What made you happy today?

Had a lovely relaxing day.
Spoke to family and friends, including a friend in the USA.
We started as pen friends over 50 years ago.
Went out for lunch with my husband - we had a lovely meal.
Booked to go out for a meal with a friend next week while I’m in Yorkshire looking after workmen.
It’s been a lovely day 😊
Pleased you had a lovely day. Its just what you need after the busy Christmas time and the start of your Sabbatical.
Bag of old glasses successfully donated to specsavers. Something else gone out the house.

Managed to get a smallish storgae box so I can get all mu toiletries organised. I have lots so may take a while (and I shouldn't need to buy any for a long time either!).
Speaking of bird shenanigans, I watched a bunch of magpies (I think about 13, but it was hard to keep track) yesterday yelling and doing their very best to convince one, lone, solitary, crow to get out of their tree. However they were clearly trying to avoid actually antagonising said crow because whilst they kept yelling and hopping branches and flying at said crow, they were making obvious attempts to avoid both the crow and the crow's branch. The crow, meanwhile, didn't seem to care that the magpies were upset and at one point actually turned round, flew at another branch, directly where a number of magpies were trying to work out their next move and scattered them.

The magpies then started picking on each other like it was their fault the crow was there but...what's this? Another crow! And another crow! And just like that, the magpies decided the pigeons over near the church would make better targets than three crows and skedaddled, lol.
I have a whole posse of starlings (36+) some days they demolish the mealworms but are so lovely to see
Today I had a great spotted woodpecker on the peanut butter feeder - lovely to watch
I love watching Starling murmarations.....they are quite amazing!
Smiling away to myself, got hay delivered to OH at work, just had a message from him saying it’s arrived & he’s popped it in the car with a low heat on so it doesn’t freeze before he comes home!
Daft OH, :roll: magic electric car!
He obviously loves those piggies 🥰
The quote's come in now for getting the door and windows replaced. I kinda winced when I heard it but apparently it's a reasonable amount, they said the guy's not the best out there but as long as he does what's needed, does it matter? So close. So SO close.