The Pigglingtons

I hope they get through the night too. I have stripped the cage and sprayed it with F10 but not removed the divider or put in fleece. I didn't expect this to work really and how the cage goes back together depends on whether it's one cage or two.
Red is now going up to Nugget and sticking his nose in Nugget's face then jumping backwards and running away making a noise that sounds like a clucking chicken. He's asking for trouble.
I could be up in the early hours making up cages!
ooh play nicely boys! How's it going Sue?
How are you feeling now, over your bout of flu or still exhausted with it? It usually takes about 6 - 8 weeks for me to feel 'normal' again after flu, you sounded really rough with it too :(

Hope the boys are all behaving & fighting fit now? :hug:
luv to all the girls & I. xx 🐹 🐹 🐹
They are still together, they are now in the cage. There was lots of rumbling in the night and Red was surrender squealing a lot which really surprised me as he's always been quite aggressive. I suspect his age and arthritis are mellowing him. As long as Nugget doesn't keep mounting him I'm happy with them but I don't want Nugget hurting Red's spine or knees where the arthritis is. If they will just stay together it will make life so much easier for me and better for them to have the big cage.
I'm getting there @GPTV thank you. Still getting tired quickly but doing a bit more each day as long as I pace myself. Not managed a walk yet but I really need to at least go round the block to loosen my joints up!

Not a brilliant photo as I couldn't get the right angle without disturbing them but so far so good! This is after they moved to the cage.
Red's a little subdued at the moment but I shall keep an eye on them, hopefully he will get his bounce back in a day or two. They have a choice of 4 hides at the moment, Nugget wants the one Red's got! They are eating well together though, sharing with no grumbles so that's good.
Red's a little subdued at the moment but I shall keep an eye on them, hopefully he will get his bounce back in a day or two. They have a choice of 4 hides at the moment, Nugget wants the one Red's got! They are eating well together though, sharing with no grumbles so that's good.
That all sounds quite positive, typical that Nugget wants Red’s bed, pigs who’d them eh! 😆
Red's a little subdued at the moment but I shall keep an eye on them, hopefully he will get his bounce back in a day or two. They have a choice of 4 hides at the moment, Nugget wants the one Red's got! They are eating well together though, sharing with no grumbles so that's good.
You could have 100 beds in there and they’d want the one the other one has. 😂
I am so disappointed, we had to put the divider back tonight. Red had had enough of Nugget pushing him out of whichever hidey he was in. After a little moan when Nugget got in with him just now Red went to get in another hidey and Nugget got out of the one he was in. Red rushed across the cage teeth chattering and slammed Nugget into the bars and then got him hold by the throat. We dropped a fleece liner over them to split them up. There doesn't seem to be any broken skin, luckily Nugget is so hairy but I won't risk them again. Red is very upset and teeth chatters every time Nugget moves on his side of the divider. :hb:
Oh no! So sorry Sue, but you gave it a try so now you know for definite they are really not suited to each other, such a shame 😟
Oh Sue I’m so sorry, have been crossing everything they’d stay together after the meeting went so well, how frustrating for you. But it was worth a try like you said, and good no injuries too thank goodness. Sending you big hugs xx
Not the start to the new year I was hoping for after last year's multiple illnesses starting last January!
Brillo had a routine appointment today to check his arthritis and get more painkillers. Nugget was off last night, I noticed his hay pile hadn't gone down much. Syringe fed him straight away and stayed up until 2am to do it again before going to bed. Rang vets this morning to say Nugget would be coming in instead of Brillo and please could I make Brillo another appointment. They had an appointment for 11am so Nugget had that one and Brillo kept his for this afternoon. As I thought, Nugget has bloat my syringe feeding has helped keep it fairly mild and hopefully with the meds will stay that way. Thank you TGPF for the fantastic health guides yet again.

I mentioned to the vet I thought Brillo was deaf and is possibly going blind. She agreed he is now deaf as he didn't respond at all to her claps, the ear infection may have damaged nerves in the ears and may improve with time but it could be permanent. He is developing a cataract in his right eye and probably can only see shadows from it at this stage. Other than that and his arthritis he is in good health.

Fingers crossed that's it for a while and we can have a break from the poor piggies being sick and the vet visits.
Not the start to the new year I was hoping for after last year's multiple illnesses starting last January!
Brillo had a routine appointment today to check his arthritis and get more painkillers. Nugget was off last night, I noticed his hay pile hadn't gone down much. Syringe fed him straight away and stayed up until 2am to do it again before going to bed. Rang vets this morning to say Nugget would be coming in instead of Brillo and please could I make Brillo another appointment. They had an appointment for 11am so Nugget had that one and Brillo kept his for this afternoon. As I thought, Nugget has bloat my syringe feeding has helped keep it fairly mild and hopefully with the meds will stay that way. Thank you TGPF for the fantastic health guides yet again.

I mentioned to the vet I thought Brillo was deaf and is possibly going blind. She agreed he is now deaf as he didn't respond at all to her claps, the ear infection may have damaged nerves in the ears and may improve with time but it could be permanent. He is developing a cataract in his right eye and probably can only see shadows from it at this stage. Other than that and his arthritis he is in good health.

Fingers crossed that's it for a while and we can have a break from the poor piggies being sick and the vet visits.


I am very sorry for your full-on start.

All the best with Nugget's bloating. Glad that our guides have helped you with stepping in straight away and getting him through the night.

It is never easy when a piggy is getting frailer and frailer and the rat-tail of secondary and tertiary complications is getting longer and longer. Just concentrate on creature comforts for Brillo and on enrichment that is mainly based on scent and touch.
Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
Not the start to the new year I was hoping for after last year's multiple illnesses starting last January!
Brillo had a routine appointment today to check his arthritis and get more painkillers. Nugget was off last night, I noticed his hay pile hadn't gone down much. Syringe fed him straight away and stayed up until 2am to do it again before going to bed. Rang vets this morning to say Nugget would be coming in instead of Brillo and please could I make Brillo another appointment. They had an appointment for 11am so Nugget had that one and Brillo kept his for this afternoon. As I thought, Nugget has bloat my syringe feeding has helped keep it fairly mild and hopefully with the meds will stay that way. Thank you TGPF for the fantastic health guides yet again.

I mentioned to the vet I thought Brillo was deaf and is possibly going blind. She agreed he is now deaf as he didn't respond at all to her claps, the ear infection may have damaged nerves in the ears and may improve with time but it could be permanent. He is developing a cataract in his right eye and probably can only see shadows from it at this stage. Other than that and his arthritis he is in good health.

Fingers crossed that's it for a while and we can have a break from the poor piggies being sick and the vet visits.
Oh Sue, so sorry it’s not a great start to 2023! I have my 🤞that’s it now and this year will be looking up health wise for you and the boys x
What a tough start to 2023 but thanks to your incredible care and attention you’ve no doubt helped Nugget tremendously by stepping in early with support and getting him seen this morning. Sorry to hear Brillo is going deaf.
I felt so sad for Brillo today when the vet confirmed his deafness and his cataract, what with arthritis old age seems to be happening to him far to early, he's only just 4. We've watched him tonight and he's made me smile, after that horrible infection last year he has made a remarkable recovery, after all, we thought several times in those 2 months of Baytril we were going to have to say goodbye. After we had to let Caspy go due to not improving at all from the same infection we were a neighbour down for our single can't live together boars. There is no space for 3 cages side by side and no room for the humans sofa if a 2 grid wide cage makes a T shape. So I built a 5 x 1 grid run attached to the bottom of Brillo's cage. He can safely go across the room to see Red and Nugget whenever he wants. Tonight he was running backwards and forwards really quickly and doing little popcorns, calling Red to the bars and dashing off again when Red arrived. The pain of his arthritis is managed and he is enjoying life I should feel happy for him not sad!
Blindness was never a problem for Merab when she developed cataracts.
She still lived life to the full, including occasional zoomies .
Her cataracts developed at 4years and she lived to be over 6.
Betsy had cataracts for the last 2 years of her life and apart from the transition period "I can see everything, er.... no I can't!" she was fine with it. Dennis was her guide piggy and when he went to The Rainbow Bridge she was a bit lost for few days until she got her bearings and then she was fine.