A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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You will all get through it! We too had Lucifer's Child in the form of Son No 3. It started when he was two and a half and finished (finally) the Christmas after he started school. We worked out that it was frustration at not being physically or mentally able to do what he wanted to do. He is also very intelligent. He is now doing a Maths degree.

Yes frustration is absolutely an issue, think she has her mum's temper 😂 we try and talk a lot about what's happened and why. I physically had to restrain her yesterday at one point and just hugged her tight and told her I will let her go when she is being safe. We talk about emotions and I've let her know that plenty of adults react to their emotions when there are better ways to handle them so she will learn a bit as she gets older but no one is perfect. It's obviously working as she got frustrated first thing this morning and raised her hand to hit me, I flinched and closed my eyes bracing myself but the hit never came which is a first and shows she is starting to think about it.

Could it be attention seeking behaviour in part .... she was used to having you all to herself, now you have a new (and therefore very time consuming) baby to care for, as well as her.
It doesn't feel like it now, but it won't last for ever...

Possibly. I do try and make sure I put baby down when possible and we spend time together or I will leave baby with dad while we take the dog for a walk to reconnect but it's not the same as having attention 24/7. We also talk about being a big sister and how it's sometimes hard. I'm hoping that in time she can tell me when she is struggling. She's bright as a button and so loving and kind 90% of the time
Just rang my insurance company to see how much it will cost to add my son onto my car policy as he turns 17 next week and they can't even give me a quote! I have to try again on his birthday just to get an idea of cost 🤯 officially he isn't old enough to drive but why does that stop them giving me a quote? Seems ridiculous!
That's ridiculous that they can't give a quote! Not sure how drivers licenses work in the UK, each state in the US has different rules. My sister-in-law was having my nephew drive out on a quiet country road; he has his learners permit right now not the full license yet. He ended up not paying attention and drove off the road and crashed into a telephone poll. Thankfully they were both fine, but the car was totaled. Their car insurance company dropped him and they had a really difficult time finding a company that would take him.
British Gas are becoming very much like Eon next for customer service!

British Gas were essentially giving me free gas at one point, my meter was calibrated weird and I was getting double the topups I was paying for. I tried to let them know this at one point, and they decided I was trying to scam money off them and threatened to report me for it, so I shrugged and said okay and basically got free central heating for several months, lol.

I have to replace a pair of batteries. I know it's a minor thing but it feels like a nuisance, lol. Edit: Oh, and because I wasn't paying attention I ended up buying the slightly more expensive ones, because I assumed they didn't have any of my usual Molicels in stock. They did, I just forgot what the wrap's colour was haha.
You did the right thing letting British Gas know it’s their loss !
Sometimes those little jobs are so annoying !
£15.99 for the pair. Sounds a lot I know but that's lithium batteries for you.

And yeah, I did my bit, I'm not going to say no to free gas if they don't want to hear it! I did the same when a vape shop sent me a bottle of juice twice the size of what I ordered, although I spent forever trying to phrase that email like hey, thanks for the free stuff, but can I keep it? And they were much nicer about it than British Gas ever were.
Stubbed my toe on bed of hotel. Not sure how as didn't seem anywhere near it. Little toe is now little swollen and still throbbing... so I'm hobbling like I've got bad legs 🙄☹️

Quoting myself, sorry.

Swelling has gone down but now left with a bruise of different colours that has spread across my foot slightly. I can walk normally on it (I couldn't this morning) and weight bear on it, bend my toe etc. Its just sort of ouchy? It aches and throbs a little (lots of walking today) so I'm sat with my feet up.
(I vaguely recall saying that last time and possibly the time before that)

I definitely never said the same thing after almost managing to blow up my sister's wedding venue (unintentionally, I might add) and then after falling down the stairs and tearing shoulder muscles. Definitely not.
I definitely never said the same thing after almost managing to blow up my sister's wedding venue (unintentionally, I might add) and then after falling down the stairs and tearing shoulder muscles. Definitely not.
These days when I've had one too many and feel really rough,I don't bother saying it anymore as I know I won't keep to it lol.
My new iron was supposed to be delivered today. I had a message from Royal Mail yesterday saying it would be delivered today between 12.17pm and 3.17pm. Then I get another this morning saying it would be delivered by 7.30pm. I went out for half an hour this afternoon. I got an email at 4.15pm from Amazon saying that a delivery had been attempted at 4.44pm and nobody was in! Well unless Royal Mail can time travel I think they are telling porkies! How can you attempt delivery half an hour after the time of the email?!?
...I realise I should probably explain I was trying to help with the wedding thing. A lot of the guests were smokers, myself included at the time, and none of us had an issue with smoking outdoors. But there were no bins, and the butts were piling up and it looked kinda gross, so my thought was, I'd put the butt down a drain instead. Like I said, I was drunk. And I didn't find a drain. I managed to drop it down the access for a gas outlet pipe.
And, to make it even better, my uncle walked over and said it was a gas outlet, and I said it wasn't, he said it was, and myself and my aunt wandered over, bent right down to it, said "Ah so it is" and then left. Thankfully he didn't tell my mother because she actually would've killed me, accident or not lol.

My new iron was supposed to be delivered today. I had a message from Royal Mail yesterday saying it would be delivered today between 12.17pm and 3.17pm. Then I get another this morning saying it would be delivered by 7.30pm. I went out for half an hour this afternoon. I got an email at 4.15pm from Amazon saying that a delivery had been attempted at 4.44pm and nobody was in! Well unless Royal Mail can time travel I think they are telling porkies! How can you attempt delivery half an hour after the time of the email?!?

Time clocks being out of sync - one set being on GMT and the other BST.
I had an email from Royal Mail once telling me my delivery would be at a certain time when that time had already passed. It wasn't delivered that day it turned up several days later. I don't think they know what they are doing and it's not about to get any better.
I had an email from Royal Mail once telling me my delivery would be at a certain time when that time had already passed. It wasn't delivered that day it turned up several days later. I don't think they know what they are doing and it's not about to get any better.
Royal Mail are a complete shambles now. Gone are the days when you used to get your post in time for breakfast and you got two deliveries a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Even Evri are better than Royal Mail now and that is saying something!
My new iron was supposed to be delivered today. I had a message from Royal Mail yesterday saying it would be delivered today between 12.17pm and 3.17pm. Then I get another this morning saying it would be delivered by 7.30pm. I went out for half an hour this afternoon. I got an email at 4.15pm from Amazon saying that a delivery had been attempted at 4.44pm and nobody was in! Well unless Royal Mail can time travel I think they are telling porkies! How can you attempt delivery half an hour after the time of the email?!?
Email also said that iron would be delivered next working day. Then I had another email about an hour later saying that I had to rearrange the delivery! So now I'm having to do Royal Mail's job for them. The local Postmen all know to leave any parcels in the porch. I've said that if I'm not around to try my neighbours as the Postmen seem to be incapable of leaving it in the porch. Then hopefully I can start on my ever increasing pile of ironing.
Royal Mail are a complete shambles now. Gone are the days when you used to get your post in time for breakfast and you got two deliveries a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Even Evri are better than Royal Mail now and that is saying something!
We are lucky if we get post twice a week now and I am not exaggerating. Our delivery office is so short staffed they can't cover the walks.
My local delivery office doesn't like me very much. They will deliver my post on time but they will make a concerted effort to not have to see me in the process - and when I've been on the phone because someone made lazy mistakes again? Yeah last time I did that they literally posted it through my door and legged it, I barely had time to react. And I don't go out of my way to find an issue. Seriously. It's not my fault my parcel got as far as "out for delivery" and several hours later "incorrect address". No my friend you just got lost and I'm in no way going to be happy if my parcel gets RTS because you got lost.

...still better than DPD, though.
This is quite an obvious suggestion, but maybe sleeping with earplugs would help? They have helped me in the past and could be worth a trial.

I wasn't trying to sleep, even, I was sitting in the study and could hear them through the closed windows.

Plus, earplugs would mean I couldn't hear my alarm and I already overshot that by 4 hours this morning :td:
Was a stressful 1st day back at work today after my holiday and nothing was going right since the morning to when I finished.Then when I got back home one of my guinea pigs had gotten one of the nature's own hay and play small cube things stuck around her neck.Took ages to catch her and she was obviously terrified so nearly jumped out my arms 3 times,luckily managed to get it off her.
Was a stressful 1st day back at work today after my holiday and nothing was going right since the morning to when I finished.Then when I got back home one of my guinea pigs had gotten one of the nature's own hay and play small cube things stuck around her neck.Took ages to catch her and she was obviously terrified so nearly jumped out my arms 3 times,luckily managed to get it off her.
I am wondering whether I should email nature's own to say that the product could be dangerous to piggies?I don't think rabbits would ever get their head stuck as it's small openings around the cube.
I had one of those and was worried about it. I threw it away in the end and just gave them the hay. I thought I must have made a mistake and it was meant for hamsters.