What made you happy today?

Red's back to old boy normal today. We had a bad couple of days with him. I was hoping for the best while thinking the worst. He was very off last night, we didn't want to come downstairs this morning. After morning veggies he did one of his victory laps of the cage as if to say, had you fooled!
After 4 years of back pain and 1 year of trying to get taken seriously, I saw the pain clinic today and was sent straight for xrays, and a request made for an urgent MRI. It also sounds like even if they come back normal they aren't going to just dismiss me too, they'll be reaching out to the spinal surgeons in Birmingham to get their input 🥰
I'm so pleased for you. I have suffered with chronic pain for several years and did the female thing of powering through it. I had a tipping point last spring with a conglomeration of factors going me a bit of a physical and emotional breakdown and the reality that I was killing myself unless things changed. I'm very lucky that my GP took me seriously and I was diagnosed with several debilitating conditions and am seeing a specialist next month. While I don't want to have any of these conditions It's a huge relief to have it confirmed that you are not just being dramatic.
I've been doing the same, I dont really have the free time to deal with it, but my Dad told me he had the same symptoms and nearly ended up wheelchair bound so I figured I'd best try to do something. I've been repeatedly told my legs buckling while running or walking is not concerning and just normal aging which has been frustrating, so to finally be taken seriously has been so nice, I'm fairly certain that seeing a woman this time helped as well, she couldn't do enough for me, whereas the men clearly just wanted me out the room.
I’m generation … ahem … Jon Pertwee … definitely black and white. But loved Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant/Matt Smith era and the current one looking promising too.
After 4 years of back pain and 1 year of trying to get taken seriously, I saw the pain clinic today and was sent straight for xrays, and a request made for an urgent MRI. It also sounds like even if they come back normal they aren't going to just dismiss me too, they'll be reaching out to the spinal surgeons in Birmingham to get their input 🥰
I’m so pleased for you. I hope they find out what the problem is and can sort it out for you. 🤞🏻
After 4 years of back pain and 1 year of trying to get taken seriously, I saw the pain clinic today and was sent straight for xrays, and a request made for an urgent MRI. It also sounds like even if they come back normal they aren't going to just dismiss me too, they'll be reaching out to the spinal surgeons in Birmingham to get their input 🥰
This is good news. Hope all the tests give you some answers and possible solutions.
iplayer never shows me when I look it up and I'm too lazy to keep chasing it up. Then Amazon was like "hey wanna watch this?" and that's how it's done, lol. Takes my mind off this jigsaw that I'm struggling to want to finish, lol.