The Pigglingtons

I've slept for the best part of 2 days and nights, having to set my alarm to do Nuggets meds. I hurt so much being asleep is the best condition to be in at the mo. Hoping all this sleep is healing me quickly.
Sleep is so underrated. It’s the best thing ever for healing. Disturbed nights for medicating piggies can really knock the stuffing out of you xx
Thank you for asking @Bill & Ted
I think the pigglingtons are okay. I'm not sitting with them like I normally would so I'm not listening for signs of the infection like I would like to be but thank goodness most of them were coming off meds when I got ill. Nugget's still not eating hay, I'm managing to syringe feed him 3 or 4 times in 24hrs when I'm awake for a few minutes! My partner gets him out the cage for me when he's around as I'm afraid I'll fall with him. Little monkey's fed up with meds now and puts up a massive fight.
I'm in a bit of a state, everything hurts, my throat is so sore I can't swallow, even waters got razor blades. On the plus side I think my lockdown tum is shrinking! For someone who suffers with insomnia I'm making up all that lost sleep now.
I'm not so worried about me, I've had flu a few times before. It's the pigglingtons I worry about. I'm doing as little handling as possible, it's only Nugget that needs picking up. Red takes his Metacam and arthritis supplement in the cage and Brillo takes it in his bed if I just lift it out onto my knees. I'm staying out of the living room, I'm more comfy in bed and can just drift in and out of sleep as I need. I'm poop picking once a day, just picking up the worst of the pee pads and shaking them in a bucket. I've probably got enough pads and liners for another week if I'm not able to do washing. I should start feeling better in a day or two anyway, and at least I'm getting a good rest!
Red booby trapped his cage today, he's obviously fed up with the terrible service round here this week! He has a hidey in his cage he doesn't sit in but it's part of his 'rounds' when zooming. He likes to jump in, peer out and be off again so there's sometimes the odd poop in there. I'm feeling a bit better today so did a more thorough clean this morning, stuck my hand in to feel a sticky gooey mess. He must have done a pile of poop and weed on it as there's no soft poop anywhere else in the cage. It serves me right for not wearing gloves or looking where I was shoving my hand but thanks Red - very funny!
I feel bad for laughing, I can totally see one of the goblins trying this.

I come back to this because, you know how we sometimes tell ourselves "Hey don't say that, you'll jinx it"? I jinxed it. I don't know which of them did it but one of their Snugglesafe beds has clearly been pooped on, then urinated on, then...repeat. Those beds were fine this morning :mal: I have more sympathy for you now than ever @piggieminder
I think there's a conspiracy here. Just got Nugget out for his last feed and meds, we have a little routine that as he's getting more fed up with it all takes longer and longer. After being gently nudged around the cage and getting into various beds/tunnels and diving out of them at the last minute as you go to pick him up he ends up in the long tunnel to let me lift him out. I then sit on the sofa and gently tip him out backwards, yep you guessed it - poop everywhere. This time of night, feeling yuk still although 90% better not appreciated!
I almost feel I shouldn't say this in case I jinx it but with Nugget being off meds and back to his old self I've got him and Red in the bonding pen today. I tried them once before and Red immediately turned into a spikey ball with big teeth and I had to remove him quick as he lunged at Nugget. They have been together for about 6 hours and after an initial hump fest they seem okay. They are in my bedroom which absolutely stinks - thanks guys I have to sleep in here tonight. It's far too windy and cold to open the window so I will have to put up with it. I'm not going to move them until at least tomorrow afternoon as Nuggets being a bit cranky at times, lots of rumbling! I think he's going to be very defensive of his side of the C&C. It would be so lovely to be able to remove the divider and give them lots of room to move around.
It's always been Red that stopped them being together, now it's Nugget being difficult. Guinea Pigs - who'd have them!
I've had a few stops and starts over the years, but I always go back. My limit will always be two, but boars have a special place in my heart so hey, two's just fine, even if you-know-who is currently shrieking at me through two walls and two doors because he's hungry.