The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I've discovered I have a leak somewhere in the tank, which is a nuisance. Can't go into my pockets or it'll leak over them and what's the point of the thing if I can't take them somewhere? And then I marvel at myself, I have tobacco, I could just smoke instead. But I don't want to. Spoke with the vendor and they're arranging to take it back and give me a refund. And I bought another, because I'll not be beaten on this, leaks or no leaks!
four days!

Finished my first bottle of liquid (10ml bottles) and needed to swap the coil. New liquid, new coil. I'm not fussed on this particular liquid :xd: but that's what happens when things are new, gotta try things at least once. It doesn't taste awful so it's not a waste, I just know better for next time! Got the address to send it back, just gotta find something suitable to put it in.
four days!

Finished my first bottle of liquid (10ml bottles) and needed to swap the coil. New liquid, new coil. I'm not fussed on this particular liquid :xd: but that's what happens when things are new, gotta try things at least once. It doesn't taste awful so it's not a waste, I just know better for next time! Got the address to send it back, just gotta find something suitable to put it in.

That should read "got the address to send the leaky e-cig back". Brain and hands weren't working together as usual, lol.
Wow. @Lorcan you are doing brilliantly. I’m really proud of you. I really am. It’s not an easy thing to do. So I take my hat off to you.

So just so I understand because I know zero about e-ciggies, the liquid has nicotine in it but you know what percentage it is and then in the future you wean yourself off it by buying a lower dose? Is that how it works? 😃
In the most basic sense, yes. If you're buying e-liquid with nicotine in it, by law it can't be sold in bottles larger than 10ml. But in those 10ml bottles you can have various nicotine levels - 3mg, 5mg, 10mg, 15mg, 18mg and 20mg. From memory anyway, there's probably a couple more. So right now I've been buying 18mg and 20mg bottles, and when I want to, I can start buying lower dose bottles.

There's also shortfills, which are what they sound like. A bottle can hold 50ml of liquid, and they're sold with 40ml of nicotine-free liquid (and aren't subject to the 10ml max rule because they're nicotine free). You then buy what's called a nicotine shot, which is your nicotine dose, add it to the shortfill bottle, shake to mix, and you have 50ml of e-liquid. Not something I'm bothered with at the minute though.
6 days!

I can do this.

The replacement for the leaky e-cig turned up. It turned up with a dead battery too :xd: so instead of charging it I kept the battery/mod I already had and just swapped the tanks. The tank was the leaky bit, I didn't need to send the entirety of the first one back. Same colour too, I doubt it'd even be noticed.

I also bought a second e-cig. Same manufacturer, entirely different parts. The tank design is much less likely to leak in general during normal use so if I have to have one indoors and one for when I'm out, so be it. Also useful if one is charging, I can stop having to charge it overnight when it's not quite dead, I'll get more out of the battery that way. And sometimes some coils are easier to find than others, and you can't use them without the coils.
Well done, that’s a great achievement. You’ll soon start feeling the benefits to your health if you haven’t already

I'm no longer having to clear my throat every 30 seconds although I should point out, that wasn't entirely tobacco's fault. Because of the way the hormones work, they're also to blame. I need to do something with the tobacco and papers/filters etc. Now that I've quit I don't need them but I'm loathe to just chuck them because someone else could use them, and it's not exactly cheap. I don't want money for it, just for someone to get use out of it. Because there's always someone who could.

I have noticed I seem to be drinking a lot more? Not alcohol, just fluid, which in my case means whatever form of full fat cola I can get my hands on, lol. Appetite doesn't seem to have shifted, just thirst. The vertigo's back for the first time in a while unfortunately, but mostly causing me an issue sitting down. Standing seems to be fine, weird thing that vertigo is. I had to carry four piles of t-shirts upstairs last night, so four trips, and my lungs coped much better with it. In fact my only problem seemed to be two very demanding shriekers insisting they didn't care if I was in their room to put away clothes, I was in their room and where the hell was their compensation?

Brought two baby tomatoes up second time. That kept them quiet for a while lol. I think they're aware something's shifted. Not maybe in the sense they know what specifically, but I swear this past week they've shifted behaviour slightly. Louder, more demanding, but not bad tempered or snappy or anything. Just rambunctious I guess.
And it's officially 170 hours!

Which is 7 days + 2 hours lol, I'm a bit late today. But that's it, I've made the week, and I now feel more comfortable saying "I'm an ex smoker." I never thought I'd see the day, haha.
Wow, well done @Lorcan give yourself a pat on the back, you’ve done amazing!
You are doing so well @Lorcan
With your smoking accessories is there a local freebies site for your area or a local free cycle group where you could donate them to someone who could use them? Or any homeless charities who might accept them. There’s a real feel good feeling from giving something away that you no longer use and there’s always someone who will be happy to take things off your hands.
You are doing so well @Lorcan
With your smoking accessories is there a local freebies site for your area or a local free cycle group where you could donate them to someone who could use them? Or any homeless charities who might accept them. There’s a real feel good feeling from giving something away that you no longer use and there’s always someone who will be happy to take things off your hands.

Not that I know of, but I'll look into it. The problem is the tobacco is in ziploc bags. I bought (legally, I should point out) from a tobacconist online and they pack it themselves,it's not prepacked. And they used to use the same pouches as everything else but for some reason, instead of the pouches, the last few orders were in ziploc bags. Still sticker sealed but...baggies.
On FB there are several groups local to me set up for people to give away unwanted items. It doesn’t have to be in sealed or original packaging. People will take a chance. Last week I spotted that there was a half drunk bottle of Gordon’s gin, some coffee pods, and a couple of swim nappies. I’ve also put stuff into ziplock bags that is out of its original packaging and it’s always been collected.