here because everyone else just thinks I'm mad to have a house full of guinea pigs anyway - but something has gone awry, (or the firm has started Christmas parties early) and my hay which should have arrived isn't even showing as despatched yet! So of course, all the little dears have gone onto emergency supplies, which they have all completely refused to touch! There are times when I so much prefer mice! lol
I'll have a rant on here because everyone else just thinks I'm mad to have a house full of guinea pigs anyway - but something has gone awry, (or the firm has started Christmas parties early) and my hay which should have arrived isn't even showing as despatched yet! So of course, all the little dears have gone onto emergency supplies, which they have all completely refused to touch! There are times when I so much prefer mice! lol

I hope the hay turns up quickly. Thereā€™s nothing worse than running out of hay and them not eating the reserves. Try and have fun at your Xmas party. I have my works do tomorrow. A bit early but Iā€™m trying to embrace it. lol.
I've lost a braid. It was here last night but can I find it today? No. Not on the desk, the bookcase, the cabinet, the floor, the other cabinet, my pocket, the other bookcase, the other floor, or even fallen out of my pocket onto the bed.
I've lost a braid. It was here last night but can I find it today? No. Not on the desk, the bookcase, the cabinet, the floor, the other cabinet, my pocket, the other bookcase, the other floor, or even fallen out of my pocket onto the bed.
Have you tried your other pocket? How about the sofa? Under the cushions on the sofa? Under the sofa?The kitchen worktop? In the fridge? (Don't laugh, my friend found her car keys in the fridge once!)
Tried all 7 jeans pockets, the coffee table, the armchair, the sofa (although I've been nowhere near it since I finished said braid), kitchen cupboards, fridge, the rug, the other other cabinet, all 4 bookcases, the worktop, the chest of drawers, even the bin in the study (although if it was there it'd need to be staying there), the bath, behind the toilet bowl. My only other real option is if it got somehow caught in the load of washing but I'll find that out later when I get it out to dry.
Someone on Reddit was asking about rebuildables, I said a particular tank might work for them because it's fairly beginner friendly. There's this guy appears on the vaping subs occasionally that isn't an idiot, but half the time he makes zero sense. Whatever, he's not bothering me usually except today he went off on a big paragraph spiel about "great recommendation but I'd recommend top airflow first as I've read so many comments of leaking out the bottom airflow holes simply because they're new to rebuildables" except...it's a top airflow device. In fact, that's precisely why I suggested it.


I've been called impatient, but for flips sake. The struggle is real.
Good grief, EON. you want money from me? Fine. Why take bloody forever to try and set up a single, one off card payment? I will give you the details! I'll give you anything to get off the phone and stop sticking me on hold for flips sake :flag:

Also, finger memory keeps typing Eoin instead of EON. One's a name and one's a company, brain, sort that out would you?!
Oh lol. It's been one of those days, seriously.

So EON wanted some sort of payment, fine. Except the bank flagged it as possible fraud, also fine. I really just needed off the phone at that point lol, I was going stir crazy and I think he could tell? So I said I needed off the phone for a) a toilet break and b) to phone the bank. Finally got off the phone and the bank had actually sent the automated text through instead. Sorted, no phonecall required. Phew. I'm phoned-out for the week.


I have been trying to work out why I can't my desk sitting right for looking at the monitor on the right of the desk and sitting on the left side. I've had this setup for over 4 years, clearly it worked at some point, but after the last shufty round of the room could I remember? No. And then I needed to find an image of what I meant by "airflow control ring" for someone and the only one I could find was an older photo of my desk.
Well, several hours later I've just looked at that photo again. I've had my monitor too far to the right. I've shifted it left and now I wonder how it's taken me so many months to work that one out?!

(I'll blame EON though. They apparently thought I asked for my gas to be disconnected, and that it therefore was disconnected. He seemed a little perturbed to find out that no, I've not been freezing my backside off in the house all winter. How. They're more disorganised than I am and that says a lot.)

Just another day, usually ruined by sibling. Still undecided on disappearing to the seaside for a few days (cost is possibly going to be the deciding factor).
Spent all afternoon tidying and cleaning find there is still no room for Christmas tree. I cried, sobbed even. Apparently its too much to expect enough space for a 5ft green thing to hang baubles on.

Just another day, usually ruined by sibling. Still undecided on disappearing to the seaside for a few days (cost is possibly going to be the deciding factor).
Spent all afternoon tidying and cleaning find there is still no room for Christmas tree. I cried, sobbed even. Apparently its too much to expect enough space for a 5ft green thing to hang baubles on.
I know who I would love to flush down the toilet!

A Christmas tree doesn't make Christmas, I know that. I'm not bothered about matching pyjamas and smily photos in front of a giant monstrosity of a tree.

The tree is currently on the landing, in a box - box of decorations next to it. Even with my afternoon of tidying and scrubbing all I've been able to do is stack all siblings crap up in a neater pile. No space for a tree. I'm not asking for reindeers on the roof, just a tree.

I'm putting odds on sibling making this ruined Christmas number 5 (in a row).
Whole siblings clog up the toilet. You would have to disassemble him first.
Are you creative? Iā€™ve seen trees hanging from the ceiling with decorations staying on well, and the topper tied or wired on.
Whole siblings clog up the toilet. You would have to disassemble him first.
Are you creative? Iā€™ve seen trees hanging from the ceiling with decorations staying on well, and the topper tied or wired on.
I can disassemble! Handy with tools me!

I feel like such a cow, at my age, to be so upset about not being able to put the Christmas tree up. There are worse problems in the world. Then I think this is my issue, sibling ruins such a lot and has put me in such a state on many occasions with his blackmail and his drinking - why should I miss out on hanging a few baubles on a Christmas tree? (Again - not had any Christmas decorations up since 2019 because of him). That means he wins because we can't put a tree up because he hasn't cleared space or done this because of x, y and z.

Anyway, there is a solution.... Mum bought us a 3.5ft Christmas tree, a battery pack string of lights and I've raided the bauble box for the light/small ones to hang on our tiny tree. This makes me feel even worse, as I made such a creation yesterday about the big tree that I never thought of such a solution.
There's few things worse in daily life than going to get a couple of baby peppers and realising one's rotted in the tub and another two have started rotting too. šŸ¤® Tossed out the offending ones (and not into the brown bin, because mine's in next door's garden lol), swapped the good ones into a different tub, and poured a fair amount of water over them. Bleugh.
I can disassemble! Handy with tools me!
Often in life, itā€™s the little things that mean so much. Yes, the tree can logically be a final straw. Do not tell yourself that you overreacted because you overreacted. Because you are logical enough to know itā€™s a ā€œlittle thing,ā€ it is now okay to be upset.
Hereā€™s a meme to help that make sense.