Who’s struggling?

Thank you @Ruth1 and @Claire W. I sometimes just need to remind myself to back off mentally. Tomorrow's another day, another chance, and another opportunity.

I just wish my hands/legs/body would work when they're supposed to. I fell backwards and sprained my wrist trying to close my bedroom door earlier. Can't leave it open or the vapour triggers the smoke alarm but the door is weird and the hinges aren't where they should be. I landed (mostly) on a plastic organised tray filled with threads so it wasn't a hard landing but still. Just trying to close a door. That's the stuff that gets me the most, the basic wee things that should be automatic and they're not.
Finally found the energy to go and see the gp, they’re going to do a blood test in 2 days. She said after the blood tests they can begin taking me seriously, don’t know why but with how much I’m struggling lately that comment made me feel deflated. Hope they can find something in the blood tests
Finally found the energy to go and see the gp, they’re going to do a blood test in 2 days. She said after the blood tests they can begin taking me seriously, don’t know why but with how much I’m struggling lately that comment made me feel deflated. Hope they can find something in the blood tests
Don't be deflated - you have done an AMZING job getting along your GP and starting the ball rolling.
And blood tests are necessary so that whatever happens they have a baseline to work from.

Well done for taking the first (and hardest) step.
Finally found the energy to go and see the gp, they’re going to do a blood test in 2 days. She said after the blood tests they can begin taking me seriously, don’t know why but with how much I’m struggling lately that comment made me feel deflated. Hope they can find something in the blood tests
Some doctors are so insensitive. They don’t realise that it takes people a long time and a lot of courage to make the appointment.

Good luck with the tests. I hope you are soon feeling much better.
Finally found the energy to go and see the gp, they’re going to do a blood test in 2 days. She said after the blood tests they can begin taking me seriously, don’t know why but with how much I’m struggling lately that comment made me feel deflated. Hope they can find something in the blood tests

Some GP’s are so insensitive 😞 but well done for going, that’s a huge step in itself. All the best for the blood tests. I hope you are feeling better soon x
Finally found the energy to go and see the gp, they’re going to do a blood test in 2 days. She said after the blood tests they can begin taking me seriously, don’t know why but with how much I’m struggling lately that comment made me feel deflated. Hope they can find something in the blood tests
Well done. Hope that the tests go well and give you some answers x
Well done for seeing the doctor @Rivervixen .
I hope the blood tests show up something simple to treat. Many years ago I suffered with terrible fatigue, tests showed a vitamin B deficiency which was easily treated with a change of diet and a supplement for a few weeks.
Thank you everyone, really hoping something picks up somewhere as I’m only feeling worse as time goes on :( really appreciate all the support here, feeling understood in hard times always helps so much
Hope they can find out what’s wrong @Rivervixen My husband had a blood test last year as he was feeling really exhausted and it turned out he had a B vitamin deficiency and was given tablets for it for 6 month. Apparently it alters the shape of your red blood cells so you can’t carry as much oxygen as you should so makes to feel quite exhausted. Anyway it worked, he’s full of beans now most of the time now
well done for getting to the General Practioner.I hope you get some result from the blood tests.its so hard when yo are feeling exhausted.Lots of empathy for you.
An update on my situation - they said my folic acid levels are low and vitamin d is borderline. 3 months of folic acid tablets to take, hope I start feeling better. Thank you everyone for being so lovely, also really sorry for not getting back to this thread sooner! I feel like a sloth in terms of energy at the moment
I'm done in.

34 days into the year and I've allowed my sibling to manipulate, bully and blackmail me. I'm trapped here with nowhere to go and noone to turn to. It should be as simple as kicking him out but isn't. If we do, he tells me I will lose everything and apart from my job I have nothing. I'm sick of believing his bullshit in the hope he will change/wants a family relationship.

I'm sat here crying because I can't even set my laptop up how it was before repair. I think I've signed into my microsoft account and its downloading word etc but I've no idea. Don't know how I got Norton security on it last time either.

I've not slept much this week and I have a headache and think all the wind and cold weather has flared my dry eye up. I would very much like to hibernate and wake up in summer.
I'm done in.

34 days into the year and I've allowed my sibling to manipulate, bully and blackmail me. I'm trapped here with nowhere to go and noone to turn to. It should be as simple as kicking him out but isn't. If we do, he tells me I will lose everything and apart from my job I have nothing. I'm sick of believing his bullshit in the hope he will change/wants a family relationship.

I'm sat here crying because I can't even set my laptop up how it was before repair. I think I've signed into my microsoft account and its downloading word etc but I've no idea. Don't know how I got Norton security on it last time either.

I've not slept much this week and I have a headache and think all the wind and cold weather has flared my dry eye up. I would very much like to hibernate and wake up in summer.
So sorry you are feeling awful. Everything seems to happen all at once when you feel down and makes matters worse. It must be truly awful having to live with this sibling manipulating and blackmailing you still. I really think your Mum and you should kick him out and change your locks. Sadly he is unlikely to change, is there no one in your family/friend who could step in to support you both :hug:
I'm done in.

34 days into the year and I've allowed my sibling to manipulate, bully and blackmail me. I'm trapped here with nowhere to go and noone to turn to. It should be as simple as kicking him out but isn't. If we do, he tells me I will lose everything and apart from my job I have nothing. I'm sick of believing his bullshit in the hope he will change/wants a family relationship.

I'm sat here crying because I can't even set my laptop up how it was before repair. I think I've signed into my microsoft account and its downloading word etc but I've no idea. Don't know how I got Norton security on it last time either.

I've not slept much this week and I have a headache and think all the wind and cold weather has flared my dry eye up. I would very much like to hibernate and wake up in summer.
I don't have anything constructive to add but wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and you have my support.
I can not even imagine what you are going through. :hug:
Dear Sar it’s an awful situation - I remember you telling us about your brother before. It’s hard to be strong but you can contact your local council as this is a safeguarding issue - you and your Mum are being emotionally and financially bullied by this horrible person. They would be able to offer you advice and help. You can do it online.
Hopefully your laptop is just being a bit slow.
Keep in touch with us …..we want to to support you and we’re here to listen ❤️
I'm done in.

34 days into the year and I've allowed my sibling to manipulate, bully and blackmail me. I'm trapped here with nowhere to go and noone to turn to. It should be as simple as kicking him out but isn't. If we do, he tells me I will lose everything and apart from my job I have nothing. I'm sick of believing his bullshit in the hope he will change/wants a family relationship.

I'm sat here crying because I can't even set my laptop up how it was before repair. I think I've signed into my microsoft account and its downloading word etc but I've no idea. Don't know how I got Norton security on it last time either.

I've not slept much this week and I have a headache and think all the wind and cold weather has flared my dry eye up. I would very much like to hibernate and wake up in summer.
Bless you :( that sounds so awful and tiring… really hope your sibling can sort themself out because that’s not fair on you at all. Really hope you can get some good sleep soon too, everything feels that much worse when you’re exhausted. Lots of hugs and wheeks from me and my two x
I'm just sore. Something to do with my ribs again, but you'd think after this long they'd have stopped giving me grief. I was 30. I'm now 35. :td: Don't get me wrong this isn't new, it took my foot nearly a decade to stop complaining at me (and still does, but thankfully only rarely) and a foot's a lot easier to keep rested than ribs are. So instead I'm just grumpy because my ribs hurt and painkillers aren't enough to stop it entirely.
So sorry you are feeling awful. Everything seems to happen all at once when you feel down and makes matters worse. It must be truly awful having to live with this sibling manipulating and blackmailing you still. I really think your Mum and you should kick him out and change your locks. Sadly he is unlikely to change, is there no one in your family/friend who could step in to support you both :hug:

I don't have anything constructive to add but wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and you have my support.
I can not even imagine what you are going through. :hug:

Dear Sar it’s an awful situation - I remember you telling us about your brother before. It’s hard to be strong but you can contact your local council as this is a safeguarding issue - you and your Mum are being emotionally and financially bullied by this horrible person. They would be able to offer you advice and help. You can do it online.
Hopefully your laptop is just being a bit slow.
Keep in touch with us …..we want to to support you and we’re here to listen ❤️

Bless you :( that sounds so awful and tiring… really hope your sibling can sort themself out because that’s not fair on you at all. Really hope you can get some good sleep soon too, everything feels that much worse when you’re exhausted. Lots of hugs and wheeks from me and my two x

Being able to rant here helps enormously. Something needs to happen and something will. Its harder because to the outside everything appears "normal" and people see x and y and assume its as simple as z... when in reality its completely messed up. Story of my life.

I have had a slightly more positive weekend though. I managed to sleep! I also worked out how to listen to youtube on my phone without the app (phone wont update the app as have no memory) so I'm hoping to be able to do exercise videos. I moved all my plant pots to the half of the garden where the weak late winter sun/early spring sun reaches. Its lovely to see them in the sun and makes me hopeful spring is on the way!
Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗
Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗
I'm so sorry to hear your mum is suffering from dementia, its a cruel disease. I hope you're doing OK ❤️

I've been struggling since June when we lost my lovely dad 3 weeks after a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis. Our parents are our anchors and we see them as invincible.

Much Love ❤️
I have been in tears several times this week with my sciatica especially the pain it is causing in my calf and ankle. I knew sciatica could happen but thought it would be a third trimester problem not first. Worried about my mental health as a result as I suffered with my first pregnancy and with all these aches and pains I reckon it'll kick in sooner rather than later ☹️
I have been in tears several times this week with my sciatica especially the pain it is causing in my calf and ankle. I knew sciatica could happen but thought it would be a third trimester problem not first. Worried about my mental health as a result as I suffered with my first pregnancy and with all these aches and pains I reckon it'll kick in sooner rather than later ☹️
I wish I lived nearer - I’d be round in a flash to give you some reflexology - it works wonders with sciatica, and is completely safe in pregnancy. I know how dreadful sciatica is - so you have my sympathy, too. Big hugs x
I wish I lived nearer - I’d be round in a flash to give you some reflexology - it works wonders with sciatica, and is completely safe in pregnancy. I know how dreadful sciatica is - so you have my sympathy, too. Big hugs x

I have been meaning to look up therapies to try something for it. I just haven't the time and Jessica clearly knows change is underway as she's become really clingy with me again recently. Thankfully the last couple of nights I seem to have had better sleep (and less tantrums from Jessica). Using extra pillows has helped so I definitely need to dig out my pregnancy pillow from the back of the airing cupboard
Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗
Hi there. I can certainly relate. My mum has passed however she did have dementia and it was very difficult. The one thing I can tell you is no matter how much you think she doesn't remember you, just having you near her is a great help. Don't make this your life because if you do it will swallow you up. Take breaks and time out for yourself. And enjoy the day.
I have been in tears several times this week with my sciatica especially the pain it is causing in my calf and ankle. I knew sciatica could happen but thought it would be a third trimester problem not first. Worried about my mental health as a result as I suffered with my first pregnancy and with all these aches and pains I reckon it'll kick in sooner rather than later ☹️
Sending hugs and sympathy for your sciatic pain, sharing similar at the moment. I hurt my back a fortnight ago and it turns out I have a bulging disc in my spine. I have never known pain like it. I'm having regular chiropractic treatment which is helping, don't know whether that would help you at all? Obviously as with most things in this life it costs, but I think I read somewhere that it can be done safely during pregnancy.
Take care, here to listen/whinge if you need x
I have been in tears several times this week with my sciatica especially the pain it is causing in my calf and ankle. I knew sciatica could happen but thought it would be a third trimester problem not first. Worried about my mental health as a result as I suffered with my first pregnancy and with all these aches and pains I reckon it'll kick in sooner rather than later ☹️

At the risk of having missed something elsewhere - congratulations! We're here for you if you need an ear 🙂

Fingers crossed it's something acute and not pregnancy related at all so that it goes away soon and doesn't come back 🤞🏻
Hi there. I can certainly relate. My mum has passed however she did have dementia and it was very difficult. The one thing I can tell you is no matter how much you think she doesn't remember you, just having you near her is a great help. Don't make this your life because if you do it will swallow you up. Take breaks and time out for yourself. And enjoy the day.
Thank you. I’m so very sorry about your mum. ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear your mum is suffering from dementia, its a cruel disease. I hope you're doing OK ❤️

I've been struggling since June when we lost my lovely dad 3 weeks after a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis. Our parents are our anchors and we see them as invincible.

Much Love ❤️
I’m doing ok thank you. I’m so sorry to hear your dad has passed. Remember all the good times with him. I’m sure there are many. ❤️
Some of you may already know that me and my husband are unable to have children. Whenever I think I’m at peace with it, another friend or family member falls pregnant and I get upset all over again. Well, my husbands cousin gave birth to a baby boy earlier today and old feelings have resurfaced 😞 don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased that he’s arrived healthy and I am happy for her but it still hurts as he was an accident which is always a double blow for me. It’s also my dads birthday today so celebrating my dads birthday will be shared each year from now on although my dad doesn’t mind. Sorry to sound so selfish but I’m struggling tonight 😞