The Pigglingtons

I’m so sorry Sue you are going through a very tough time with your boys. 🤞 For poor Caspy, I hope he pulls through, sending hugs to you you deserved it. I they are all recover from these chest infections very soon x
Another update.
Brillo was to have had his 2 week check up yesterday but when I got downstairs in the morning I could hear Caspy's breathing had got really bad. I couldn't get him an appointment so he had Brillo's and Brillo got another one for today. Caspy came home with Bisolvon and Turbutaline (this is what Brillo had in the beginning) and after a very rough night he is much better today.

When I went to clean Nugget's cage out this morning I realised something was wrong, there were only 4 poops. I got him an emergency appointment. They took him away to the back of the building as all the consult rooms were in use so I couldn't see what they did but they were very helpful and kind. He's on Cisapride and Ranitidine on top of his other meds. Nugget has never had much time for humans, his low opinion of them is now even lower. They injected him with a strong painkiller that zonked him out. He's had 3 small syringe feeds since he came home and he was really easy to feed in his zoned out state, for once the syringe was not grabbed and thrown across the floor! We have had some poop, not a lot but it's a start. His belly is huge so I'm not looking forward to cleaning the cage when that lot comes out.

We got half an hour back at home and it was time to take Brillo. Brillo is doing well, we are to carry on as we have been for another 2 weeks.

There's never a dull moment when you've got piggies!
Aw, what a time you are having, so sorry Sue.
I’m glad to hear Brillo is doing well. I’m sending healing vibes poor Caspy and Nugget, I hope they recover very soon x
Another update.
Brillo was to have had his 2 week check up yesterday but when I got downstairs in the morning I could hear Caspy's breathing had got really bad. I couldn't get him an appointment so he had Brillo's and Brillo got another one for today. Caspy came home with Bisolvon and Turbutaline (this is what Brillo had in the beginning) and after a very rough night he is much better today.

When I went to clean Nugget's cage out this morning I realised something was wrong, there were only 4 poops. I got him an emergency appointment. They took him away to the back of the building as all the consult rooms were in use so I couldn't see what they did but they were very helpful and kind. He's on Cisapride and Ranitidine on top of his other meds. Nugget has never had much time for humans, his low opinion of them is now even lower. They injected him with a strong painkiller that zonked him out. He's had 3 small syringe feeds since he came home and he was really easy to feed in his zoned out state, for once the syringe was not grabbed and thrown across the floor! We have had some poop, not a lot but it's a start. His belly is huge so I'm not looking forward to cleaning the cage when that lot comes out.

We got half an hour back at home and it was time to take Brillo. Brillo is doing well, we are to carry on as we have been for another 2 weeks.

There's never a dull moment when you've got piggies!
What a day you’ve had! Well done for getting every pig who needed an appointment seen today - that’s no mean feat! Hopefully things will improve for Caspy and Nugget very soon x
What a day you’ve had! Well done for getting every pig who needed an appointment seen today - that’s no mean feat! Hopefully things will improve for Caspy and Nugget very soon x
These vets are very good in an emergency, pricy but very helpful and willing to fit you in. They have taken on more exotic vets recently. I just picked up the phone and said Nugget needs to be seen in an emergency, the lady on the phone asked why and went and talked to the vets and I was told to get him there for 12. The Forum's guides help, having read them many times over the years I knew this was an emergency and how to explain his condition. As soon as I put the phone down I read the relevant guide so I knew what to expect from the vet. Thank you to Wiebke.
Red is doing well and takes his daily Metacam and joint supplement at the bars of the cage which makes life easier for me.

Brillo is still a bit crackly but improving, he no longer needs syringe food top ups. He's very good in the nebuliser and settles down to sleep. I've bought a kitchen timer which reminds me to get him out again!

Caspy recovered from his terrible heaving/noisy breathing in 24hrs, whilst he's no way near recovered there's massive improvement, thank goodness for the nebuliser and new meds. He's due his meds at 8.30, he's just come up to the bars and teeth chattered at me. I swear these animals can tell the time.

Nugget is still not eating for himself, no amount of reasoning from me is persuading him. If he would just eat for himself (more than a pick at a bit of coriander) I wouldn't need to shove a syringe in his mouth 5 times a day. He hates being handled, teeth chatters at me and is now trying to nip, he's going to get me one of these evenings when I'm half asleep! He's lost 70gms so far so at least that's not too bad. He gets his revenge on me by saving all his poop up to deposit on my lap, the floor and the sofa! We now have 5 types of pellets and several makes/types of hay, dried forage, hay cookies and sticks. I've tried leaving syringe food in his cage and mushed pellets, mashed banana and porridge oats. It's all a big fat nope, if anyone has any tips on anything I can try him with they would be welcomed.

Caspy and Nugget are both back at the vets on Wednesday for progress checks, fingers crossed they do well.
Glad everyone is making progress. But Nugget, what a little monkey! They can be so difficult can’t they, if only he would realise that you are helping him 🤨 Hoping your vet checks go well and Nugget starts to eat🤞
The vet couldn't hear any crackling in Nugget's lungs but he still has more gas in his tum than she would like. She has taken him off the Baytril hoping the 2 week course has done enough. After only missing one dose of Baytril he started eating hay again! He's not eating enough for himself yet but I've reduced the syringe feeds to 3 today and will see what his weight is like in the morning. We are to carry on with the Ranitidine, Cisapride and Metacam for now.

Caspy is still very crackly and is to continue all meds and nebulising for another 2 weeks at least.

Brillo back to the vet on Monday for his 4 week check up. Hopefully we can give up the Baytril and nebulising soon and just continue with the Metacam for his arthritis. One vet I saw did say she thought he would need nebulising 2 or 3 times a week for life.

I think I can see a chink of light at the end of this tunnel!

The sun is shining so I'm off for a walk while I've got a chance.
Sending massive hugs and healing vibes to you and the boys, you’re amazing with all your care of them all, hope everyone’s feeling a lot better soon and you can get some rest. And come on Nugget, please get stuffing that gorgeous face! xx
Freddies honking while eating this morning. I was really hoping being younger and not in touching distance of the others they would get away without catching this infection. I've got him an appointment with a vet this afternoon. Brillo's see's the end of his 4th week on Baytril today and also has an appointment so fingers crossed he can come off it today. They all love Metacam and the various other things they have been on are okay but Baytril is such a struggle, piggie mouths can clamp shut when the dreaded Baytril is smelt in the room!
Oh no! Poor Freddie and poor you! It’s a nasty infection and things were beginning to look up. I hope you’ve caught Freddie early, sending bucket loads of healing vibes 🤞
We think we've caught Freddie really early so hopefully 2 weeks Baytril will get rid of it. Just hope Timmy doesn't get it.

Brillo's lungs still sound congested but better than they were. He's to have another 2 weeks of Baytril and is back on the Terbutaline.
So sorry Freddie’s not well now too :( Really hope he’s ok and Timmy doesn’t catch it. Poor Brillo on so much baytril too, grotty stuff. Sending lots of hugs to you and the boys and ginormous healing vibes from us all xx
Thank you for asking. We said goodbye to Caspy this morning will do a Rainbow Bridge tribute when I feel a bit less shocked.
Red seems okay. Brillo is seeing the vet on Tuesday, I'm hoping she says he can come off the Baytril. I haven't heard him cough for a few days. Freddie seems okay but still more Baytril to go. Nugget has started choking again tonight after a week or two (I'm losing count of whose where!) off Baytril, so I've put him back on it and have everything crossed he doesn't go into stasis again. I have just made up some syringe feed as it doesn't look like he's touched his hay today. If he doesn't need to go before I will take him to the vet on Tuesday with Brillo (I had a double appointment booked for Caspy as well).

Please can the title of this thread be changed to The Pigglingtons @Boss Hogg I don't think we will be six piggies again.
I’m so sorry you lost Caspy, he was such a lovely and gorgeous little man and been such a fighter bless him ❤️❤️
Sending massive hugs and really hope this horrible time you and the boys have been having is over soon and everyone’s feeling better :hug: xx
I am so sorry you’ve lost Caspy, this is so sad, what a horrible illness they are all going through. Sending big hugs to you, you must be exhausted and heartbroken, so sorry x

Sleep tight little man 🌈
Had to cancel the vet visits today, I have flu. Am carrying on Nugget's meds as he's only just started a new course, but I've stopped Brillo's Baytril, he's been having it for 8 weeks now and the vet told me not to give it longer than that. Freddie's 2 weeks is finished so hopefully everyone okay. I will get them checked when I feel better and not likely to spread this to the vet. I am staying away from the boys as much as possible. Catching Nugget when I feel very dizzy is difficult, he's had enough of yucky Baytril. Needs must!
Had to cancel the vet visits today, I have flu. Am carrying on Nugget's meds as he's only just started a new course, but I've stopped Brillo's Baytril, he's been having it for 8 weeks now and the vet told me not to give it longer than that. Freddie's 2 weeks is finished so hopefully everyone okay. I will get them checked when I feel better and not likely to spread this to the vet. I am staying away from the boys as much as possible. Catching Nugget when I feel very dizzy is difficult, he's had enough of yucky Baytril. Needs must!
So sorry Sue, I hope you feel better soon, feeling a bit under the weather too with a cold. Hope all the boys are ok x
Thank you to whoever changed the title for me. A nice surprise. I've just woken up again, I don't think I've ever slept so much in my life!
A good sleep does you the world of good. Me and OH didn’t wake up until after 9.00 am this morning 🤧 The neighbours must think we are lazy devils 😆 Got some looks off the pigs too, late breakfast 🙄, they were not amused!