Who’s struggling?

Thank you ❤️. Had a really awful day yesterday. But slightly better today. Managed to sit in a chair for about 10 minutes which is big progress for me right now. And in a bit less pain so I'm in a better mood. Any small wins!
That’s amazing you must feel proud of yourself …..when you think how it was just before
We’re all supporting you and wishing you better asap ❤️
Going back to work after the holidays is harder than expected. We want to start a family but theres a lot of risks associated with getting pregnant on my current epilepsy medication. I've got an appointment at the end of October with the epilepsy clinic to see what my options are with regard to changing my medication and I've already started taking the pre pregnancy vitamins the GP prescribed. The issue is going back to work after the summer. Being surrounded by happy families and staff that have just come back from maternity leave and are constantly sharing pictures and funny stories of their little ones. I don't want to take away from there experience but it's a constant reminder that I may need to have seizures, strange new side affects and uncertainty while I get myself ready for pregnancy. It's not helped by a lot of staff starting conversations with "you've got a husband and a house now. When are you going to have a baby?" Or giving me nudges and saying "you'll be next" any time babies are mentioned. I'm broody I want kids and I feel I'm as ready as I'll ever be but it's terrifying.
Going back to work after the holidays is harder than expected. We want to start a family but theres a lot of risks associated with getting pregnant on my current epilepsy medication. I've got an appointment at the end of October with the epilepsy clinic to see what my options are with regard to changing my medication and I've already started taking the pre pregnancy vitamins the GP prescribed. The issue is going back to work after the summer. Being surrounded by happy families and staff that have just come back from maternity leave and are constantly sharing pictures and funny stories of their little ones. I don't want to take away from there experience but it's a constant reminder that I may need to have seizures, strange new side affects and uncertainty while I get myself ready for pregnancy. It's not helped by a lot of staff starting conversations with "you've got a husband and a house now. When are you going to have a baby?" Or giving me nudges and saying "you'll be next" any time babies are mentioned. I'm broody I want kids and I feel I'm as ready as I'll ever be but it's terrifying.

Good luck at the epilepsy clinic. ❤️
Going back to work after the holidays is harder than expected. We want to start a family but theres a lot of risks associated with getting pregnant on my current epilepsy medication. I've got an appointment at the end of October with the epilepsy clinic to see what my options are with regard to changing my medication and I've already started taking the pre pregnancy vitamins the GP prescribed. The issue is going back to work after the summer. Being surrounded by happy families and staff that have just come back from maternity leave and are constantly sharing pictures and funny stories of their little ones. I don't want to take away from there experience but it's a constant reminder that I may need to have seizures, strange new side affects and uncertainty while I get myself ready for pregnancy. It's not helped by a lot of staff starting conversations with "you've got a husband and a house now. When are you going to have a baby?" Or giving me nudges and saying "you'll be next" any time babies are mentioned. I'm broody I want kids and I feel I'm as ready as I'll ever be but it's terrifying.
It’s good that you’ve got your appointment at the epilepsy clinic as a positive to focus on. I know how upsetting it can be when you’re desperate to start a family but are unable to for whatever reason. Quite frankly it’s no one else’s business when/if you decide to have a family and folk don’t mean to be unkind by mentioning it but it really isn’t kind. And you’re going to be over sensitive to other people’s baby news - I know first hand how that feels and it isn’t pleasant. Just bide your time. Take it step by step. You’re doing everything right to prepare for a healthy pregnancy for you & your future baby. The next big step is in October. Good luck
Thank you ❤️. Had a really awful day yesterday. But slightly better today. Managed to sit in a chair for about 10 minutes which is big progress for me right now. And in a bit less pain so I'm in a better mood. Any small wins!
It’s so difficult in recovery to see the small progress steps so well done for recognising this. Pain is so debilitating and depressing. Sending you positive vibes.
Thank you ❤️. Had a really awful day yesterday. But slightly better today. Managed to sit in a chair for about 10 minutes which is big progress for me right now. And in a bit less pain so I'm in a better mood. Any small wins!
That's great news. Small steps, but they are clear signs of improvement.

I can relate as I have chronic pain and sitting is painful.
Going back to work after the holidays is harder than expected. We want to start a family but theres a lot of risks associated with getting pregnant on my current epilepsy medication. I've got an appointment at the end of October with the epilepsy clinic to see what my options are with regard to changing my medication and I've already started taking the pre pregnancy vitamins the GP prescribed. The issue is going back to work after the summer. Being surrounded by happy families and staff that have just come back from maternity leave and are constantly sharing pictures and funny stories of their little ones. I don't want to take away from there experience but it's a constant reminder that I may need to have seizures, strange new side affects and uncertainty while I get myself ready for pregnancy. It's not helped by a lot of staff starting conversations with "you've got a husband and a house now. When are you going to have a baby?" Or giving me nudges and saying "you'll be next" any time babies are mentioned. I'm broody I want kids and I feel I'm as ready as I'll ever be but it's terrifying.
Sending you hugs.