The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

🤞 but the "treats on a tray" trick seems to have snapped them out of it, at least for the last few hours. They're now sitting under both bendy log tunnels with the tray between them (probably having eaten all the good stuff from under the hay too but I'm not willing to check lol).

What are these two, that calm serenity is more suspicious than loud arguments? :))
For a week, the goblins have had orchard hay. For a week, Cam's been sceptical about the hay. Bann's excited for it, Cam seems unhappy. Is he ill? Is there something causing him pain?

Well I unintentionally ended up getting another box of hay delivered this morning, of timothy hay. I've just given them a handful. Cam's outright ignoring me because he's too busy with his head shoved right into the pile.

Yegads. Why, Cam. WHY.
Ach but he's a menace lol. He used to eat the orchard, I'm sure he did. No lettuce, no beans, no salad leaves, no kale, and now, no orchard hay.

I did have someone say that I should just keep feedimg the "other hay" but I've said to them before and I don't know how to keep saying it - it might work for cats and dogs, but it's not appropriate for guinea pigs. Is that really so hard to understand?!
I've never caught him doing it but I'm pretty sure he's the one responsible for poops being in the water bowl, considering his penchant for water bowl soup. He's 3 2½, I think. Apparently there's no growing up in his brain :))

Edit - and I can't count!
I'm too hot to do anything and I had to strip the bed. Putting new sheets back on felt like it was neverending torture. I do not cope well in hot weather lol.

Cam knows the fridge door sounds. It's blackmail. I've told him it's blackmail. Does he care? Does he ****.

Bann just keeps falling over asleep in the middle of a sunbeam. You could be forgiven for thinking he'd keeled over dead with the way he lies there but will he move? Will he shift himself to somewhere warmer?

Yes, as long as Cam's clamouring for food, because Bann likes food too.

It's all fun and games in the goblin household!
I mean I overslept sure but first fresh food of the day is at 9.30am and it was on time! I was sitting cross legged at right angles to the tent, but Cam climbing to use my knee as a perch came as a surprise though :)) neither of them would normally go beyond the flap.
Better to get it checked and find nothing than leave it. I'm sure he will thank you for it.... not!
It's a safe bet I'll walk in there tomorrow and be like "well it definitely wasn't right yesterday!" lol. But when I saw it he was deliberately hiding away and even food couldn't coax him out (but Readigrass could ofc). Now his eye looks clear and he's busy jumping straight into the new hay pile, so I wasn't imagining it. Something was off.
Also, aside from the usual "Oh, Bann" stuff, the goblins have done something to the tent and I don't know what. I can smell it downstairs buuuut it's not the awful testosterone laden pee and/or scent marking. It's almost...woody. And weirdly enough I like it.

(wtf is wrong with me?!)

And Cam tried to walk, stretch and chitter all at once earlier. I only noticed because his chittering sounded off. :cool: full points for effort though because he almost pulled it off. Almost.