Who’s struggling?

I am sorry for everyone who is struggling right now 😞

I am so worried about my parents who are both in their 70’s and the stress is really getting to me 😞 My mum is due a hip replacement, she’s had her pre op 5 weeks ago and is just waiting for a date now but she has angina, stents and diabetes so is considered high risk so I’m really worried 😞 My dad has been waiting for a balloon dilation in his oesophagus for over 8 months as he can hardly eat anything but found out last week that he’s not even on the waiting list and that he has been referred to Salford Royal hospital. We thought he was at least on the list 😞 I’m so worried as he’s suddenly lost over two stone in weight through not eating and he needs this procedure doing sooner rather than later. He was checked for cancer of the oesophagus last year and all came back clear but now I’m worried it’s turned in to cancer or something while he’s been waiting 😞 I’m worried he won’t be able to cope when my mum has her hip replacement as he’ll be her main carer but he isn’t in the best of health himself. I’ll be going to their bungalow most days to help out but due to my own illnesses and poor health, my own help will be limited 😞 There’s only me and my husband who works all week, we do not have any family or close friends nearby who can help 😞 Please tell me everything will be The worry over all this is crippling me and I’m not sleeping which isn’t helping at all x
I am sorry for everyone who is struggling right now 😞

I am so worried about my parents who are both in their 70’s and the stress is really getting to me 😞 My mum is due a hip replacement, she’s had her pre op 5 weeks ago and is just waiting for a date now but she has angina, stents and diabetes so is considered high risk so I’m really worried 😞 My dad has been waiting for a balloon dilation in his oesophagus for over 8 months as he can hardly eat anything but found out last week that he’s not even on the waiting list and that he has been referred to Salford Royal hospital. We thought he was at least on the list 😞 I’m so worried as he’s suddenly lost over two stone in weight through not eating and he needs this procedure doing sooner rather than later. He was checked for cancer of the oesophagus last year and all came back clear but now I’m worried it’s turned in to cancer or something while he’s been waiting 😞 I’m worried he won’t be able to cope when my mum has her hip replacement as he’ll be her main carer but he isn’t in the best of health himself. I’ll be going to their bungalow most days to help out but due to my own illnesses and poor health, my own help will be limited 😞 There’s only me and my husband who works all week, we do not have any family or close friends nearby who can help 😞 Please tell me everything will be The worry over all this is crippling me and I’m not sleeping which isn’t helping at all x

Parents getting older is such a worry. Just try and take each day as it comes. Help out when you can help. Parents can be quite resilient when they need to be. X
Thank you. The bank holiday has slowed everything down. I don't even have a chair I can sit in 🤦. But hopefully fixed on Tuesday.

After my back fusion they wanted to send me home the next day. My husband told them I wasn’t ready and told them to keep me another day. Which I’m pleased about as I took a turn for the worst that afternoon. So I was glad he didn’t let them release me.

I’m sorry you haven’t got the equipment you need. I hope it turns up quickly. X
Thank you. The bank holiday has slowed everything down. I don't even have a chair I can sit in 🤦. But hopefully fixed on Tuesday.
I’m so sorry you’ve not been helped or supported after your recent surgery. I’m hoping you’ll rest and recover better at home - peaceful surroundings and hopefully better sleep. Have a shop delivery or some takeaways if you need to.
NHS 111 can help you if you need extra pain meds , advice etc
I’m glad things are sorted for tues - try to keep strong and positive and wish the time away.
Maybe some good tv/films to watch ….
Sending you a big HUG to support you ❤️
Let us know how you get on 🥰
I’m so sorry you’ve not been helped or supported after your recent surgery. I’m hoping you’ll rest and recover better at home - peaceful surroundings and hopefully better sleep. Have a shop delivery or some takeaways if you need to.
NHS 111 can help you if you need extra pain meds , advice etc
I’m glad things are sorted for tues - try to keep strong and positive and wish the time away.
Maybe some good tv/films to watch ….
Sending you a big HUG to support you ❤️
Let us know how you get on 🥰
Thank you. An emergency physio turned up this morning. I now have a bed rail to pull myself up on, a chair and a toilet seat. So very pleased. He showed me how to get into bed better too!
After my back fusion they wanted to send me home the next day. My husband told them I wasn’t ready and told them to keep me another day. Which I’m pleased about as I took a turn for the worst that afternoon. So I was glad he didn’t let them release me.

I’m sorry you haven’t got the equipment you need. I hope it turns up quickly. X
I think I probably needed my mum to do this. But we didn't realise just how bad it was until I got home.
Simple pieces of equipment make some things so much easier. I own several handles that attach to the wall by suction, without these I would no longer be able to get in or out of the shower as it's an over bath one. We take them on holiday too.
I've just discovered that I can no longer drive more than short journeys. It's not likely that I need to but it's upset me a LOT.
I am sorry for everyone who is struggling right now 😞

I am so worried about my parents who are both in their 70’s and the stress is really getting to me 😞 My mum is due a hip replacement, she’s had her pre op 5 weeks ago and is just waiting for a date now but she has angina, stents and diabetes so is considered high risk so I’m really worried 😞 My dad has been waiting for a balloon dilation in his oesophagus for over 8 months as he can hardly eat anything but found out last week that he’s not even on the waiting list and that he has been referred to Salford Royal hospital. We thought he was at least on the list 😞 I’m so worried as he’s suddenly lost over two stone in weight through not eating and he needs this procedure doing sooner rather than later. He was checked for cancer of the oesophagus last year and all came back clear but now I’m worried it’s turned in to cancer or something while he’s been waiting 😞 I’m worried he won’t be able to cope when my mum has her hip replacement as he’ll be her main carer but he isn’t in the best of health himself. I’ll be going to their bungalow most days to help out but due to my own illnesses and poor health, my own help will be limited 😞 There’s only me and my husband who works all week, we do not have any family or close friends nearby who can help 😞 Please tell me everything will be The worry over all this is crippling me and I’m not sleeping which isn’t helping at all x
That sounds so stressful. So hip replacement wise- they often give less general anaesthetic and give a spinal block. This is for pain but also reduces risk With less general. With both your parents being old. Can you get your dad to say he cannot care for your mum? If you insist that he cannot care, they need to put things into place before your mum is discharged. Some councils have special teams to come into your home for 6 weeks after discharge. Once she has the hip op date they should have an OT come to the house with equipment. But councils can also provide meals etc. There are options but you need to know about it to push for them.
Simple pieces of equipment make some things so much easier. I own several handles that attach to the wall by suction, without these I would no longer be able to get in or out of the shower as it's an over bath one. We take them on holiday too.
I've just discovered that I can no longer drive more than short journeys. It's not likely that I need to but it's upset me a LOT.
They really do! I had some equipment already purely because I had rang adult social care for myself! But I needed much more than I needed.
I am having an awful time. After my hip surgery that didn't go as expected. I got a DVT in my leg. And I have blood clots on both lungs. Like seriously how much more can life throw at me at once.
I am having an awful time. After my hip surgery that didn't go as expected. I got a DVT in my leg. And I have blood clots on both lungs. Like seriously how much more can life throw at me at once.

Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for the rough ride you’re having 😞 (((hugs))) it’s one of the things I’m most worried about when my mum has her hip replacement. I hope you recover soon x
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for the rough ride you’re having 😞 (((hugs))) it’s one of the things I’m most worried about when my mum has her hip replacement. I hope you recover soon x
Thank you. If she's high risk they should give her blood thinners. I was given low dose aspirin but wasn't classed as high risk.
Gosh how awful for you ! Sending love and healing thoughts to you
Take care and try to keep strong ….you will get over this ❤️