The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Day 95, and my desk now has all of the above plus a glasses case (no idea where the glasses themselves are, though), cotton buds, a bottle of Lynx daily fragrance (don't tell anyone!), kitchen scissors, a battery charger (for the 18650s and 21700s), the tv remote, a clothes peg (I don't know where that came from actually), and a mostly empty pack of tissues.

I'm kinda miffed. I bought some more juice which no, I didn't need, but I bought it anyway, along with the nicotine to add to the bottles. When it's all done, it's 3mg/ml of nicotine in a 60ml bottle, which is about as low as you can get without doing some wizardry. Most of the time it's just a plastic bottle, which is irritating in and of itself because they can't be recycled, but then liquid nicotine is kind of dangerous so, I get it. This bottle though? Turned up inside a plastic tube. A large plastic tube. Why do I need a tube? Why does the bottle need a tube? And I can't recycle the tube. I won't be buying from that brand again. Ugh.

I can't even go to the toilet in peace now, so I sat down to give them a couple of nuggets each. Hay will only work so often and I'd already done that the last couple of times. So I'm sitting there, heard a nugget drop. As I stood up Bann's eating nuggets but I find a pea flake on the floor and Camowen's begging at the bars and I'm like, "Shhh don't let on"

I love these two. They're driving me insane, but I love them.

I caved and gave the goblins a couple of salad leaves, the bag would've been chucked out otherwise. Just a couple, but they practically inhaled the damned things. They've been giving me the silent treatment all day but as soon as I opened that bag they understood what the noise meant, lol.

I caved and gave the goblins a couple of salad leaves, the bag would've been chucked out otherwise. Just a couple, but they practically inhaled the damned things. They've been giving me the silent treatment all day but as soon as I opened that bag they understood what the noise meant, lol.
Piggies are for spoiling! 🥰
Well, their poop was looking better, and I have a fridge full of veg that was ordered before they got ill. Mostly salad stuff, the rest of it would keep fine, but I hate just chucking it. And they clearly didn't mind eating it 🤷‍♂️
There's only so much salad a man can eat :)) not that I'm particularly fond of salad leaves in general. I have been known to eat leeks raw though (which is part of the reason I'm not allowed to prepare the Sunday dinner veggies back home anymore, lol).

#103 days! They've had more salad leaves again, kinda trying to keep it to lettuce and chard for them atm. They're hoovering it up, I'm not convinced it's even getting chewed. I put some hay in earlier and I watched Cam rock up to eat it, and Bann literally walk from Cam's left side, right around the pile, under a bendy log bridge, and settle himself to eat hay on Cam's right side. I don't even want to know what Bann's done to make him nervous of walking round the back of Cam this time. 😱
Today is Day 104. Finding out about my gran kinda knocked me for a bit, then yesterday I was trying to explain something and ended up taking 5 minutes out to have a cigarette and centre myself again. It is what it is.
Today is Day 104. Finding out about my gran kinda knocked me for a bit, then yesterday I was trying to explain something and ended up taking 5 minutes out to have a cigarette and centre myself again. It is what it is.
I only know the advice for dieting is …. Don’t let it set you back - just see it as a wee blip and start again without beating yourself up about it. Also …. Look at how far you have come and how well you have done. And they also say look at all the different benefits like how much money you’ve saved and how it is benefiting your lungs….

If I can think of any more pep talk gems from Noom I shall let you know! 🤣

Seriously! Keep er lit! You’re doing great!
Keep er lit!

Now there's a phrase I've not heard for a long time! But I get it. It wasn't the first blip, and if I'm honest it probably won't be the last, but I do get to remind myself that the most I've ever managed without a cigarette before (even with vaping) was maybe 3 days. And yet here I am, giving myself a crash course in Ohms Law and wishing I'd paid better attention during Physics, instead of, y'know, sleeping through every class.

My brain's trying to work out if it's actually possible to get back over the water because chances are I'm not going to have many more opportunities to talk to my gran. But I don't have ID and I bloody hate flying, and the coach+ferry journey used to go through Dublin and at a guess that's no longer really an option minus ID.
Now there's a phrase I've not heard for a long time! But I get it. It wasn't the first blip, and if I'm honest it probably won't be the last, but I do get to remind myself that the most I've ever managed without a cigarette before (even with vaping) was maybe 3 days. And yet here I am, giving myself a crash course in Ohms Law and wishing I'd paid better attention during Physics, instead of, y'know, sleeping through every class.

My brain's trying to work out if it's actually possible to get back over the water because chances are I'm not going to have many more opportunities to talk to my gran. But I don't have ID and I bloody hate flying, and the coach+ferry journey used to go through Dublin and at a guess that's no longer really an option minus ID.
How would you get ID, or is there a way of getting over without it?
Used to be I didn't technically need one. I've no drivers licence because I don't drive anyway and passports are...a British one's off the cards entirely because I legally can't get the right info on it. Irish ones I can, but then there's a massive backlog of those (which I'm not surprised at) and I can't remember what I was told I'd have to do to get the info right on an Irish one either. Plus, backlog.

What I used to travel on, when I did the coach+ferry run, was one of our voter IDs. Not that English people recognise it but both sides of the Irish border it's recognised just fine. But with Brexit (I think I was last over in 2015) I don't know if that's an option anymore and I should probably do something about that because it expires July next year.