TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

gizmo again look what i caught slave doing wondered what the noise was about :) wheek wheek!

Hey Gizmo whee think your slave looks like a nice person :)

Velvet and Onyx xoxoxoxo
Here's Me, and my Partner (The slaves behind, Trixie & Amber) :)


Aaran & Catherine
Finally i have got around to posting a picture of me...

I couldn't really find one so here is me and my favourite past time...nomming on some food at a lovely resturant after graduation :)):)):))

Awww Lindsay you look lovely! Hehe i think munching is my favourite past time too haha!

and Shelley i love your hair! :))

I think its lovely seeing the person behind the name...i always end up looking at the avatar pic and start to think I'm talking to a guinea pig.....hehhe
Awww Lindsay you look lovely! Hehe i think munching is my favourite past time too haha!

and Shelley i love your hair! :))

Aww thanks Laura :red


I think its lovely seeing the person behind the name...i always end up looking at the avatar pic and start to think I'm talking to a guinea pig.....hehhe

That's so true! I always think i'm talking to piggles, haha :))

Sometimes I think my name is Alan or Barry hehe x

Hehe :)):))
This is a less than attractive pic of me, being Pochantas for National Book Day and apparently I am about to remove my sons brain :)

Well it's been 3 years since I posted in this thread! I've gotten older and uglier since then so thought I'd stick a recent pic in :)) This is me!


Emma xx
When are you going to realise you're an absolutely honey pie girl? x)x)
You have an adoring fiance (who's gorg) and then little sweeties who adore you too................ and then there's your family and friends!
EMMA you're boooooooootiful xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
oh yeah and i've seen you go thru a few hair colour changes too :) and i still think you're booooooooootiful x)x)x)x)

EDIT.........them thinks she's old................arghhhhhhhhhhh what am i ? eeeeeeeeek ! i'm an ancient! ooooooh maybe i am HAHAHAHAHA
Aw thank you Glynis! You're so lovely! Haha I have had some drastic hair changes over the years! Had a bit of a hair nightmare since this picture actually and my hair is now white blonde with yellowish bits! Hopefully it will calm down over the next few weeks lol! x