The Pigglingtons

I was right on both posts, he changes the words on different choruses! Freddie and Timmy didn't like Rod (first time I've played them music!) so the kitchen got a very thorough clean this afternoon, had to go back to silent cage cleaning.
Ive not been on here much lately,but not sure how I've not seen this thread & sorry I've been a bit rubbish at responses lately! :(

All your boys are GORGEOUS! :wub: :drool: :love: :luv:

Lol :)) gone back up to 6! I'm so jealous;)
The girls have been pressuring me to print out the boys pics, so they can pin them up &view such gorgeous eye candy 💖

Tiggy would like to warn Timmy that any cuddle time could result in a 'mop chop' ... She knows this only too well as ,she was 'treated' to an undignified 'scissor session' of both hair & nails, this week... Omg , how cruel am i? ;)
Little miss piddly pants was turned into little miss luscious locks... Well ok not that good...I've never been much good at haircuts! Lol!

Beautiful, handsome boys :love: congratulations on your new...well latest arrivals: 🐹🐹
They've definitely struck gold moving in with you :nod: :tu:
Lots of love the girls and I
Quick up date on the boys.
Nugget loving his new 4x2 C&C cage and grumbling at his neighbour Red.
Caspy and Brillo are happy living with their divider and ganging up on Red when he comes to say hello.
Timmy and Freddy still together, Timmy has now taken over as boss and loves putting Freddie in his place. They have been upgraded to a 6x2 C&C. Piggies all have bigger cages, the humans have a lot less but we are happy if they are happy!
Poor Red has had one illness after another for the last 3 months. He's on meds for life now for the arthritis, we are getting into a good routine with that now. Just had a horrible weekend with him with tummy issues and not eating, so back on the syringe feeding. Saw 2 vets today and came home with Ranitidine. If not better within a week he's to go back for a CT scan, poop test and blood test. It's such a shame, he had started to rush around again in his new 24 grid L shaped cage. The cage goes from Caspy and Brillo across the room to Nugget, he can run around making chicken noises and annoying his neighbours. He lost the 150 gms the vet wanted him to lose to take the pressure off his arthritic legs and spine, he's sadly now lost another 70 gms. Fingers crossed this is just another blip and in a day or two he will be well again.
No change today, we are playing the waiting game. I am confident that all that can be done is/has been done at this stage and hope that he will pick up soon. The vet doesn't want to sedate him for a CT scan until he's a bit stronger anyway s it gives me a week to find the £1000 plus the next stage will cost!
Caspy had 2 neurological episodes this morning (strokes?). He fell over onto his side, struggled up and then walked around in circles with a bad head tilt, both times he was back to normal after a few minutes. The first signal something might be off was when I noticed his hay pile hadn't gone down that I topped up last thing last night. I managed to get him into the vets this afternoon, he was seen by 2 vets. He has some damage to the lenses in his eyes which neither of them had seen before, they took photos and emailed them to several eye specialists to check but they think it may be very early on set cataracts. Other than that he passed a thorough health check and sat on the examining table munching hay and looking at us wondering what all the fuss was about!
Having grabbed a cancelled appointment at short notice, summoned a taxi as the pig mobile was out on elderly parent duty and walked the 2.5 miles home down all the back roads away from noisy traffic carrying Caspy in a pet carrier I think I've given up being Tea Total, I need a G & T!
Sorry to hear this about Casey.
Hope it was nothing serious and there will be no more incidents.

I know what you mean about the G&T - there have been moments when I wished I wasn’t teetotal!
Hope there won’t be any more incidents with Caspy.
Thank you. The vet did seem to think there will be but when is anyone's guess! He's 5 so getting to the age things start to go wrong. He's a little wonky on his back legs tonight and he's sleeping a bit more than usual but doing amazingly well considering how bad he was. He's eating loads of hay when he is awake, making up for this morning and overnight when he didn't eat much. We shall make the most of the time we've got however long it is or short it is. We are hoping for the best whilst preparing in our minds for the worst. My piggies are certainly giving the student vets who have been observing their examinations some variety of ailments the last few weeks!
i hope Caspy is well.sending positive thoughts.ive only just seen this thread.These piggies keep us on our toes.
Thank you. He is back to normal, if I hadn't seen him having the 'episodes' I wouldn't have known anything had happened. They are certainly keeping me on my toes this year!
Brillo's got mammary lumps that need a consult so he will be off to the vet in the next couple of weeks!
Off to the vet tomorrow with Brillo to have his lumps looked at while they are still tiny. I have booked a treble appointment so Freddie and Timmy can have a health check for my peace of mind. I've had bad years with piggies and their health but I don't think I've ever had one quite like this!
Caspy seems none the worse for last weeks 'episodes' and is back to putting the world to right and demanding food when he thinks it should be served.
Red passed a lot of blood on Monday night and has been bright and happy and eating hay ever since. I've been convinced all along he had a stone, even after the vets said he didn't. He's had so many vet visits this year including an xray to work out what was wrong with him I've decided not to take him over this. I think he's had enough pulling about and he's got his lovely shinny coat and bright eyes back, I feel whatever caused it has passed. Obviously if he goes down hill again I will take him back but I'm just relieved to see him eating hay again. At several points in the last few months I thought we were going to have to let him go, he was so unhappy at times.
We saw a different vet today and I am very impressed, I shall be asking for her in future.
The result of todays routine vet visit was a little unexpected for Timmy and Freddie. Timmy has a misaligned molar that needs to be watched in case it doesn't wear down correctly and will need dentals.
Freddie had a crusty eye when I took him out of the carrier. He had dye put in it but all looks okay, I am to bathe it with saline for a week and see how it goes.
They have both been sneezing a bit this week, all respiratory sounds are clear but I am to F10 nebulise for a week just in case as we have had URIs in the house recently.
The vet has confirmed my suspicions for Brillo, she also believes he has cancer. We can't be sure without aspirating and which lump would we chose? Aspiration sometimes gives false results (happened to me!) and if we aren't going to operate (too massive an area and extremely invasive) what's the point of putting him through it? The lumps are very slow growing so fingers crossed they stay that way. Brillo is acting normally at the moment and does not appear to be in any pain. I will monitor his behaviour and his lumps and as soon as his behaviour or the lumps change and he appears to be suffering we will let him go.
Between Nugget's grease gland tumour, Red's arthritis, lungs, heart and bladder, Caspy's 'neurological episodes' and losing Rusty it's been an 'interesting' if difficult year so far!
Sending healing vibes to your lovely herd. Wow what a lot to contend with - those piggies are getting the best love and care possible - ❤️
Look after yourself in between caring for the piggies 🥰
I forgot to say I did mention Red passing the blood. The vet said he did sound like he'd passed a stone, as she was not the treating vet she couldn't comment further but I should monitor him and make an appointment to take him back if I was at all worried. Which of course I am doing, any further developments I shall be asking for this vet!
Sounds as if you really have found an excellent vet.
Sorry to hear about Brillo’s diagnosis.
When Jemimah was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour we decided to ensure she had lots of happy todays, make lots of memories, take lots of photos and the vet said that as soon as I thought she needed pain relief to phone and ask.
She died peacefully at home a few months later and there were no regrets.

Holding you and all your piggies in my heart ♥️
An update on the Pigglington household.

Red seems to be over his health problems that have been on and off all year and is his usual demanding self. His arthritis doesn't seem to be affecting him. The little darling seems to have been spreading his bugs out amongst his friends though.

Brillo now has a lung and ear infection, an xray has shown he has arthritis in his spine and hips. The good news is the xray showed his lumps aren't part of an internal mass and are all on the surface. We still have the problem of which lump to test and if we wanted to remove them it would mean an operation from just under his neck to below his nipples, far too invasive for a little body. He seems to be doing well on his meds and nebuliser going into week 2 of probably 4, he's back to the vet on Monday.

Nugget has a lung infection, he seems his usual bright self and hates the hooman pulling him about to stuff syringes in his mouth, he's on day 4 of what will be 4 weeks so he needs to get used to it. He is terrified of the nebuliser the vet has said being that scared won't help so not to use it for him.

Caspy is very poorly with the infection, his breathing is terrible. I am doing absolutely everything I can for him and pray he pulls through. Luckily, he doesn't mind the nebuliser and is quite happy to be syringe fed.

Timmy and Freddie seem okay, I'm keeping a close eye on them. They had a trip to the vet yesterday just to make sure after we had the bad news about Nugget on Monday. They are on a waist high table and not on the floor touching noses through the bars like the other 4 so hopefully they will stay bug free. I clean them out first, F10 everything and change my clothes and wash my hands after touching the poorly boys and their cages so hopefully I can avoid this illness spreading any further.
An update on the Pigglington household.

Red seems to be over his health problems that have been on and off all year and is his usual demanding self. His arthritis doesn't seem to be affecting him. The little darling seems to have been spreading his bugs out amongst his friends though.

Brillo now has a lung and ear infection, an xray has shown he has arthritis in his spine and hips. The good news is the xray showed his lumps aren't part of an internal mass and are all on the surface. We still have the problem of which lump to test and if we wanted to remove them it would mean an operation from just under his neck to below his nipples, far too invasive for a little body. He seems to be doing well on his meds and nebuliser going into week 2 of probably 4, he's back to the vet on Monday.

Nugget has a lung infection, he seems his usual bright self and hates the hooman pulling him about to stuff syringes in his mouth, he's on day 4 of what will be 4 weeks so he needs to get used to it. He is terrified of the nebuliser the vet has said being that scared won't help so not to use it for him.

Caspy is very poorly with the infection, his breathing is terrible. I am doing absolutely everything I can for him and pray he pulls through. Luckily, he doesn't mind the nebuliser and is quite happy to be syringe fed.

Timmy and Freddie seem okay, I'm keeping a close eye on them. They had a trip to the vet yesterday just to make sure after we had the bad news about Nugget on Monday. They are on a waist high table and not on the floor touching noses through the bars like the other 4 so hopefully they will stay bug free. I clean them out first, F10 everything and change my clothes and wash my hands after touching the poorly boys and their cages so hopefully I can avoid this illness spreading any further.
Oh my goodness, @piggieminder you are having such a dreadfully tough time. It must be exhausting having so many poorly piggies to contend with. Sending you love and support as you battle on for your lovely boars.
Oh my goodness, @piggieminder you are having such a dreadfully tough time. It must be exhausting having so many poorly piggies to contend with. Sending you love and support as you battle on for your lovely boars.
Thank you. I'm lucky I'm retired and can devote my days to piggie care, everything else can wait at the moment. I did manage an hour walk in the sunshine today which was lovely. The good news is the ring leaders of the gang that were terrorising walkers here (the same boys who stole the bikes!) have been moved by the council for their own safety, it seems they picked on the wrong person in the end. I'm really pleased for us but feel very sorry for the community they have been moved into.
Thank you. I'm lucky I'm retired and can devote my days to piggie care, everything else can wait at the moment. I did manage an hour walk in the sunshine today which was lovely. The good news is the ring leaders of the gang that were terrorising walkers here (the same boys who stole the bikes!) have been moved by the council for their own safety, it seems they picked on the wrong person in the end. I'm really pleased for us but feel very sorry for the community they have been moved into.
Thank goodness your peace has been restored - that must be such a relief.