TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

The sad thing is a few years ago Si is the type of man i would have went for...... oh am so glad i've changed. hahaha (only kidding, still lovely) x
you mean you once managed to find someone else as debonair charismatic & good looking. I thought i was a one off ;) lol

My dad has really long eye lashes as well - thankfully I inherited them! I've always wanted to put make-up on him... but he won't let me (who can blame him really?) ;D ;D ;D
Si, there are many me out there just like you, unfortunately on of them is my first born's father. haha.

How come men have long eyelashes, its just a waste. Lucky enough though both my daughters have long eyelashes.
Well heres my ugly mug

I'm new to the forums but already got into the swing of things, so I'm sure you'll see plenty of me!

Here I am, on the left (the other girl on the right is my very lovely Chinese friend from London who I miss terribly)

I'll post some of my piggies Moop and Spook when they stop being so camera shy!


Vicky xx
oooh Lez I want a lip piercing, I've got loads of my ears but I was wondering about the lip! My boyfriend had one ages ago, and he's told me (in no uncertain terms) to not get a piercing there. However, he also told me not to get any animals. Muhahaha, I have 3. He does love them though! xx
Also thank you for your comment Clare...I tend to be smiley, but like everyone I have my moments ;) thankfully the piggies keep me happy!

ziggyzebra said:
oooh Lez I want a lip piercing, I've got loads of my ears but I was wondering about the lip! My boyfriend had one ages ago, and he's told me (in no uncertain terms) to not get a piercing there. However, he also told me not to get any animals. Muhahaha, I have 3. He does love them though! xx

when you first have it done its a pain to eat! i used to accidently bite on the back of the bar which really hurt, but you get used to it after a while.

i wanted to wear a lip rig, but i cant get on with them. i struggle to eat with them!
i got my lip done at the top a madonna, i like it but the bar thing scratches against my gum :(
I've wanted my tounge pieced for a while now but I'm such a wimp i keep putting it off, i moan so much if i just bite my tounge accidently so maybe its not such a good idea
Nikki said:
I've wanted my tounge pieced for a while now but I'm such a wimp i keep putting it off, i moan so much if i just bite my tounge accidently so maybe its not such a good idea

i cant get my tongue done as the skin thing on the bottom joins to far or something, but i really want it done :( best diet i can think off
my step daughter half sister, my step daughter and me. I am hoping to get my hair chopped on Tuesday.
HonkeysMummy said:
my step daughter half sister, my step daughter and me. I am hoping to get my hair chopped on Tuesday.

I had to read that a few times till i understood it. My head is all over the place just now. Nooo dont chop the hair its a nice length. xx

Go Habs Go!

I just got my hair dyed to golden blond today and she straightened it too. It looks so much better than when I do it lol

Oh and dont mind my chubby stomach... I've already gained so much weight its crazy (and I was checking this pregnancy website and according to my previous height/weight ratio, I'm supposed to gain 40 lbs by 9 months :o )
Don't listen to the websites hun, said almost the same thing and everytime I went to the doc I had LOST weight.. I only gained 10lbs and had a 8lbs 8ounce baby :smitten:
well when i was preg with my George i started off a size 10/12 but ended up buying size 18 maternity clothes for the last 3 weeks, so dont you worry about the weight hun - George only turned out to be 6lb 12 oz at 38 weeks - and i was a whale!

When I had my son, I went in hospital in size 10 jeans and came out in size 10 jeans, I was in labour for 1 hour and 25 minutes and I went into shock, he was 3 weeks early and weighed 6lb 4 oz, 22 years ago, now 22 years later I am a size 20+ and look pregnant but I am not.
As long as the baby is healthy and you are not feeling ill, do not worry all babies and pregnancy's are different. Good luck.