The Pigglingtons

They now join in every time the others wheek, I suspect they've worked out it probably means food is on the way. They are getting quite brave, Timmy especially is sitting out in the open looking at the humans with a puzzled look. They dive for cover if one of us does so much as twitch but it's a start. I will be delighted if I can get them to take food by hand.

Sometime ago I said if we ever hand more piggies I would call them Scaramouche and Fandango, (I'd been listening to Queen!). When these two arrived those big names didn't seem to suit such tiny animals, neither did Dave, I've always wanted a guinea pig called Dave. Besides we might be able to go back in the vets waiting room one day and I can just see the vet calling them in to see her, there's no way I'm registering at the vets with the names my partner has now decided they have!
My Partner has decided they are:-
The Right Hon. Sir Frederick Scaramouche and Sir Timothy David Fandango.
They now join in every time the others wheek, I suspect they've worked out it probably means food is on the way. They are getting quite brave, Timmy especially is sitting out in the open looking at the humans with a puzzled look. They dive for cover if one of us does so much as twitch but it's a start. I will be delighted if I can get them to take food by hand.

Sometime ago I said if we ever hand more piggies I would call them Scaramouche and Fandango, (I'd been listening to Queen!). When these two arrived those big names didn't seem to suit such tiny animals, neither did Dave, I've always wanted a guinea pig called Dave. Besides we might be able to go back in the vets waiting room one day and I can just see the vet calling them in to see her, there's no way I'm registering at the vets with the names my partner has now decided they have!
My Partner has decided they are:-
The Right Hon. Sir Frederick Scaramouche and Sir Timothy David Fandango.

I don't wish any pet illness, but... I'd pay good money to be in the waiting room the first time a vet has to call one of those names. :))
I don't wish any pet illness, but... I'd pay good money to be in the waiting room the first time a vet has to call one of those names. :))
Especially when you think they will add my surname as well! A guinea pig with a double barrelled surname :hmm: Whem we named Brillo I didn't think about him having my surname, added together it's a wonderful tongue twister.
Dear Guinea Pig Union,
My colleague and friend Professor Timothy Fandango and I are rather distressed to discover our new address is The Bungalow, Under The Old TV Shelf, The Living Room. I mean what kind of address is that for two distinguished chaps like ourselves. There are four other fellows living here in Pigglington Court. These sound like rough types, what are boars of the lower orders doing living at such an abode. Whilst we do not like to complain as this accommodation is far superior to our last home, we do feel we deserve a better postal address. Any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully
Sir Frederick Scaramouche

cc @Betsy
After all I said, I was holding out so well. @alpacasqueak
These two are 5ish months old and needed a home. I got tip off about them and couldn't resist a look. They were living in a 120 x 60cm cage and bickering. The peruvian/peruvian cross? has a couple of nip scabs on his back, they are just very tiny. He is also very underweight, just skin and bone under all that fluff. They are settling in well now they have a bigger cage, we have managed to shoehorn in a 4 x 2 C&C (know it should be 5 x 2 but it's the best I can do at the moment) having dismantled a shelving arrangement in the alcove. Fingers crossed I can keep them happy together.

Meet Freddie and Timmy.
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It's my partners fault he persuaded me (didn't need much persuading to be honest). I'm still counting 6 of everything when I prepare veg. He said I would always wonder what happened to them if I didn't take them. Timmy (long haired) reminds me of a boar I had about 20 years ago. He will get a hair cut once he's settled in a bit more. He's called Timmy after the old Timotei advert, he flicks his hair back over his head and out of his eyes, it's so funny. Freddie is completely black on one side and has that stripe and some mottled beige hairs coming through on the other.

Timmy reminds me soo much of my Ffwlbri (Moonlight, 2011-19); he could be her son!

I wish them all the best and a long and happy life together!
Dear Guinea Pig Union,
My colleague and friend Professor Timothy Fandango and I are rather distressed to discover our new address is The Bungalow, Under The Old TV Shelf, The Living Room. I mean what kind of address is that for two distinguished chaps like ourselves. There are four other fellows living here in Pigglington Court. These sound like rough types, what are boars of the lower orders doing living at such an abode. Whilst we do not like to complain as this accommodation is far superior to our last home, we do feel we deserve a better postal address. Any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully
Sir Frederick Scaramouche

cc @Betsy

Dear Sir Frederick Scaramouche

First of all may I say it is an honour to represent a Member of Piggliament (you being a Right Honourable Piggie).

I agree that your current address of "The Bungalow, Under the Old TV Shelf, The Living Room" does rather sound like you've been shoved in the corner with the cobwebs and the spiders while your new neighbours or "Rough Types" are living it up in Pigglington Court.

The Right Hon Sir Frederick Scaramouche and Professor Sir Timothy David Fandango should have a postal address befitting their status. So, Sir Frederick, with you being a Member of Piggliament, I have put some "political spin" on your postal address and I have informed the correct authorities that henceforth your address will be "The Manor House, Near the Ornate, Antique Wooden Bracket, The Drawing Room, Pigglington Court".

It has been a privelege to serve such esteemed members of the establishment.

Yours in anticipation that your postal address in now to your liking,
The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
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Dear The One and Only Thea,
Red, Brillo, Nugget and I are absolutely mortified that young Freddie has written to you. Where do the young get their imaginations from these days? Freddie and Timmy are very young teens who don't have a title between them (not a polite one anyway). They will one day move into The Court when a double appartment becomes available. As none of us are planning on moving on soon they may have to have patience in this matter for some time. They will also need to work hard to deserve this honour. The humans here are very fair in their expectations in the area of our exployment which consists of, mowing the grass when the weather permits, producing lots of poop to fertilise the garden, looking cute and standing still in the cage for a head scratch. Except for the volume of poop the youngsters are so far very short of what is expected from them, they need to pull their socks up. Needless to say we will be keeping a very close eye on them in future.
Yours sincerely,
Caspian, senior guinea pig.

cc @Betsy
Dear The One and Only Thea,
Red, Brillo, Nugget and I are absolutely mortified that young Freddie has written to you. Where do the young get their imaginations from these days? Freddie and Timmy are very young teens who don't have a title between them (not a polite one anyway). They will one day move into The Court when a double appartment becomes available. As none of us are planning on moving on soon they may have to have patience in this matter for some time. They will also need to work hard to deserve this honour. The humans here are very fair in their expectations in the area of our exployment which consists of, mowing the grass when the weather permits, producing lots of poop to fertilise the garden, looking cute and standing still in the cage for a head scratch. Except for the volume of poop the youngsters are so far very short of what is expected from them, they need to pull their socks up. Needless to say we will be keeping a very close eye on them in future.
Yours sincerely,
Caspian, senior guinea pig.

cc @Betsy

Dear Caspian, Senior Pig

Freddie and Timmy are clearly very cheeky young boars who have not only deceived me but the GPU as well with their delusions of grandeur! The GPU have given them both a black mark which is a very serious offence and any other misdemeanours will be stamped on immediately. You are correct in keeping a close eye on them. The GPU have given you, Nugget, Red and Brillo permission to bring them down a peg or two if necessary by any means you see fit.

Freddie and Timmy will now have to work extra hard in order to gain the respect of the GPU again. They need to learn some manners and earn their double apartment when it becomes available.

Yours very unhappy of how I've been hoodwinked

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
We evacuated the guinea pigs from the house into the workshop at the bottom of the garden this afternoon. The burglar alarm miss functioned and started beeping, we were afraid it would go off fully and scare them. The big boys stayed in their pet carriers while Timmy and Freddie had one of the garden runs which just squeezed in a gap between the work benches. I covered the floor with their used fleece and gave them their used beds and they were fine. Everyone was happy to munch grass while they waited for the alarm company to sort things out. Timmy and Freddie went back into their cage without any dominance issues - phew! Timmy had a glad to be home again zoomie and popcorn session which was lovely to see.
Made a mistake yesterday and changed both the cage liners instead of only one. They still had 4 fleece beds and pee pads that smelt of them but it was too much for Freddie. We had hours of poor Timmy getting humped and chased. In the end Freddie came out for his first lap time, he was very good and seemed to enjoy having his head scratched. That was enough to calm him down, all has been well since.
They are both fully into the swing of our routines and join in the food should be coming chorus of wheeks. (Even when it's not!)
Timmy is now taking food from my hand but only from the saftey cover of his hidey. Small steps, I am so pleased. He is yet to be brushed and trimmed other than the underneath matts I cut out when he arrived. I need to pluck up the courage as this needs to be done very soon.
The love isn’t for poor Timmy being humped, naughty hormonal Freddie 🤦‍♀️ So glad he calmed down with some mum time though, and sounds like he enjoyed it! :love: They sound like they’ve settled in so well, joining in with the Bristol Boys chorus! :luv:
Wish I was closer to help you with Timmy and his hair time, miss my hairy boy’s haircuts! Hope it goes well when you get chopping, hopefully he might have a few treats to distract him if he’s taking food from you 🤞 Will definitely need more pics after that too to see how lovely he looks with a new ‘do! :D:wub: xx
I will take some before and after photos when I do cut his hair. To start with I'm just going to brush it so he gets used to me handling his hair. I have already cut off his train at the back because it was dragging in the hay and poop, the sides aren't touching the ground yet. I did have a long haired boar before who had regular cuts, it was 20+ years ago though. Arty loved being brushed, I hope Timmy is going to be the same.
These piggies had not been having veg other than carrot before they came here. It took about 10 days to accept pepper but now they eat everything they are offered, thank goodness. Current supply difficulties don't allow for fussy eaters!
Have taken some photos today so thought it would be nice to do a piggie update on the Six!IMG_1328.JPG
Caspy aged 4.5 a very busy piggie who lives life to the full. Leader of the pack and chief treat demander.

Red aged 4 has had lots of health issues this year but hopefully on the mend. Thinks he's the leader of the pack!
Brillo aged 4.5 not in the mood for photos today, just wanted the grass. A bumbly happy piggie as long as everyone leaves him alone. Likes to eat and sleep in a cardboard box.
Nugget aged 3.5 a big boar who loves food, any food! Loves to wind the other's up, biting the bars if they go near his cage at floor time. Hates cuddles and any interaction with humans, except when they give him food. Very pleased to no longer be the baby in the house.
Freddie and Timmy about 5.5 months. Difficult to photograph at the moment, they don't like attention. Timmy was a good boy today having boar glue cut out of his back. They've put on between 80 and 100 gms in the 3 weeks they've been here. I'm pleased with that as they were underweight (Timmy especially). Although there is the normal teenage bickering they go to each other for support if anything upsets them so hopefully they are going to make a life long bond.
Don't know what happened there. The intro and Caspy's photo is in the right place when I try to edit but it posts wrong!
Don't know what happened there. The intro and Caspy's photo is in the right place when I try to edit but it posts wrong!

Mine does the same thing sometimes when posting from my phone with the narrower screen. You might just need to hit Enter, after the "!" to give another line break before Caspy's photo.
And an extra :wub: for my beautiful naughty mate Nugget! :):bal:
Such blooming gorgeous boys! So glad Timmy and Freddie are gaining so well, bet they’re loving all the tasties at your house! (Poor Timmy with the boar glue though!) xx
Red's health problems are still on going, main cause we have now discovered is arthritis in his back knees. He is on painkillers for life now. He's still a really cheeky boy and my only cuddler.
The rest are all doing well.
Timmy is sulking with me though, he's had a hair cut. Not too drastic at the moment, it's gone cold here and I don't want it to be too much of a shock. Just enough to stop it dragging on the ground. It looks like Freddie is now growing one of those little tails like Rusty used to have, another candidate for the scissors soon!

Red's health problems are still on going, main cause we have now discovered is arthritis in his back knees. He is on painkillers for life now. He's still a really cheeky boy and my only cuddler.
The rest are all doing well.
Timmy is sulking with me though, he's had a hair cut. Not too drastic at the moment, it's gone cold here and I don't want it to be too much of a shock. Just enough to stop it dragging on the ground. It looks like Freddie is now growing one of those little tails like Rusty used to have, another candidate for the scissors soon!

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He wears it well x