Two spoilt pigs 😊

What glorious pictures of Pepper and Pebbles. Sorry for your loss, Percy was gorgeous.

Clever you finding a young friend for Pepper that colour co-ordinates so well with him!
When I went in this morning to give the boys their breakfast I noticed Pepper was acting weird. Poor little Pepper had a large piece of wood chip stuck behind his bottom incisors. He would not have been able to eat or drink anything with it there. 😢

I pulled it out for him. He also has a scratch on his nose so I think he’s been trying to get it off himself. Poor boy. He’s also lost 50g this week. Hopefully he’ll put it on quickly now he can eat.

Definitely two spoilt piggies live in my house 🥰


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It’s been a bit chilly so I’ve not taken many pictures of the boys recently.
Pebble has grown so much! Such a lovely coat he has!
Lovely to see the boys!