What made you happy today?

Had an extremely rare morning with the house to myself. I had a bath, made a cake, rid the living room of the last vestiges of Christmas, played some video games, ate lots of cake and drank lots of tea. Perfect 👌

This week's theme is "baking without butter" and that cake was a cracking start. Unfortunately I think the recipe needs tweaking so I might need to make it a couple more times, just to make sure I've got it right...
Had an extremely rare morning with the house to myself. I had a bath, made a cake, rid the living room of the last vestiges of Christmas, played some video games, ate lots of cake and drank lots of tea. Perfect 👌

This week's theme is "baking without butter" and that cake was a cracking start. Unfortunately I think the recipe needs tweaking so I might need to make it a couple more times, just to make sure I've got it right...

I love a bit of baking, I recommend Mary berry’s Swiss roll recipe it uses a fat-less sponge (just eggs, sugar and flour) and who doesn’t love a Swiss roll!
My mother-in-law has a yearly girls weekend for all of her daughters, myself, and now the adult grand-daughters. It was so much fun! We played at Top Golf (it's a bowling-ish type of golf), went antiquing, ate lots of yummy food, Ikea, and we did an escape room. I couldn't come today as I was feeling ill. They went to go visit great-grandma and great-grandpa and I didn't want to get them sick. We were going to go ax throwing, but we ran out of time.
My mother-in-law has a yearly girls weekend for all of her daughters, myself, and now the adult grand-daughters. It was so much fun! We played at Top Golf (it's a bowling-ish type of golf), went antiquing, ate lots of yummy food, Ikea, and we did an escape room. I couldn't come today as I was feeling ill. They went to go visit great-grandma and great-grandpa and I didn't want to get them sick. We were going to go ax throwing, but we ran out of time.

We had a family & friend day like this once except we almost didn't make it to the last activity of the day. We were explicitly told, when we went out On the lake with canoes, that we had to behave ourselves and, yeah. All but three people ended up in the lake instead :)) we did swim the canoes back but my mother was fuming with us. Totally worth it.
Got a letter today, my MRI for my back is for the 12th 🤗 someone else at the athletics club has been waiting for an urgent MRI since October, so I really wasn't expecting to hear for some time! Glad to finally know what's going on hopefully by early March if not the end of this month!
And even better, it's in the evening, so no having to get up early..although I will miss a track session but never mind.
Taking 5 books back to charity shop... then buying 6 whilst there! No wonder my to read pile isn't going down. Plus when they are 3 for £1 and you've chosen 4 already, the sensible thing is to go for 6 right?
What charity shop is this? a couple in Daventry used to be 4 for £1 but now it's £1 per book.Same with DVDs.
So my PC died and the TV cables were cut when the windows were replaced because I didn't think I'd need them. I also don't have a smart TV. So what's a guy to do? I bought a FireTV stick.

Now, my soundbar is corded, but I've never had a working remote for it and that was two homes ago, so I'd given up on it.

The FireTV stick is working as a remote! With worrying ease, lol. I'm just glad to not need to repeatedly stand up and sit down just to adjust audio!
A day of firsts - first foods for Martin (I'm not counting the chalk and paint at Artsters). He was ok with toast dipped in egg but loved the broccoli... Could not get enough.

First beer shopping for Jessica. She was over the moon at Morrisons kids trolleys.