TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery


k so.. give me your hair?!
It is awesomeee!


Best regards,
Isabella, Tallulah, Penelope & Lily.
ekhem, here's me:


I'm told I don't smile properly... that's the best I can do lmao

I look quite young there, but it's a recent piccy I swear! (I'm 19 - turning 20 tomorrow!) :)
*Runs and hides* lol You all look very nice by the way, forgot to say! xx
And here is a pic of my girls and me last month at a school presentation eve.

Err, I can't see how to attach an image. I read the AQ and there should be a button labelled "manage attachments" but it doesn't appear here?!? strange... Maybe that's the forums way of saying I'm too ugly to post a piccy LOL!
Err, I can't see how to attach an image. I read the AQ and there should be a button labelled "manage attachments" but it doesn't appear here?!? strange... Maybe that's the forums way of saying I'm too ugly to post a piccy LOL!

Lol of course not! I think you have to put your photo on photobucket. That is what I did anyway.
Wow everyone is so beautiful here :)

This is me in Cyprus this year, after cleaning out my boyfriends sisters terrapin and feeling very sick (I was later sick all over my boyfriends mums front yard - oopsies):

Oooh thank you :) It was a beach dress that I still adore, although I can't wear it in England, I would get some stares :))