Two spoilt pigs 😊

Dear Pepper

I see that your Slave is quite happy to show pictures of your Plums. (I had to ask my Mum Misty what they were and she told me to cover up my eyes and not be so rude!) My Mum Misty was appalled that I could be so corrupted at such a young age. Please ask your Slave not to show such pictures in future it is amoral!

I have looked at booklet "When your Slave shows inappropriate photos and what to do about it" and Page 1, Paragraph 1, Section 2a states that "should your slave ever show pictures of your private parts to anyone this is not allowed" It then goes on to suggest the following:-

  • Always make sure that your face is towards the camera.
  • Should your Slave take a sneaky snap while you are asleep, and then show other Slaves, you should show your disapproval by not coming when she calls you even if it it for snacks. It is appreciated that this is difficult but you need to make a stand and your Slave will be so worried about you that she may take the hint and not show off your private parts to everyone.
I hope that the above will stop your Slave taking such tasteless photos in future.

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Duly chastised Miss Bramble. 🫡
When the boys first moved into the house I was a bit worried about household noises they weren’t used to scaring them.

As you can see I didn’t need to worry. They are not bothered one bit. Heres Pepper sleeping while I’m hoovering their room 😍
