A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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i need to be less of a door mat ! getting taken for granted is not pleasant,i also need to learn to say NO !
Hugs. I used to know that feeling well. By recognising the problem and writing it down you are on the way to a solution. No is a very powerful word once you can use it. Good Luck!
I need to find somewhere to put the Megazorb and Back2Nature lol. Then clean up that coffee table. See what sewing patterns I'd need to trace out again. The bag of braids got moved downstairs so that's a start XD then I wait for Amazon, then have a shower, then have an early night and hope I don't oversleep come the morning.
Sibling thing started. He has no money so wants bailing out until pay day although he's wasted his entire wage on crap (he gets more than double me a month). I'm not sure where else to go for help. I've tried the police, I've tried the doctor no one is interested. Kicking him is probably next step but he threatens x, y, z and I believe him. I'm scared of him.
Sibling thing started. He has no money so wants bailing out until pay day although he's wasted his entire wage on crap (he gets more than double me a month). I'm not sure where else to go for help. I've tried the police, I've tried the doctor no one is interested. Kicking him is probably next step but he threatens x, y, z and I believe him. I'm scared of him.
ok thats not good hope things cool down its tough having family issues most of us deal with but not to get that angry that it needs intervention i wish you lots of luck hope you find the help thats needed sending lots of positive vibes your way
I’ve got Covid. I was supposed to go to a funeral tomorrow of a long standing friend. Obviously I can’t go now and that makes me sad.

I’ll sit quietly at home tomorrow at the time of service and think of them.
My condolences 💐 and I hope Covid is mild for you hope you feel better soon
ok thats not good hope things cool down its tough having family issues most of us deal with but not to get that angry that it needs intervention i wish you lots of luck hope you find the help thats needed sending lots of positive vibes your way

I meant kick him out. The thing is, when he starts he I would happily rip his head off. He has no idea the emptional pain he causes us.
I think it's the time of year, damp, dark and getting darker. It makes me grouchy and irritable

The government
The BBC (slashing local radio)
Salted caramel
Vacume cleaners with short leads.
Google algorithms

Take your pick :rtm:
Ooh I love salted caramel 🥰I’ll trade your salted caramel for mud. That squelchy deep mud that captures your wellie boots when you‘re holding three horses that want to head off into the muddy field whilst you’re trying to close the gate and extract said wellies. Roll on spring when the lost wellies rise to the surface 😂
Ooh I love salted caramel 🥰I’ll trade your salted caramel for mud. That squelchy deep mud that captures your wellie boots when you‘re holding three horses that want to head off into the muddy field whilst you’re trying to close the gate and extract said wellies. Roll on spring when the lost wellies rise to the surface 😂
Once apon a time there was a delicious thing called caramel, then for some unknown reason someone decided to put salt in it :vom: and so began its takeover of the world. Salted caramel this and salted caramel that, all the while regular, sweet caramel getting squeezed out of the market. I wouldn't mind so much if there was a choice but usually there isn't. Besides, you'd think the sugar and fat would be bad enough for your health without wacking in a load of salt too 🤣
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A doctor once said, “abuse victims don’t admit to being abused. If someone says they don’t feel safe at home, I know they are lying.”
Unfortunately , sometimes the victim does ask for help.
My rant is that too many say abuse is unacceptable in this world until it is reported. Then it’s no big deal.
When I first got my new laptop and my sons (Nos 2 and 3) set it up for me it had bing as the search engine. Son No 3 fixed it so that Chrome was the search engine. Now it has done the latest update, it has reverted to bing again. I can't remember how he fixed it for Chrome so I'll just have to put up with bing until we collect him from Uni for Christmas in 2 weeks.
When I first got my new laptop and my sons (Nos 2 and 3) set it up for me it had bing as the search engine. Son No 3 fixed it so that Chrome was the search engine. Now it has done the latest update, it has reverted to bing again. I can't remember how he fixed it for Chrome so I'll just have to put up with bing until we collect him from Uni for Christmas in 2 weeks.
Could you go into the settings & reset your default search engine back to Google Chrome?
I had Microsoft Edge &bing as my defaults , I managed to change it back to Chrome & google.uk that way :tu:
Good luck.... & 2weeks won't be long to wait if it goes as quickly as the rest of the year if you don't fancy trying to do it! X
Could you go into the settings & reset your default search engine back to Google Chrome?
I had Microsoft Edge &bing as my defaults , I managed to change it back to Chrome & google.uk that way :tu:
Good luck.... & 2weeks won't be long to wait if it goes as quickly as the rest of the year if you don't fancy trying to do it! X
I could if I could find it! Possibly ..... maybe?