Anniversary Herd
Will they be invoking the services of the GPU?
Dear George and Boris
I understand that you have had to endure the indignity of bum baths today. How dare your Slave put you through such trauma! I hope you let her know that you were not happy with this treatment! The fact she is now laughing at your lovely floofy trousers is a complete travesty! No wonder she is on the Naughty List for life.
Next time your Slave says that it's bum bath time, run away from her as quickly as possible and try not to let her pick you up. Nip her if you want to (the GPU doesn't condone nipping but does understand that in certain circumstances it is a necessity). If your Slave does manage to pick you up wheak very loudly as if you are being murdered and wriggle like mad so she is under no illusions that you are not happy.
Yours feeling your pain
Miss Bramble
Shop Steward