The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I offered Mourne some basil last night. He sniffed it once and then ran and hid in a tunnel, so I gave it to Bann, who practically inhaled it :)) which is nice, because Bann's so all over the place at the moment. Reminds me too much of how Cam's last few weeks were 😕
Ah do you think Bann is still adjusting to changes ? 🥰
I love how much he loves his veggies 😂
Nah, he's just...showing his age, I think. You have to put food right near him for him to realise it's there but his appetite in general is still strong. And then Mourne was eating Bann's hay through the bars again so I'd put down another clump of hay, turned my back and suddenly all I can hear is Mourne is going 100% on the rumble.

Turns out Bann saw me put the hay down, realised Mourne was thieving it, and ran over to push Mourne's nose up through the bars before sitting right in his new hay pile, to deny Mourne access.

Been a while since I've seen him shift like that, lol. He's clearly still got some bark to that silent bite.

(poor Mourne, lol)
Honestly I don't know. 4 or 5 at least, I think, he's been here 2½ years and was likely an adult when he arrived. But he's always been more robust than Cam ever was, so I'd kinda hoped, well. Y'know.

He gets a small handful of oats every couple of days. He apparently seems to be able to at least find those in the cage :))
I want the Snugglesafe out of Bann's cage to heat it up. Bann is having none of it. He just keeps glaring at me any time I try.

I know I could tip him off if needs be but yegads he's had an attitude to him recently and I absolutely love it. I've missed it so much ;)

Meanwhile, Mourne is bouncing around the cage chittering happily the entire time. I love these two, I really do.
Next time Mourne goes in a carrier he gets less hay, lol. They had to dismantle the carrier to get him out...and he's absolutely fine. No idea what made him scream like that, his mouth and teeth look good, his lungs sound perfect, his eyes are clear, no problems down below. The only thing is he's got a missing patch of fur below his eye - it's tiny, and really hard to miss. I only saw it because I was checking his teeth and it took me a while to find it again when he was in getting seen, it's very well camouflaged. But it doesn't look like a skin issue, the fur is starting to grow back and there's no skin irritation. No signs of infection whether fungal, mites, lice etc, it looks more like it's been ripped out. I don't think it was a scuffle with Bann, I think it's been an accident at some stage but whether he's caught himself on something or it's been a misjudged nip through the bars, I don't know.

I'm annoyed at myself for missing it despite also knowing how hard it was to find even when I knew where it was. He's back home and I left him munching on some mint, though, I'm just glad he's good.
I'm glad you are home again and all is well. These piggies do keep us on our toes!

Don't they just!

Mourne actually weighs less than Bann does, somehow. It's not much, 1.0 vs 1.02kg, but I wasn't expecting that. He's not dehydrated and his coat is in excellent condition but his care was great even before he arrived here so I can't take full responsibility for that.
Are the two going to remain bar buddies?

Mine were recently separated because Stripe has a nasty ear infection that caused some temporary paralysis in his back legs and his cage mate took advantage and tried to take over. My vet recommended separating them because Stripe couldn't walk let alone defend himself.
I had planned on bonding at some point when the house was completely sorted but Bann's been...weird, I guess. There's no real signs that it wouldn't work, but Bann's breathing wasn't good and he was on the antibiotics and it's taken him a while to get himself back. He's getting there, though. The bonding is planned and if it doesn't work out they can stay as bar buddies.
Half the time Bann can't smell his food unless it's right in front of him. He thinks I'm not on to him, but I know full well he knows where the oats or the Readigrass are in the cage even if I've put them on the opposite side of the cage.

He's very good about taking his eye drops, and he knows the Metacam is coming afterwards. He was so excited about this tonight that as soon as the drops were in he tried climbing over my arm to reach the worktop and rubbed his eye (and drops) across my forearm. :roll:

Mourne has forgiven me for the vet visit though. He did seem a bit perplexed as to what I was doing, fussing around the front door for longer than he's ever known? Bann was unhappy because I was fussing around the front door and it was meds time.

I was fussing around the front door because my Tesco delivery turned up, lol.
Twice today I've come down the stairs thinking it's very quiet in the living room.

Twice I've walked off the stairs to realise it's quiet because Mourne is sleeping.

Twice I've realised he's not just sleeping, but curled up in the corner with his eyes closed and not even registering there's a human two feet away.
Bann has been livid at me all day because I stole all his furniture and told him I was cleaning out the cage imminently. Except I didn't because I was waiting for Royal Mail and that only came a few minutes ago. And I didn't steal his furniture. I took one bed (out of three) and even though it was his favourite bed I stole it because it was filthy. And I washed it.

In fact I stole more furniture from Mourne so I could wash it too. Mourne has spent the day being very confused about where all the furniture went, and it's furniture he didn't even use!

They've got fresh bedding for tonight that I'm not even having to wait to dry. So I'll clean them out in a bit, and then debate my future conversation with Bann about the appropriate behaviour with beds and Snugglesafes.
Life is never dull when it involves guinea pigs :D

Mourne hasn't shut up since he went back in. He keeps running (not zoomies) round the edges of the cage chatting whole stopping occasionally along the divider to shove his nose through the bars to see Bann.

Trying to get him out was fun too. At one point he leapt onto a bendy log tunnel to escape me at sat there for a minute trying to work out if he was happy with his position between the bridge and the roof of the cage.

Last I saw he was propping himself up against the same bridge to eat hay I'd forgotten to clean off the roof. He got a massive pile of hay in the cage before I even put him back in but oh no, roof hay = best hay. 🤷‍♂️
He's a menace to pick up, he's fast and he's slippery and he makes full use of both attributes. He also gives me a mini panic attack every time I pick him up because he's so much colder than Bann...except he's meant to be because skinnies are warm, lol.

I needed a drink after this one haha. And a change of clothes because his water bottle dribbled all over my back. Thanks Mourne. 🤨