TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

My best impression of a bridal catalogue...

Suzanne at Small Paws will vouch for the fact I don't always look so groomed :(|)

I can't remember if I did this before.... but here's me and a sneaky peak of my favourite tattoo :)


I've got brown hair now though I'm missing the red :))

I love the plane!

Right this is the only half decent pic of me I could find, I always hide from a camera.

This is a bit of a horrible pic of me lol I have been ill for the lasy year so always look a bit washed out and big bags under my eyes lol

You look fine Mandyp, your hair is a pretty color.

I don't have ant pics of me right now. I always look terrible in photos anyway :)) I have bushy eyebrows and messy hair :))
This is me at my my wellies, super cosy coat, covered in mud, in the middle of Dartmoor! With my Nan's two dogs, Cody the collie and Amber the German Shepherd :)
The hair is because of the wind...we were very high up near the Dewerstone, dartmoor :) 300 metres above sea level, to be precise!

Hi! You all have really nice pictures!

As you can see in my pic (shown a few posts above) I really have no life :)) It's all musical instrument practice and guinea pigs! :))