Who’s struggling?

Urgh. Where do I start?

I’m hormonal;

My sister had her dog Frankie PTS this week which has triggered me putting my dog Eddie to sleep a couple of years ago; I loved him so much;

I’m feeling sad about my mums dementia;

I’m sad that my dad is looking after my mum and she is so mean to him. She swears at him ALL of the time. She has lost all of her nice words and only remembers the mean ones. 😢

The only things that make me happy are Chester, Pebble and Patrick and my children but they both moved out last year so they have their own lives now for which I am thankful. 😍

Just wanted to vent. Life can be so sad sometimes 😢
Sending you hugs. Dementia is so so difficult. And seeing your mum like that and your dad struggling is really nof easy.
Thank you. ❤️

I’m feeling a bit better this morning.
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better today - so much for you to cope with. Your Dad is lucky to have such a great daughter to support him.
Sad things do trigger emotions and I understand the space Eddie has left …. it’s ok to feel these emotions and go with them….
I still miss my Milo (my faithful black lab who was pts 2021)
Take care and we’re always here for you ❤️
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better today - so much for you to cope with. Your Dad is lucky to have such a great daughter to support him.
Sad things do trigger emotions and I understand the space Eddie has left …. it’s ok to feel these emotions and go with them….
I still miss my Milo (my faithful black lab who was pts 2021)
Take care and we’re always here for you ❤️
Thank you so much 😍
My mom lost her memory when she was actively dying. Part of the confusion when you're dying. She also hallucinated which is totally normal.

I had to hire all the home health aides, be there for every appointment, take all the phone calls, use her checkbook for every bill. So I know how your dad feels and I hope he gets some respite occasionally, has someone else to watch her.

I hope she still recognizes you.
My mom lost her memory when she was actively dying. Part of the confusion when you're dying. She also hallucinated which is totally normal.

I had to hire all the home health aides, be there for every appointment, take all the phone calls, use her checkbook for every bill. So I know how your dad feels and I hope he gets some respite occasionally, has someone else to watch her.

I hope she still recognizes you.
I’m sorry you lost your mum. ❤️

No unfortunately she hasn’t recognised me for over 6 years. She’s actually quite happy now. It’s my dad, 2 sisters and me who are affected the most. Just watching her deteriorate 😢
I have surgery next week. I know someone who had the same surgery as I'm having and it didn't go well and she ended up in a wheelchair. I'm obviously stressed. Also, not allowed anyone at the hospital with me, says visitors are not allowed. Could have done with someone waiting with me while I go into surgery and when I wake up.

Also means my Nancy is going to boarding for 6 weeks. I've not even been apart from her for 24 hours since I got her nearly 4 years ago. The fact she is going alone is sad & she finds change stressful with her IC.
I have surgery next week. I know someone who had the same surgery as I'm having and it didn't go well and she ended up in a wheelchair. I'm obviously stressed. Also, not allowed anyone at the hospital with me, says visitors are not allowed. Could have done with someone waiting with me while I go into surgery and when I wake up.

Also means my Nancy is going to boarding for 6 weeks. I've not even been apart from her for 24 hours since I got her nearly 4 years ago. The fact she is going alone is sad & she finds change stressful with her IC.
Good luck with your surgery. I had a major operation in January. Spinal fusion. I was so stressed. I’d put it off for two years because I was worried about the side effects and the long recovery. But it all went well and I’m sure your procedure and recovery will too.

I didn’t have anyone wait with me either. But it was fine because you have forms to fill and then you speak to the anaesthetist and surgeon so it takes your mind off of it.

When you wake up you don’t really remember the first few hours anyway. By the time you are more awake your family can come and see you.

Good luck.
Good luck with your surgery. I had a major operation in January. Spinal fusion. I was so stressed. I’d put it off for two years because I was worried about the side effects and the long recovery. But it all went well and I’m sure your procedure and recovery will too.

I didn’t have anyone wait with me either. But it was fine because you have forms to fill and then you speak to the anaesthetist and surgeon so it takes your mind off of it.

When you wake up you don’t really remember the first few hours anyway. By the time you are more awake your family can come and see you.

Good luck.
Thank you. Glad your surgery went well. I really hope it does go well. It will change my life for the better if it does. I'm in pain 24/7 and my mobility is quite effected now.

Family aren't allowed to visit unfortunately. There's a few wards in my trust that have a 3 day rule before you are allowed visitors.
Thank you. Glad your surgery went well. I really hope it does go well. It will change my life for the better if it does. I'm in pain 24/7 and my mobility is quite effected now.

Family aren't allowed to visit unfortunately. There's a few wards in my trust that have a 3 day rule before you are allowed visitors.
Well that’s a silly rule. I’m sorry you won’t be able to have any visitors.
Changed during COVID. I suspect they find lack of visitors easier.
I’d ring them up and ask them as it could just be an old standard letter they sent out during Covid and haven’t changed it back. I’ve had lots of these letters from my hospital that refer to face masks and going to appointments alone but it’s old advice. Good luck I hope it’s just a mistake 🤞🏻
I’d ring them up and ask them as it could just be an old standard letter they sent out during Covid and haven’t changed it back. I’ve had lots of these letters from my hospital that refer to face masks and going to appointments alone but it’s old advice. Good luck I hope it’s just a mistake 🤞🏻
I know it's current because I'm on a Facebook group for people awaiting surgery who've been there recently . Will just have to get on with it. Just used to having people there when I've had previous surgeries for other things.

My brain has been quite focused on Nancy ofc. I'm glad she's doing much better though. She is still having zooms.
I have surgery next week. I know someone who had the same surgery as I'm having and it didn't go well and she ended up in a wheelchair. I'm obviously stressed. Also, not allowed anyone at the hospital with me, says visitors are not allowed. Could have done with someone waiting with me while I go into surgery and when I wake up.

Also means my Nancy is going to boarding for 6 weeks. I've not even been apart from her for 24 hours since I got her nearly 4 years ago. The fact she is going alone is sad & she finds change stressful with her IC.
Hope all goes well for your surgery.
Everyone reacts differently so there is no reason why you shouldn’t come through without any problems.
You have a whole Guinea Pig Forum supporting you - that must count for something 😁
Holding you in my thoughts
Good luck with your surgery. I had a major operation in January. Spinal fusion. I was so stressed. I’d put it off for two years because I was worried about the side effects and the long recovery. But it all went well and I’m sure your procedure and recovery will too.

I didn’t have anyone wait with me either. But it was fine because you have forms to fill and then you speak to the anaesthetist and surgeon so it takes your mind off of it.

When you wake up you don’t really remember the first few hours anyway. By the time you are more awake your family can come and see you.

Good luck.
When you had your surgery what did they do with your stuff? I've had stuff lost in hospital before so that is on my mind.
I left my suitcase with the theatre reception and it was by my bed when I woke up on the ward.
Thank you. I've got crutches too. Tempted to tie them together and put a label on with my name on. The crutch bit is the NHS. But I've replaced the ferrules with non slip ones which aren't cheap.
My stuff was left with the theatre reception staff - they put it in a sealed plastic bag and the clothes/shoes phone etc was put in another sealed bag - all with labels with name hospital number etc. It was waiting for me when I arrived back on the ward.
Had my surgery. Not gone how I expected. I was discharged home without equipment I needed. Rather stuck. It's pretty unpleasant. GP sent an urgent referral to the wrong place yesterday. Right people got the referral this afternoon but too late before the bank holiday 🤦.

They also normally do a spinal block as well as a general because otherwise you are in severe pain upon waking otherwise. But i can't have some local anaesthetic. So when I woke up I was in the worst level of pain I have ever experienced in my life by far. Was given fentayl and morphine multiple times and still discharged by the evening! But obviously wasn't a safe discharge as not managing without the hospital equipment.

Good news is my guinea pig Nancy I've heard she is doing okay. Definitely good thing she is in boarding.
Had my surgery. Not gone how I expected. I was discharged home without equipment I needed. Rather stuck. It's pretty unpleasant. GP sent an urgent referral to the wrong place yesterday. Right people got the referral this afternoon but too late before the bank holiday 🤦.

They also normally do a spinal block as well as a general because otherwise you are in severe pain upon waking otherwise. But i can't have some local anaesthetic. So when I woke up I was in the worst level of pain I have ever experienced in my life by far. Was given fentayl and morphine multiple times and still discharged by the evening! But obviously wasn't a safe discharge as not managing without the hospital equipment.

Good news is my guinea pig Nancy I've heard she is doing okay. Definitely good thing she is in boarding.
How rotten for you.
Hope everything can be resolved quickly for you.
Hugs 🤗