TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Me! Enjoying Birthday cake with my friends! :))


I loves me some caaaaake
Who wants to see a picture of Lucinda?

You can now finally put a face to this wonderful lady! :)


I am so sorry about how long it has taken for me to do this. Been having probs with my comp so just come over to my mums and used her scanner :) I will post you back the picture tomorrow!

oooooooh redhead ;)
god that cake looks yummy! drool

My brothers girlfriend made it. It was chocolate cake, with chocolate butter icing, with chocolate topping, covered in white and milk chocolate maltesers and a few Rolos. It was quite literally...Death by chocolate drool
My brothers girlfriend made it. It was chocolate cake, with chocolate butter icing, with chocolate topping, covered in white and milk chocolate maltesers and a few Rolos. It was quite literally...Death by chocolate drool

Ooooh, I love chocolate so much! drool Now I want to go make my own chocolate cake! :))
(Relatively) Up to date pictures of me :)


Me and my tortoise friend !

And finally, me and my boyfriend Kev, taken today on Brighton pier :))
hi this is Gizmo i just thought i would post a quick picture of my slaves this is my slave Vinnie and his girlfriend Emma
Dec '09 our holiday in Broome, Western Australia (excuse hair the humidity in Broome is nearly 100% rolleyes)


Taken on my iPhone on weekend at the footy (AFL i barrack for Essendon hence the red and black theme!)

Thought I'd jump on the bangwaggon... I don't really DO pictures so this will do...

This is Luna and I :) x)


*Ello* :) *WAVES* :(|)