TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

rachx said:
great i've been nosing through your pictures, and you are all so pretty, i cant follow that, I'm an ugly girl at 13... oh great


If you saw a picture of me you would either laugh or cry cos I'm so UGLY!

aww, dont be daft, sweetie :) Nobody really likes their photos taken anyway! All you girlies are gorgeous!
i like my photos being take, i do crazy poses!
i see what i look like, but i dont care cause its funny taking them ;D
yeah you are, it mkes me feel ugly to follow that but oh well, some pictures i just took, I'm so ugly, :'(

Do you think blond streaks would suit me?

some ones of me when i was young i liked me then, i was sweet and little!

I'm the one on the right!

This is me and my sister I'm the one on the left

me in a wetsuit

me laughing

me in the summer a few years ago

Me now ugmo!! UGLY :'(
sorry about the quality cos i took it just now on my webcam which isnt very good!




me and Bubbles!




Sorry for inflicting you with the ugly girl!
You have got to be kidding me, your beautiful :-* Love your earlier piccies of you :-* :-* the webcam does you no justice at all, need to have a better one of you and Bubbles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
yeh i know, but i cant take a picture of myself with the digital camera and I'm alone in the house i will try to get some better ones

I am angry with my parents, they gave me a big nose! :tickedoff:
Don't be angry love, i've given my kids my 'bad' features too, but you know what, they're not really bad, it's just we see other people and think we'd like to be like them. We should learn to love ourselves first :smitten:
we'll wait, looking forward to seeing you and Bubbles in a clearer piccie :smitten: :smitten:
maybe both bubbles and biscuits, i think i have some of when i first got bubbles and she fell asleep on my stomach! sweet, she goes crazy for my brown school uniform!
Sorry for inflicting you with the ugly girl!
your being stupid rachx because you are not ugly.  >:( if any idiot said you are i tell you ill go crazy at them!  :tickedoff: your hair is a gawgus colour and you have a really pretty face, and I'm not saying that too be nice, its true,  O0 and if you were that down about your apperance, you wouldnt have took so many pictures of yourself espcially the tounge pose, its a fav! i use it too!
People say they're ugly cause they're down or because they dont want to seem full of themselves, i think people should admit they're pretty, louds of people tell me I'm pretty, but i dont believe them cause all i see is the bad points and it used to make me cry, stop seeing the bad points in yourself. everyone has something, some girls with their nose, shape, lips, eyes whatever! its easy to just look at the mirror and pick out bad points in yourself, but try looking in the mirror and picking out good points. trust me  ;)
thanks so much I'm realy happy now! :'( :) I'm crying co sim happy, no one has told me i was pretty before, Thanks... i do like my eyes, you cant see it in the pictures but they are a sea blue colour, thanks baby-wilson, I'm getting blond streaks done in the next half term, do you think a fringe would suit me? or just shorter at the front, sorry....for asking its just cos my friends dont seem to care...

i have got more


spot me, holiday in paris two years ago!

i made it for a christmas party in year 6! ;D
You're all really pretty so stop saying you're not :) (although it feels weird to type it as it's often said to me as I hate the way I look).
its just how i hink about myself, i focus on the bad things about myself!
Rachx I'm being serious you are pretty, you wont think it now but you will later.
its just a stage your going through, i went through it too, and michellemuffin helped me out.
I'm 13 aswell, and I'm not boasting but I'm happy to be who i am. i like the way i look, dress and speak.
like i said pick out good things about you, and admire yourself for them, your not big headed for doing that.
you are pretty, serisously! i bet louds of lads check you out in the street ;) ((not trying to sound lez))
and like i said CAKE!
I wish i had guinea pigs and then i would smile more! :)

Everyone else post their pictures, i will curl my hair and take my picture, later on of course!

And Nat you dont sound lez dont worry, i've said lots of people look pretty and I'm not lez...
;D natnat! lol

Yer your really pretty! I used to hate my looks but now i really dont care what others think of me! I am me and I'm not going to change forthem :)
I agree with Kelly! Smiling lights up your face :)
natnat what is up with you and cake?

cavy you look very pretty!

When i said i have called lots of people pretty i also mean my friends brother, he dressed up as a girl and we were in fits of laughter, hes 5!
I like cake, have you seen the cake in that picture? it is to die for!
rachx said:
i have got more


Cavy you are pretty too
it was yummy as well mmmmmmmmm

I'll send you one at christmas lol ;D
What lovelly photos of everyone!
Here go mine.........

Me (just pretend the bra in the background's not there!) ha ha ;D


My other 2 babies;

Ella (age 7) practicing Taekwondo :smitten:


Jack (age 4) showing his class's 'Bertie bear' how to brush his teeth! :smitten:


Niki x
NikiG said:
Me (just pretend the bra in the background's not there!) ha ha ;D
i didnt actually notice it til you told me lol ;D
you are pretty. and jack is really cute! :smitten:
Thanks Nat Nat, he looks like butter wouldn't melt but he's really a little >:D! ;D
Niki x
NikiG said:
What lovelly photos of everyone!
Here go mine.........

Me (just pretend the bra in the background's not there!) ha ha ;D


Hehe I didnt even notice that before you mentioned ;D