A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Didn't mean to cause upset. I have it and genuinely the alphabetical disorder triggers me. I try to use humour as a coping mechanism.
OCD is not a move thing to have 😔

Didn't mean to cause upset. I have it and genuinely the alphabetical disorder triggers me. I try to use humour as a coping mechanism.
I don't think @Gem789 was upset - I think she meant to type 'nice' but hit 'move' instead - n,i and c being next to m, o, and v on the keyboard;)
Two weeks on from hitting my foot. Bruising has 95% disappeared across top of my foot. Toe is still little swollen I think and majority of time can walk normally. Unless I walk excessively then it stings a bit. Can bend, stretch, splay my toes (stings a bit) but I've never took any notice of how far can do this so don't know if same as before? I'm assuming its healing but I've done the poke, press, prod, bend, feel my toe bones routine tonight (not entirely sure why) so it aches a little now!
It's too warm for Snugglesafes. It really is, it hasn't dropped below 20° all day and the weather in general's just warmed. I haven't told the goblins yet. I hate weather.
All started back in April, old electric meter stopped working, like a year ago when the capacitor blew up in backyard and stopped it dead, new meter finally installed April, now l have never use a lot of electricity, l have no heating, hot water tank, tv, l have washing machine, fridge freezer, freezer , spa ,microwave, induction hop, no cooker. I have place monters on all these,and know what l,m using, the new meter reads between 9 and 15 kwh aday, noway, over last 20 years, my bills are around the 350kwh a year! They put my DDup from £10 a month to £630 a month, yes l cancelled it! My daughter in 4 bedroom house 5 people, washing machine on all the time, cooking, heating, baths,you get the picture , her monthly DD £120. CAB on my case now, after they billed me on 30th June ,that's 24 hours, 65kwh, (meter reading 10kwh)and from 1st July to 25th July 1500, yes, 1500kwh.(meter reading 287kwh )Since the end of June l have been writing down meter reading every day at 6.30pm, so no way, have given them 10 meter reading over the last few months, which they have denied l,ve have done. One phone call to them, after trying to book an engineer to test meter, and begin told, it's a new meter can't be faulty, asked if the phone call was been recorded, her answer was " F**k off " and hung up on me. Its all a nightmare. Telling them again today, (after giving them another meter reading) l want an engineer to check the meter, it's running fast .the engineer didn't show up for the last 2 appointments
Happy to pay the £150. to have it done, they said they will ring me back tomorrow! WATCH THIS SPACE!
Their readings certainly seem way out to me. My cooking heating and hot water is oil fired, the daily readings for the electricity I use for lighting, kettle , computers etc averages 9kWh like yours , and that seems high to me. (My electric bill alone is 2k per year, almost as high as the price cap seems to expect average electric  and gas to be).

You could try a "creep test" while waiting for an engineer - switch off the main trip switch on your fuse board, take a reading then after half an hour another reading. If the second reading is higher then the meter isn't working properly .
All started back in April, old electric meter stopped working, like a year ago when the capacitor blew up in backyard and stopped it dead, new meter finally installed April, now l have never use a lot of electricity, l have no heating, hot water tank, tv, l have washing machine, fridge freezer, freezer , spa ,microwave, induction hop, no cooker. I have place monters on all these,and know what l,m using, the new meter reads between 9 and 15 kwh aday, noway, over last 20 years, my bills are around the 350kwh a year! They put my DDup from £10 a month to £630 a month, yes l cancelled it! My daughter in 4 bedroom house 5 people, washing machine on all the time, cooking, heating, baths,you get the picture , her monthly DD £120. CAB on my case now, after they billed me on 30th June ,that's 24 hours, 65kwh, (meter reading 10kwh)and from 1st July to 25th July 1500, yes, 1500kwh.(meter reading 287kwh )Since the end of June l have been writing down meter reading every day at 6.30pm, so no way, have given them 10 meter reading over the last few months, which they have denied l,ve have done. One phone call to them, after trying to book an engineer to test meter, and begin told, it's a new meter can't be faulty, asked if the phone call was been recorded, her answer was " F**k off " and hung up on me. Its all a nightmare. Telling them again today, (after giving them another meter reading) l want an engineer to check the meter, it's running fast .the engineer didn't show up for the last 2 appointments
Happy to pay the £150. to have it done, they said they will ring me back tomorrow! WATCH THIS SPACE!
Keep on at them Angie. Don't give up. If they don't listen report them to the Ombudsman. Send them an email rather than phoning them (Leanne can help you with that if you don't want to do it yourself) as they can't ignore an email. (There is a way to mark the email so that you know its been read).

Definitely report that rude person who told you to erm ...."go away".
It's only October and my bladder is operating in cold weather mode already.

Taking selfie's in direct sun on my phone - always turns them grey! This does allow me to play around with my edit settings to warm them up a bit.
Sewing machines. I spent the afternoon sewing new cage liners. I've got a pile cut and pinned ready to sew, I'm about half way through. 6inches from the end of the last one for today the machine refuses to sew! I usually love this machine. I spent an hour trying to sort it, tomorrow is another day. :hb:
I popped into Next last week for some trousers but they didn't have my size so I ordered them on online for pickup at the store. I arranged delivery to the store for yesterday so that I could pick it up this morning when I'm out and about (the only day I'm available this week). I got a text message yesterday saying that my delivery was at the store and was ready to be picked up. A couple of hours later I got a further text saying that they had been delivered to the wrong store and I was to wait 48 hours for them to be delivered to the correct store! If I had wanted to collected them on Friday I would have asked them to be delivered on Friday. I can't collect them on Friday, I can collect them today. I'm out and about today not on Friday. I'll just have to find time to collect them at the weekend.

What a great sight to wake up to this morning - the Co-op telling me I don't have money in the account to cover the bills. I got money yesterday, the account's not empty, what gives?

Oh that's just Eon taking a £1312 bill they've been repeatedly told is inaccurate and have repeatedly been asked to come out and look at the meters and get an accurate reading from because I'm not traipsing into that cellar just to get them a photo of something they've been repeatedly told happened. But no, somehow it doesn't matter how many times I mention the gas and electric meters were both replaced at the same time - in March - no, we'll just keep acting like we forgot the gas meter is new.

I've rung the bank to cancel the payment. It should have been cancelled. Still showing as pending when I look it up though. Sigh. ffs Eon, it's not that hard.
Might be worth cancelling the direct debit if you can Lorcan …..that would spark their interest and set up a conversation…
Awful how they’re treating you like that !
You need Miss Bramble on your case 🥰
I mean I suspect having to deal with me when I'm just awake (so my voice hasn't woken up yet, apparently I sound worryingly scary when I speak in a perfectly even tone. Quirk of the accent, lol) was enough for today at least. How many times do they need to be told they can have their photographs but they need to send someone out to get them because I'm not going down there. Bloody eejits.

Edit: Also @Roselina your comment made me wonder about something, and I've gone back and checked it. Turns out when I said to cancel the payment, the bank cancelled the entire direct debit :))
I find cancelling payments and refusing to pay bills tends to get attention quite quickly! Be it services or builders. My biggest regret is paying for the roof before it rained and before the scaffolding came down so we could see what they'd done to the gutters!
Cats are digging in my border. Recently planted some spring bulbs and do not want the rest of my spring flowers disturbed. Currently looking at some anti cat spikes or something.
Chicken wire laid on the ground. The cats hate the feeling. You can also put mothballs inside of hosiery. Depending on where you live, some areas have laws against it, since a cat could technically eat the moth balls, and die.
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