What made you happy today?

Sunshine! 1 load of hoooman washing almost dry, 2 loads of pig washing outside in the sunshine. One pig has a clean home. ( He didn’t create 2 loads of washing by himself - that would be the other wee monsters!).
My washing line is still in a cupboard. I have made several comments about missing out on the good drying weather but hubby is oblivious.......
I have a rotary line in the garden that gets put away in winter. I put a small stick in the reinforced hole in the ground to remember where it goes. Seems there’s some nest building going on coz the stick that’s been there all winter is now not there 🤣 now need to mow the lawn to find the hole! Or get down on my hands and knees ….
I had to go collect some medication for Mabel from the vet earlier, I'd had a hell of a morning with Mum being ill.. I stopped off at the local fish store to see if they had any aquatic plants suitable for the axolotls and saw the tiniest little musk turtles I've ever seen, they were only about 3-4cm! They were as excited to see me as I was them 🤣 dancing around at the glass. I managed to get a couple pictures of them once they calmed down, and one of an adult one towards the back! If only I had the space lol!

And I get to the vets to find they weren't charging me for Mabels medication 🥹 which was lovely of them. Fingers crossed it works.

I had to go collect some medication for Mabel from the vet earlier, I'd had a hell of a morning with Mum being ill.. I stopped off at the local fish store to see if they had any aquatic plants suitable for the axolotls and saw the tiniest little musk turtles I've ever seen, they were only about 3-4cm! They were as excited to see me as I was them 🤣 dancing around at the glass. I managed to get a couple pictures of them once they calmed down, and one of an adult one towards the back! If only I had the space lol!

And I get to the vets to find they weren't charging me for Mabels medication 🥹 which was lovely of them. Fingers crossed it works.

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Go on you know you want to!
That's lovely 😍

I always tell my family not to bother anyway, but my no2 son probably isn't even aware it's Mothering Sunday/Mothers Day tomorrow, and no1 is in Oz where Mother's Day is later in the year I imagine :xd:
Easter cactus has buds on!

I've pencilled in a weekend to do the cactus spring clean (give leaves a good wipe to dust them and top up with fresh soil) which takes a while. They are definitely ready for some brighter light rather than this grey stuff coming through the window!
Easter cactus has buds on!

I've pencilled in a weekend to do the cactus spring clean (give leaves a good wipe to dust them and top up with fresh soil) which takes a while. They are definitely ready for some brighter light rather than this grey stuff coming through the window!
I have a Thanksgiving cactus, and have seen a Christmas cactus. I have never seen an Easter cactus, but I do know what the leaves look like. Anyway, will you post a photo?
I went to visit my mum yesterday for Mothers Day. She has dementia. I walked in and she said hello darling ❤️. When I was leaving she said you’re lovely ❤️ and after I told her I loved her she said I love you❤️.

Oh my goodness I’m so happy. She doesn’t know who I am and hasn’t recognised me for, I don’t know, 5 years. But that was a wonderful visit.
That's lovely 😍

I always tell my family not to bother anyway, but my no2 son probably isn't even aware it's Mothering Sunday/Mothers Day tomorrow, and no1 is in Oz where Mother's Day is later in the year I imagine :xd:
My sister who lives in Australia still remembers. Yes it's on a different day in Oz but she is capable of googling the UK date (or ask me).
I actually forgot about it til the last minute but Moonpig had my card there by Friday. Hooray for Moonpig!

I'd rung my mum about the fire and she said it had arrived, was lovely and very funny, and I kinda had to "nod my head and smile" because I couldn't remember which one it was :coat: panic buying, amirite?
I actually forgot about it til the last minute but Moonpig had my card there by Friday. Hooray for Moonpig!

I'd rung my mum about the fire and she said it had arrived, was lovely and very funny, and I kinda had to "nod my head and smile" because I couldn't remember which one it was :coat: panic buying, amirite?
Oh @Lorcan