The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

So far today I've dealt with arguments over who gets the lettuce and who gets the rocket, who gets which bit of lettuce and who gets which bit of rocket, Cam standing on Bann's head, Bann headbutting Cam out of the way, Cam trying to pin Bann into a hidey (and forgetting there's another entrance), and Bann attempting to gnaw my fingers off. Again.

Get guinea pigs, people say. They're great easy pets, people say. 🤨
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"Lads you got a handful of bagged salad 10 minutes ago and while I had to go downstairs for another drink AND to shut up the smoke alarm, I have not forgotten it's been ten minutes."

Cue the yelling. He does it on purpose, I just know it.

Also it's the downstairs smoke alarm that keeps chirping. There's no fire, nor any sign of one, so I'm guessing it's the battery. Sigh. I've had to put the upstairs one back, which means it's back to needing to close the study door and run a fan when I'm there. And to get a broom so I can switch it off when it inevitably flips its lid.

And then I ate too many grapes and hiccoughed trying to take a drink. It's been a fun afternoon 😎
Bann got a grape, promptly dropped it, and bodychecked Cam out of the way when Cam came over for his own grape. However, Bann wasn't trying to get at the grape I still held nor was he trying to stop Cam reaching me, not at all. Bann was looking for his own grape (y'know, the one he dropped at his feet) and didn't want myself or Cam getting in the way :doh:
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I went to put some recycling out just in time for two gulls to turn up on the church roof making themselves known, loudly (ah, gulls). As I'm laughing at this from my place of safety I watched a crow literally walk itself backwards down the church roof to escape the crazy birds it was sharing its roof with.

Then came back inside and gave the goblins some coriander, and watched Cam run round half the cage just to position himself in front of the main doorway to Bann's current bed.

You'll never convince me he doesn't do it on purpose.
Also lol I just went in to switch their light on and they both had their back to me gnawing on the carrot cottage. So I shrugged, flicked the switch and suddenly Bann realised I was in the room. Because some buck eejit did the electrics I have to physically enter the room to reach the switch. Poor lad was not blessed with brains, lol.

He got down on all fours and stared at me like "Why, me? Nope no sirree not me!" with Cam back at it like "It's just the Human, stop slacking!"

I made a mistake at 9am this morning and I popped my head into the bedroom to see how the goblins were. Cam, unfortunately, was awake, saw me, and bounced over to the cage corner "Hi! Breakfast? Breakfast?!“ like no that's in two hours but he was wheeking happily in anticipation.

And suddenly it's joined by another wheek, thus one louder, shriller, and considerably less impressed about breakfast because you remember I said Cam bounced to the cage corner? Well there is a bed there. Bann was in it. Bann got woken up by Cam jumping on the roof of his bed.

And just to assure Miss Bramble, they did get fed breakfast at the appropriate time - a nice juicy red bell pepper between them. Camowen is not no matter how much he claims otherwise.
Just checking in to say I hope the boys are fine! Not sure if I’m remembered but I rescued and rehomed these boys to you! :) was thinking about them so thought to find you.

Hi! They're absolute characters. They won't eat meadow hay, but they love almost every food I've tried them with (aside from asparagus, which I believe you'd said they never liked. Bann picked up an asparagus stalk thinking it was a bean once and clearly regretted it lol).

I wish I could condense their mishaps from the past couple of years to explain but it'd be impossible, everyday there's some new mischief and shenanigans going on. Thank you for letting me take them in.
Just checking in to say I hope the boys are fine! Not sure if I’m remembered but I rescued and rehomed these boys to you! :) was thinking about them so thought to find you.
Hope you are doing well. I picked up the boys from you and brought them North. They have a fabulous home and are truly spoiled. Glad you are still around on the forum. 😀😀
Cam is miffed at me because I don't control the weather. Yeah, you read that right. Thunder, lightning, torrential rain, hailstones, and what does he do? Yell louder to match the weather because I can't be allowed to get away with this and his displeasure must be known.

It's been a long day :xd:
So occasionally, my hip demands I lie down so I can be in less pain. Fine. So I'll lie down.

And then I'll hear this single, polite, inquisitive wheek, and I'll turn round, and Cam will be standing at the bars on all fours (zero urgency, which is itself weird) just waiting for whatever foodstuff I have at the time. It's the only time there's no frantic "heyheyheyI'mherefeedmestarvingwastingawayfeedme" trying to shove himself through the bars or standing on Bann's head that he usually does, nor does Bann get out of bed. It's just Cam. A quiet, reserved, easy going Cam.

This is how horror movies start, isn't it?
So occasionally, my hip demands I lie down so I can be in less pain. Fine. So I'll lie down.

And then I'll hear this single, polite, inquisitive wheek, and I'll turn round, and Cam will be standing at the bars on all fours (zero urgency, which is itself weird) just waiting for whatever foodstuff I have at the time. It's the only time there's no frantic "heyheyheyI'mherefeedmestarvingwastingawayfeedme" trying to shove himself through the bars or standing on Bann's head that he usually does, nor does Bann get out of bed. It's just Cam. A quiet, reserved, easy going Cam.

This is how horror movies start, isn't it?
The lull before the storm
So, Bann has always been a bit of a dolt. I mean I love him to bits but there's very little between his ears, y'know? And he's always had a bit of a complaint shriek going on, you'd be forgiven for thinking he's being tortured or murdered listening to him.

For a while it was a bit worrying because it's not nice to hear, but at this point I figure it's just how he is. He was doing it last night, stopped when I went to check it out, then every time I said his name, so maybe 4 times, he replied to me in that same upset complaint wheek. Cam's probably responsible for winding him up again.

And then this morning it was incessant, but I knew Cam had been at it again so I went in to offer him a pea flake in commiseration and he ran at me, grabbed the pea flake, and then...zoomies. Three times. He'd come over for the flake, snatch it like the little bitey shark he is, and then run off and do zoomies.


I have never seen Bann do the zoomies thing before.

I was right, this is definitely how horror movies start.
I've been trying to drink less sugar, since that's something like 80% of my daily calorie count. Since the water is vile, I figured swapping to a sugar free Cola is the way forward. I'm not a massive fan of the taste of artificial sweeteners but I find they taste better when they're not mixed with sugar and I don't like stevia at all so that's most store brand stuff out. Pepsi Max tastes better than Coke Zero so it was an easy decision.

Since this started BTW I've twice woken up with my brain going "LOW BLOOD SUGAR ALERT ALERT FIX IT NOW" which is why I was eating jelly babies and knocking a can of Coke into me at 6am yesterday. Who'd have thought swapping every other can out could cause so much havoc?

I just wanted to rant about that one, sorry lol. But. Coke's cans always come in a cardboard sleeve or box, right? So this was annoying me slightly because Pepsi does not, it still uses a plastic wrap...with a cardboard tray. Yes, Cam has a tray again! He's loving it. He's less loving Bann perching on it while he's underneath it but considering how many times he's done the same thing to Bann in bed recently I'm not particularly inclined to intervene haha.
Mealtimes (aka Chaotica)

Cam's there first, gets celery, drops it, insists I must have something better. Nope.

Can finally takes celery as Bann runs over because how dare I feed Cam first. Bann arrives, then stands there. I go to move my hand away and he follows it with the unsaid message "don't you bloody dare!" His mouth is full. He can't grab celery til he's finished chewing hay.

He finally takes his piece right as Cam's finished his mouthful but his celery ran away. It actually didn't, it's at his feet, but in his brain, it's missing. You know what isn't missing? Whatever Bann's chewing on!

Special mention goes to Bann doing the same with his pellets last night, and them both getting parsley yesterday and backing away so That Other One can't steal it. Except the angles they were standing at, they backed into each other bum first. 🤨