The goblins are used to a pepper breakfast. I apparently had a bit too much to drink last night (woe is me) and they got some lettuce first. Cam doesn't like lettuce breakfast, I'm assuming because pepper breakfast is more substantial, so I got yelled at precisely an hour after the lettuce feed. I actually wondered if it was Bann having injured himself again til I poked my head through the doorway and Cam was bouncing.
So I get their peppers.
Bann goes to take his, freaks out, backs off.
Cam gets his and backs into the bed he's already in.
Bann rethinks, gets his pepper, and runs into the other doorway of that same bed.
Cue scuffles.
Bann exits the bed via the same doorway as before, minus his pepper.
On the bright (hah) side, I might be feeling rough, but Bann's been very bright all morning.