The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

My phrasing it as a mini baby pepper probably didn't help, lol, but it was the smallest one in the bag. I doubt giving them pepper is going to continue to cause Cam problems, I know it's salad stuffs that sets him off. But still, y'know?

Babybel would be nice though, I wouldn't say no!
I've tried explaining to Cam that holding the Human hostage by threatening to upset the neighbours is not an appropriate way to deal with upset. He looks at me like he didn't hear my part of the conversation with the DWP on Tuesday, AND what I was saying afterwards.

He's got a point and I don't like it, lol.

If I'm upstairs and the TV is paused for long enough, he expects me to appear and yells regardless. He yells if I'm on the stairs. He yells if I'm downstairs. He yells if I'm trying to sort out the washing machine. And then he yells some more.

The goblins aren't big drinkers unless their fresh food is restricted, because they get enough water otherwise. And this is fine. They still get their fresh water daily. Unless they're not getting veggies, where they'll drink it dry and absolutely trash it in the process.

I do not deserve this, I swear!
I was in the middle of a very important phone call to the DWP, and I had to go downstairs to read their own paperwork back to them and I had to cut myself off mid sentence to say "No, don't you start, I'm on the phone stop yelling at me" :))
All day, there's been arguments over a fabric tunnel. Cam claimed it several days back and has refused to give up his claim to it, but Bann wants it, which means I've spent all day listening to demonic screaming and having to ask Bann to stop winding him up. I know who's who.

Just went downstairs to give them pepper and it appears they compromised because both were in the tunnel. 🤷‍♂️
Sounds like you need a second identical tunnel. :cool:

They had two, and then one of them ate a bunch of the external fabric and leaving exposed wadding. I don't know which of them did it but I'm guessing it was the same one responsible for doing the same thing to a cuddle cup not long before.

It's the sort of tantrum Cam would relish, but it's Bann that likes to eat things, so... 🤷‍♂️
Bann doesn't like the Zip, because the Zip means Hands, so he'll get his food, I'll zip up the Zip, and he flees across the cage minus whatever food I just gave him. Every meal. 🤨

Cam doesn't mind the Zip where food's involved. Quelle surprise.
Don’t know if related but do pigs care if your fingers smell like cigarette butts? I quit for a long time but recently started again. Is smoke smell bad for them? I smoke outside not indoors anywhere near them.
Nah, Bann's just easily startled. The smell isn't bad for them as such, the smoke is obviously but the smell's just the smell. Obviously the better option would be to quit but I know it's not that easy and if you're going to smoke then smoking outside is what matters.
I was in the habit of always washing my hands after a cigarette anyway. Hubby doesn't and the piggies don't seem to care.
I smoke too and they still take their veg from me. Never even notice. I smoke outside, too.
Trying to feed Bann is occasionally what you might call interesting. He still hates the Zip but now his preference is to get his food and skeddaddle. But he'll still come to me for his food.

Yesterday evening it was coriander that he sniffed at suspiciously, had a momentary but obvious pause, then apparently 🤷‍♂️ and the teeth came out. Thankfully he actually got the coriander and not my finger but I promise, it was close.

Then last night he finally decided to stop freaking out at being offered pellets in an opened palm and almost knocked Cam right over in the process.

Finally this morning was baby pepper breakfast. The sides of the tent aren't solid and they'll dip when a goblin stands on them. He managed to perch on it in such a way that he could get maximum reach with his head outside the tent without falling over (Outside is scary) and then once he had his he stepped back. But for all the great work he put into the first half of his plan, he stepped back in such a way that he was inside and his pepper was still outside. The moment he stopped biting to chew I had a pepper that fell into my hand and then I think he thought I stole it from him. Sheesh.

Also I went for a snack at 1am and Cam was staring at me when I switched the light on, and my eejit self said "Hi, you good?" I talked to Cam. Cam got excited because the Human spoke. Just what I need in my living room at 1am and then he set Bann off as well. Sorry, neighbours.
I'm not 100% sold on really even mentioning this yet because there's a chance I'll get a week in, say "nope", and go right back to rolling cigarettes.

The recent weather and having to go outside hasn't helped, but it's not actually the issue. Two things I've been (repeatedly) reminded about the gender reassignment surgery is that I need to lose weight and quit smoking. Losing weight's enough of a pain because I'm not this fat just because I eat too much, lol. But smoking isn't a case of me saying I'm just gonna stop, and doing it. Been on that road, it's never worked before.

There's apparently been a change in how some e-liquids have been manufactured, with a newer process, that apparently makes it easier to transition from smoking, because that was at least 30% of my issue last time. So I've ordered the e-cig, ordered the liquids, and then...I see how I go? I'm doing this specifically with the surgery in mind. No date yet but if I want it at some point I need to put the work in. Here goes nothing.
Hypnotherapy worked for me, good luck, never quit quitting!
The goblins have me confused, because they've taken to huddling together to sleep - at least that's how it looks. It's not what I'd call normal behaviour for them at all.

Now. I can find nothing wrong. Appetites are normal, food intake looks normal, there's nothing I can find that's physically "off" so for now I'm excluding illness.

They're deliberately avoiding beds for this, and any sort of hidey. That includes tunnels. They're also not doing it in the half of the tent covered by fleece, it's only ever in the "open" part. So I'm ruling out fear too, if they're avoiding being in cover in general. I'm not convinced they understand there's a roof on the tent.

Fluid intake is also normal.

I'm baffled. It's like they've finally decided to get along with each other and I'm suspicious because they're Goblins, and that is not goblin behaviour. Something's up! They've been better this afternoon though, I dropped a tray of forage covered with hay in there and apparently they're enjoying it, I can hear the chewing from my bedroom lol