The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I offered Mourne some basil last night. He sniffed it once and then ran and hid in a tunnel, so I gave it to Bann, who practically inhaled it :)) which is nice, because Bann's so all over the place at the moment. Reminds me too much of how Cam's last few weeks were 😕
Nah, he's just...showing his age, I think. You have to put food right near him for him to realise it's there but his appetite in general is still strong. And then Mourne was eating Bann's hay through the bars again so I'd put down another clump of hay, turned my back and suddenly all I can hear is Mourne is going 100% on the rumble.

Turns out Bann saw me put the hay down, realised Mourne was thieving it, and ran over to push Mourne's nose up through the bars before sitting right in his new hay pile, to deny Mourne access.

Been a while since I've seen him shift like that, lol. He's clearly still got some bark to that silent bite.

(poor Mourne, lol)
Honestly I don't know. 4 or 5 at least, I think, he's been here 2½ years and was likely an adult when he arrived. But he's always been more robust than Cam ever was, so I'd kinda hoped, well. Y'know.

He gets a small handful of oats every couple of days. He apparently seems to be able to at least find those in the cage :))
I want the Snugglesafe out of Bann's cage to heat it up. Bann is having none of it. He just keeps glaring at me any time I try.

I know I could tip him off if needs be but yegads he's had an attitude to him recently and I absolutely love it. I've missed it so much ;)

Meanwhile, Mourne is bouncing around the cage chittering happily the entire time. I love these two, I really do.