The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Thats an amazing hay mountain. I thought Hamish’s was impressive when
I cleaned him out yesterday, but I think the goblins win!

It's been cold again recently, and I have ~15kg of hay here. It's a good insulator so I figured it couldn't hurt to just toss a load of it in.

It's going to be a pain to get into rubbish bags though. Holes galore!
The next time a newbie posts about wasting hay or enrichment just post that picture.......😁
It's not much of a defence, but my Happy Hay order is on subscription and I haven't actually logged in since the PC died because it's been awkward. I have a lot of free hay atm :))
When Bann sees me aim to step into the cage, he bolts for cover. They've got a nice big cage.

When Cam sees me in the cage and he's in bed, he stays there. If he sees me in the cage and he's not in bed there's a 95% chance I'll be playing Chicken trying to get the Snugglesafes out. Why is he like this. WHY. :flag:

Edit: oh he's in rare form tonight. The very second I left the cage he came bounding up, and it's routine - I put the Snugglesafes in, I leave and sit on the mattress and get the pellets out. I offered him a pellet. He didn't want it. He kept going for my other finger, like it was apparently coated in something tasty. I finally got him to acknowledge the pellet, he disregarded it. Came back and took the tiniest bite ever and left it in my hand. He then apparently realised Bann was coming over and decided fine, screw you, I'll take your pellets and then sat in the cage, back to me, in one of the clearest examples of displeasure ice ever seen from him.

🤨 🤷‍♂️
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I went downstairs, sliced up a celery stick for the goblins, grabbed myself a can, have the goblins their celery. They didn't want celery. Cam stated at me confused and Bann immediately dumped his, and I realised he was sniffing at the fingers on my right hand. I suspect if he'd been offered celery from my left hand this wouldn't be a problem but he sniffed all over my fingers then went for one. Once bitten twice shy, I was faster but then out of curiosity I offered my hand back. I was right, this wasn't just him trying his luck.

I brought the celery up in my left hand and the can in my right but while I was downstairs I'd gone back to get some midget gems in my right, free hand.

Midget gems > celery.
I went downstairs, sliced up a celery stick for the goblins, grabbed myself a can, have the goblins their celery. They didn't want celery. Cam stated at me confused and Bann immediately dumped his, and I realised he was sniffing at the fingers on my right hand. I suspect if he'd been offered celery from my left hand this wouldn't be a problem but he sniffed all over my fingers then went for one. Once bitten twice shy, I was faster but then out of curiosity I offered my hand back. I was right, this wasn't just him trying his luck.

I brought the celery up in my left hand and the can in my right but while I was downstairs I'd gone back to get some midget gems in my right, free hand.

Midget gems > celery.
Sugar junkies!
I've never known him get like this before, but Tesco's own brand are actually pretty good midget gems.
The goblins get their pellets scattered - literally using the same sort of gentle sideways toss you'd use scattering seed. Bann, in typical Bann fashion, managed to run into the line of fire as soon as it was too late to stop.

He get pinged, stopped, started sniffing out the food, paused, and it was like he realised he was supposed to pretend to be upset and hurt and all because he then ran to sit underneath some paper and glare at me like I was the worst human ever. 🤨. You're supposed to play the Sympathy Card at the beginning you daft eejit, not 5 minutes later!
I'm glad it's not just these two. Honestly I'm at the point where it's a given at least one of them gets pinged with food at some point in the day. But do they learn?

I'm still getting glared at btw, but I think it's because I wasn't sympathetic enough to his plight so instead I get glared at while he wrecks a hay cookie.
Shenanigans afoot. I can think of no other reason for them both to be hogging the corner near the radiator, but not toppling the water bowl, and nonchalantly eating hay and staring at me like 🤷‍♂️

Also I finally paused the hay subscription. Except I did it when the previous box is unopened and I'm still on the hay from the box before that again.

I have no idea where I'm supposed to put this next box but I've nobody to blame but myself lol.